Submit vacancies to the Arbetsförmedlingen Platsbanken (Swedish employment agency job centre).
This module provides an interface for generating an appropriate XML document for submission to the Arbetsförmedlingen Platsbanken API.
It does not perform the submission or handle responses. See ./example/example.js
npm install --save @othermachines/platsbanken-vacancy
npm test: mocha
npm run build: babel src --out-dir build --source-maps
npm run watch: babel src --out-dir build --source-maps --watch
npm prepare: npm run build
This module was developed against node v8.1.2.
- joi
- source-map-support
- xml
const vacancy = require('@othermachines/platsbanken-vacancy');
const request = vacancy();
try {
id: '12345678',
email: '[email protected]',
id: '46-123456-1234-123-123',
status: 'active',
name: 'Company Name',
id: '46-123456-1234'
url: '',
description: 'Organizational unit description',
countryCode: 'SE',
postalCode: '11356',
municipality: '0180',
addressLine: 'Birger Jarlsgatan 58, 11356, Stockholm',
streetName: 'Birger Jarlsgatan 58',
startDate: '2018-09-01',
endDate: '2018-12-01',
recruiterName: 'Alex Smith',
recruiterEmail: '[email protected]',
title: 'Job Title',
purpose: 'Job purpose',
countryCode: 'SE',
postalCode: '11356',
municipality: '0180',
addressLine: 'Birger Jarlsgatan 58, 11356, Stockholm',
streetName: 'Birger Jarlsgatan 58',
scheduleType: 'part',
duration: 'temporary',
scheduleSummaryText: 'Schedule Summary',
durationSummaryText: 'Duration Summary',
termLength: 2,
currency: 'SEK',
salaryType: 1,
benefits: 'Benefits',
summary: 'summary text',
summary: 'Summary of qualifications',
type: 'license',
description: 'DriversLicense',
category: 'B',
type: 'experience',
required: true,
type: 'equipment',
description: 'Car',
summary: 'Preferred qualifications',
// applicationMethods() not neccessary, will be called by byWeb()
// or byEmail(), included for clarity
url: '',
email: '[email protected]',
number: 1,
description: 'Hiring org description',
code: 7652,
} catch (err) {
if (err.isJoi) {
const xmlString = request.toString();
There are three scripts in the examples directory:
- minimal.js: demonstrate creation of XML for adding a new vacancy. Minimal fluff, start here.
- example.js: full fat demo, including adding, updating, and deleting vacancies. See comments at top of script for more detail.
- apiTest.js: executes tests required by Arbetsförmedling to use API.*
* Note that currently the API is returning an error for test #7 (add vacancy outside of Sweden), apparently on the address.
The script uses config to set organisation-specfic information (company name, customer number, organisation number). If you just want to see what the final XML looks like, you don't need to fill those in (but you do need to create the configuration file):
cd example/config/
cp default.sample.json default.json
node example.js --create --xml
You can output the JSON object that is used to create the XML:
node example.js --json
You can use example.js to submit a test request. The API will return an error unless valid values have been set in your config file:
node example.js --create --submit
You can set NODE_ENV to "production" if you want to submit to the live API.
Errors may be returned with HTTP status 202 or 400.
202 is returned with errors that appear to have been generated at the application level, e.g., from invalid values such as non-existent postal codes. Just because you got a 2xx response back doesn't mean the post was successful, check your response error code! (See example.js).
400 seems to usually be errors when validating against XSDs, although it will also be returned if you have an invalid customer number.
The JPPExtension element requires that children occur in a specific order. If you receive an error similar to:
The element 'JPPExtension' in namespace
'' has
invalid child element 'ApplicationReferenceID' in
''. List
of possible elements expected:
'LastDateApplication, ApplicationReferenceId,
RequiredQualification, PreferredQualification' in
check the order in which you are adding elements. Method calls must be in this order, though only occupationGroup() is required:
description: 'Hiring org description',
name: 'Contact Name',
phone: '555.555.5555',
email: '[email protected]',
code: 7652,
id: 'ABC123',
(Note that this appears to apply to other tag sets as well - the XSDs make liberal use of sequence - but this was the first time it bit me.)
There are two places where a description of the organization can be added. These are:
added via the hiringOrg({name, id, url, description})
method, and
added via the hiringOrgDescription({ description })
Neither is required, and the documentation is unclear on the difference. Best guess until I try this out is that they appear in a different order in the job ad.
Development of this module was made possible by Internationella Engelska Skolan.
@buren's ruby gem for creating submissions was an invaluable resource. Also see that github page for additional resources, including links to a Postman collection for querying the Arbetsförmedlingen taxonomy service and data from that service in CSV format.
Pull requests are welcome!
Methods implement a tag, or set of tags if they are logically a group. Each tag or set is implemented with three methods:
: creates json for the tag/set,validateTagName()
: performs parameter validation, throws Joi error on failure,tagName()
: callsvalidateTagName()
, performs any neccessary business logic and attaches the new JSON object. Methods are chainable, so must returnthis
Dwayne Holmberg [email protected]
This module is freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license.