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[OEP 10] Disk-based transactions with record/index key granularity. #10

1 of 11 tasks
andrii0lomakin opened this issue Sep 16, 2016 · 21 comments
1 of 11 tasks


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andrii0lomakin commented Sep 16, 2016



Disk-based transactions with record/index key granularity.


Create transaction processing engine which supports following features:

  1. Log records are created during transaction processing should be logged on disk not into memory to reduce memory consumption and avoid a risk of OOM and data corruption.
  2. On transaction level, all locks should have record/key level granularity, not component granularity.
  3. On level of single component operation (for example during insertion of (key, rid) pair into sb-tree) locks should have page granularity (in the example above some pages of sb-tree will be locked till insertion of (key, rid) pair in progress), not component granularity.


Improve speed of component operations in single-thread mode.

Success metrics:

Improved scalability of massive write operations on performance benchmarks both in transactional and nontransactional modes.


  1. Almost all modern databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.) work with concurrent operations on record/key level granularity of locks.
    Also, our investigation of results of performance benchmarks shows that component level locks are not enough to achieve good scalability of writes.
  2. Keeping of changes of all pages only inside of RAM causes conspicuous memory consumption and may lead to OOM and data corruption.
  3. During normal transaction processing we do not apply changes directly but collect all changes inside of atomic operation
    (so-called deferred updates), and if we need to read changed pages, we apply those changes back to pages. Such approach increase system fragility. Any error inside of WAL or atomic operation will lead to data corruption.
  4. Applying of changes to the pages at every read operation decreases the speed of read of affected pages at ten times as result even read a single page which is changed inside of transaction will affect the speed of the whole transaction.


High level design

All changes are performed on pages are logged inside of WAL. Each log record consist of two parts: first part contains information which is needed to restore page content after the crash (redo part), the second part contains information which is needed to rollback page changes (undo part). Redo part is stored in the form of binary diff between original and changed binary presentations of a page.

Proposed transaction protocol allows using fine granularity locks during transaction processing by using a fascinating feature of all our data structures. When we store/delete entry inside of any data structure
it has a page which satisfies the following requirement - if all changes are made on data structure but this single page (domain page) is not updated then data structure still is in the valid state, but
data are treated as absent inside of given data structure.

Each data structure changes may be split on two parts "structure modification changes" and "logical changes."

Let's consider for example tree based index. When we insert (key, rid) pair inside of a tree, we make such changes as a split of parent nodes and a split of leaf page itself. All those changes are "structure modification changes."
As a final step, we should add (key, rid) pair inside of the leaf page (which plays a role of domain page).
Till this entry is add to the leaf page (key, rid) pair is still absent in database, but tree structure is completely valid.
Once we put (key, rid) pair inside leaf page (execute "logical" insertion of data inside tree) it will be treated as stored inside
of database.

In every index which we use leaf, page plays a role of domain page. For clusters, such domain pages are pages of
cluster transaction map.

To restore data after the system crash, we replay all transaction changes from the log till the point of crash and then
revert all uncompleted transactions.

When transaction rollback is performed, we read WAL records from the last record logged into the WAL till the first record
and rollback changes are logged into those records using information is stored in undo part of WAL record.

During rollback it is possible to perform two types of rollbacks "page level" rollback when changes performed on the page reverted from this page during rollback and "logical" rollback when the action which is opposite to the executed logical operation will be performed. Logical rollbacks are performed only to revert logical changes and page level rollbacks are performed on structure modification changes.

Every logical rollback changes again logged into the WAL. It will allow restoring data in case of system crash.

There are several cases of processing of rollbacks and data restore operations.

  1. If rollback happens in the middle of structure modification changes
    we will rollback all changes applied to the pages on binary level and at the end of rollback
    the data structure will look like it was at the begging of a transaction.
  2. If we rollback transaction after logical change is done, we will perform action on data structure which compensates executed action instead of rolling back of structure modification changes, so at the end of rollback data structure will logically look like
    it was at the begging of the transaction.

Taken all above into account it becomes obvious that to implement "isolation" feature of transaction it is enough to keep only
key/record level locks during a transaction and keep only page level locks inside of structure modification changes.

So what about restore of a system after the crash. How to keep data in a correct state even if the system crashed during transactional rollback.
To make it possible, we introduce a new type of log record which is called compensation log record (CLR).
This record keeps a pointer to the log record which should be rolled back next after the log record which
was rolled back by operation wich generates current CLR.
Every time we perform a rollback of page changes are logged inside of log record we put related CLR record.

Such CLR record contains only redo information.
Redo information may include following data:

  1. During rollback of a structure modification changes CLR redo part contains log record undo part.
  2. If we perform a logical rollback, then redo part is empty.
  3. If we complete structure modification changes before applying of changes to the domain page we also add CLR record with empty redo part which points to the last record logged before the first structure modification changes to a record.
    The presence of such CLR record forces the rollback procedure to skip structure modification
    changes during rollback of the transaction once they are completed and changes of domain page are logged.

