Chewzy is a website that simplifies a complicated question of "where should we eat tonight?" We are hoping to help our users narrow down an answer in less than 5 minutes by taking a simple quiz.
Users can use the app without signing up/logging in, or sign in and get access to favorites feature. After the welcome screen users are redirected to a 5 question quiz. After filling out the answers users recieve five results. They can click on a result to see more details about a restaurant, such as an image, price level and website. From that screen they can add a restuarant to their favorites. They can access a complete list of their favorites from any page on the website by clicking a button.
Chewzy Checkout the full version of the app with these credentials:
email: [email protected]
password: ChewzyTest1!
to install locally run this command in your terminal
git clone
once inside the Chewzy folder run
npm install
Now we need to make a .env file inside of the main folder and fill in these keys. These keys can be obtained at auth0 when you register an application.
You will also need to set up a MySql database called chewzy
The last step is to make sure your express sever is running and and type this command in your termial
node server.js
- Expressjs - nodejs server side framework
- MySql -open-source relational database management system.
- Auth0 - universal authentication & authorization platform for web, mobile, and legacy applications.
- Sequelize - romise-based ORM for Node.js v4 and up.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details