Hello devs and future me! Keeping (as always) my progress well-organized so that I have more motivation to develop!
- Welcome to Bootcamp GFT Start #4 .NET.
- Essential Programming Logic.
- Learn about Data Structures and Algorithms.
- Introduction to Git and GitHub.
- Creating Your First Repository on GitHub to Share Your Progress.
- Introduction to the .NET Ecosystem and Documentation.
- Setting up the development environment.
- First steps with .NET.
- Working with Reference and Value Types in C#.
- Controlling Execution Flow.
- Initial Challenges - GFT Start #4 .NET.
- Abstracting an RPG Game using Object Orientation with C#.
- Introduction to HTTP/HTTPS (APIs and REST).
- Working with Files and Streams in C#.
- Constructors, Properties, Delegates, and Events in .NET.
- Object-Oriented Programming with C#.
- Fundamentals of Collections and LINQ with .NET.
- Error Handling in C# with Exceptions.
- Development of applications with .NET.
- Configuration of back-end architecture with .NET Core.
- Creating a simple series registration app in .NET.
- Basic Challenges - GFT Start #4 .NET.
- Agile Projects with SCRUM
- Linux: Introduction to Operating System and Terminal
- ⌛ 1. Euclid's Algorithm
- ⌛ 2. Union Find Algorithm
- ⌛ 3. Huffman Algorithm
- ⌛ 1. Kadane's Algorithm
- ⌛ 2. Floyd's Cycle Detection
- ⌛ 3. KMP Algo
- ⌛ 4. Quick Select Algo
- ⌛ 5. Boyer Algo
- ⌛ 1. Kruskal Algo
- ⌛ 2. Dijkstra's
- ⌛ 3. Bellman-Ford
- ⌛ 4. Topological Sort
- ⌛ 5. Floyd Warshall
- ⌛ 6. Flood Fill
- ⌛ 7. Lee
- 1. Linear Search
- ⌛ 2. Jump Search
- 3. Binary Search
- ⌛ 4. DFS
- ⌛ 5. BFS
Arduino: LCD + Ultrasonic Sensor
Wall-e Robot
GFT QA Bootcamp