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Aaron Lidman edited this page Mar 5, 2014 · 65 revisions

Documentation for importing NYC buildings and addresses to OpenStreetMap via the OSM US Tasking Manager Job #2

Getting Started

  1. Familiarize yourself with the documentation on this Wiki.
  2. Apply for participation as described below.
  3. Set up your workspace as described below.
  4. After applying for participation, we'll hop on a quick video call to give you an introduction.
  5. After the introduction, you're good to go.


You are welcome to participate in the import, please apply by opening an issue on the issue queue. We will get in touch and give you an introduction.

Accounts currently registered for uploads:

  • ingalls_nycbuildings
  • emacsen_nycbuildings
  • ebrelsford_nycbuildings
  • LizBarry_nycbuildings
  • Rub21_nycbuildings
  • ediyes_nycbuildings
  • lxbarth_nycbuildings
  • aaron_nycbuildings

Setting up your work space

  • Create a personal import account, separate from your regular account. Create a new account for this import following the pattern <username>_nycbuildings
  • Install JOSM
  • Enable Remote Control in preferences and make sure "Download objects to new layer" is checked (screenshot)

Screenshot: Enable and configure RemoteControl

Import Procedure

  • Create a dedicated user account for the import (different from your personal account)
  • <username>_nycbuildings
  • In the tasking manager, click on the task tab and claim a task on the map by clicking on an area you'd like to work in
  • Click the "JOSM" button, this will open the area in JOSM and load up existing OSM data
  • be sure to enable Remote Control in preferences and make sure "Download objects to new layer" is checked, screenshot
  • Click the ".osm" button, this will open new buildings and address data in a separate layer
  • Select the new buildings and addresses layer and validate the layer, fix all issues (more in Common Issues below)
  • Copy all geometry from new buildings and addresses layer and paste it into the existing OSM data layer.
  • Run validation on the existing OSM data layer that now contains new data, resolve all issues emanating from collisions between existing and new data (see merge rules).
  • Review the data: do buildings register with imagery? Do addresses correspond to adjacent roads? (more on imagery below)
  • Merge POI information from nodes to corresponding building ways where there a POI clearly corresponds to a building. This is a clear case most often with schools and churches. When in doubt, leave the POI where it is.
  • Upload data to OSM, use a good changeset comments in English. If you have any doubt about the quality of the data, do not upload, but report an issue on the Github project
  • Go back to the Tasking Manager and mark the task as done (but not as validated)

Review and validation

Each set of buildings needs to be reviewed and validated before it is uploaded.

JOSM validation

  • Make sure the right layer is selected (green check mark in the layer box)
  • Enable the "Validation results" window (Window menu) and run validation by clicking "Validate" in the Validation results window.
  • Make sure nothing is selected when running validation or else only the selected elements will be validated.

Manual review

  • Check that addresses contain appropriate street names based on nearby streets
  • In case of preexisting building or address data:
  • Keep the best data: A priori, there is not a preferred dataset. Compare building footprint quality and decide on a case by case basis, keeping the better dataset. In doubt, keep the OSM data.
  • Do not toss attribute data: In case you decide to toss existing OSM data, do not toss existing attribute data, but copy it to new geometries.
  • If you see a preexisting error and it's a simple fix, fix it.
  • Merge existing POI data into buildings, often this includes moving the POI. Only do so if certain.
  • Add a note where a local mapper could resolve a problem.

Please read up carefully on Common issues to familiarize yourself with common data problems encountered in the import and existing NYC OSM data.


If you identify any problems in the data you cannot solve or run into questions about the upload procedure, consult the Common issues document or open a ticket on, and add a screenshot and a link to the area if possible.