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kratos release #8

Answered by vinckr
muneendra-yeddala asked this question in Q&A
Jun 21, 2021 · 1 comments · 1 reply

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When can we expect Kratos as a platform where we can integrate with our product. Some sort of roadmap (even for paid service)

You are in good luck, we just launched our early access of Ory "as a service/platform": more about the early access phase.
You can apply to become an Ory Insider:

Kratos current version is 0.6 (at least from the document), any timeline for version 1.0

Generally we don't give put timelines for the open source projects as in our experience it does not help neither user nor maintainer. But you can check the milestones for v0.7.0-alpha.1 and v0.8.0-alpha.1, to get an idea of the work ahead.
Keep in mind that all Ory Kratos relea…

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Answer selected by muneendra-yeddala
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