Date: May 29, 2018
Contact for ORNL DAAC: [email protected]
The tutorials in the two jupyter notebooks demonstrate how to submit a batch of orders to the MODIS Global Subset Tool for a list of coordinates in a text file using the MODIS Web Services API maintained by the ORNL DAAC. For a full description and usage examples of the web service, please visit the ORNL DAAC's MODIS:
- Python: modis_global_api_access_python.ipynb
- R: Coming soon
- Python 2 or 3, Libraries: requests, pandas, json, datetime OR
- R (3.x recommended). R libraries: httr, readr, jsonlite
- An input text file formatted as follows:
site1,MOD13Q1,35.0,-90.0,[email protected],2000-01-01,2005-12-31,8,8
site2,MOD13Q1,40.0,-95.0,[email protected],2000-01-01,2005-12-31,8,8
site3,MOD13Q1,45.0,-100.0,[email protected],2000-01-01,2005-12-31,8,8
site4,MOD13Q1,50.0,-105.0,[email protected],2000-01-01,2005-12-31,8,8
site5,MOD13Q1,55.0,-110.0,[email protected],2000-01-01,2005-12-31,8,8
You can of course format your input file however best suits your needs; e.g. the product, email, start_date, end_date, kmAboveBelow, and kmLeftRight are redundant in the notebooks examples and could be excluded.
Figure 1. Example order delivery email