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This repo demonstrates a working AWS WAF Dashboard which shows the top 5 blocking rules.

AWS WAF Dashboard (screenshot)

In order to reach this result, the WebACL shall be configured with metrics generation enabled.

The dashboard is configured with the following query expression:

SELECT AVG(BlockedRequests)
       FROM SCHEMA("AWS/WAFV2", LabelName,LabelNamespace,Region,WebACL)
       GROUP BY LabelNamespace, LabelName
       ORDER BY AVG()
       DESC LIMIT 5




All AWS resources of the experiment are managed by CloudFormation. The CloudFormation resources shall be invoked by an IAM user, see the iam directory.

Then an S3 bucket shall be created. See s3 directory.

After that the Lambda function shall be compiled, uploaded to S3 bucket and the respective Lambda function resource shall be created, see lambda directory.

Finally, the ALB, Lambda, WAF, and the dashboard is created, see waf-app directory .