There are several variants of restoring of database content after system crash:

  1. A system is crashed inside of execution of structure modification changes.
    There are no any CLRs, so we merely restore data structure till the point when a system was crashed.
    And then rollback all page changes and restore initial state of the data structure before a transaction.
  2. A system is crashed during rollback of structure modification changes.
    In such case we restore all structure modification changes, then by applying of CLR records, we will repeat partial rollback and by examination of a content of last CLR record, we will find which pages still should be rolled back and will restore initial state of the data structure before a transaction.
  3. Structure modification changes are completed, and CLR record is put at the end of this changes.
    In such case, we restore all structure modification changes and by processing of CLR record will rollback all changes which exist after structure modification changes but will not rollback structure modification changes itself. There is a good reason why we can not rollback structure modification changes.
    Page locks are released once we apply structure modification changes, and those pages may be changed by other successfully committed transactions. At the end of data, restore procedure changed data structure will be logically in the same state as it was before a transaction is started.
  4. Structure modification changes and changes on domain page are completed in such case we will rollback only changes of domain page
    and skip structure modification changes because of a presence of CLR record. We do not perform logical remove of data but only revert content of domain page because of concurrent access to the data structure it may be in the invalid state till complete restore of a state
    of all transactions will be completed.
    At the end of data restore procedure changed data structure will be logically in the same state as it was before a transaction is started.

As you can see above if we restore system after crash, some space may be lost at the end of data restore procedure but amount of
such space should be so minor that may be not taken into account.

What is interesting that even if we implement only new transaction processing protocol but will not change
lock model of already existing components we still will increase system speed and scalability.
Let's suppose we have two ongoing transactions on the system, and component lock model is used.
First transaction changes components A and B and second transaction changes components A and C.
In the current implementation, those transactions will be serialized but in the new implementation, transactions will go in parallel once one of them completes changes in component A.

So at a first stage, we may implement protocol itself and then change lock model of components from component level to page level in next releases (such models will be described soon in separate OEPs if this OEP will be approved).

Let's consider the rest two operations on data structures - update and delete.

During execution of delete operation it is executed by following steps:

  1. Delete an entry from domain page.
  2. Put a request on the сlean up a queue to clean up consumed space after tx commit (it is needed only for a cluster).

So during transaction rollback or restore, we revert only domain page content and as a result, a record is automatically restored.

Consider in details second item of delete algorithm - cleanup queue.
When we delete record in a cluster, it is reasonable to claim space consumed by data back to the storage manager.

To make that possible, we create a cleanup queue which is filled by operations performed during a transaction (delete/update) which contains position to the record to be cleared (this position is always the same even during internal page defragmentation and will not be changed after the record delete).
If a transaction is rolled back then, the cleanup queue is cleared, and no changes will be performed. If a transaction is committed then, changes are applied in a background thread. This clean up queue consumes very few memory, each entry queue consists of only two fields
clusterId and position of record inside of data file, but it also may be bounded, we may allow adding no more than
1 000 000 of such entries at any time for a single transaction and 10 000 000 entries in total may be contained in the queue. The same limit may be applied to the amount of locks which may be acquired by the transaction to avoid any risk of OOM.
One of the ideas is to use ThreadPoolExecutor with a bounded queue and a maximum number of threads equal to an amount of cores.

Cleanup threads which process this queue will pull each entry and process it in a separate transaction.
So even if a system is crashed then the transaction will be rolled back, and a tiny amount of space will be lost.

The logic of update of data is similar because an update is a mix of deletion of previous data and an addition of new data.

  1. Perform structure modification operations to add new data if needed (not needed for indexes, in the index, the only value inside of leaf page is updated).
  2. Update domain page.
  3. Put a request on the сlean up a queue to clean up consumed space after tx commit.

So during rollback:

  1. If rollback happens in the middle of execution of structure modification operations, then we revert all changes on binary level.
  2. If rollback happens after domain page update, we remove new record data from a cluster and revert record pointer to old record content.

Restore logic is same as logic during rollback with the only exception that we do not remove already added record but revert domain page content. We do not perform logical remove of data but only revert content of domain page because of concurrent access to the data structure it may be in the invalid state till complete restore of a state of all transactions will be performed.

Once again it is worth to note that all those procedures will work even if we will use component locks, not page locks, providing a much better level of scalability without of changing of component implementation.

The isolation of visibility of changes for single item requests for cluster and index is trivial.
We lock record or item inside of transaction then try to find this item inside of index or lock.

Implementation of range queries or iteration over ridbag or cluster is a bit complex:

  1. We lock page which contains given record or key
  2. Try to lock record or index
  3. If lock attempt fails, we release page
  4. Lock the record or key
  5. Lock the page
  6. Check presence of key or record
  7. Continue to iterate over data structure

Let's estimate risks of a presence of deadlocks in proposed transaction protocol and approaches to avoid them.

In a current implementation, we track changes which are going to be applied both to records, and key indexes.
To prevent deadlocks between records and keys we need to sort all records and all keys and acquire locks for all of them before we start transaction inside of storage.

Such approach will prevent any deadlocks between keys and existing records.
But there are still two variants of deadlocks:

  1. RIDs of new records are unknown before insertion, so before acquiring a lock on the RID we need to acquire page locks to get a value of the RID, but during record read, we acquire locks in opposite direction which may lead to deadlock. Such cases are very rare. For most of the cases, we will not provide invalid RIDs to read record content, but such case is still possible.
  2. We do not track changes of ridbags which are implemented as small trees and also there is an automatical conversion between embedded and tree version of presentation of ridbag.

To solve the first problem, we will use "try locks."
Algorithm of insertion of records will look like following:

  1. Make structure modification changes and remember the position of record content.
  2. Lock domain page, but not change it, instead calculate RID value.
  3. Try to acquire record lock if attempt is failed release page locks
  4. Acquire record lock with calculated RID.
  5. Acquire cluster page locks.
  6. Acquire domain page and if RID is still the same complete change, otherwise, calculate new RID and repeat algorithm.

To solve the second problem, it is proposed to use deadlock detection which is based on an algorithm of finding of cycles in "wait-for" graph. When a deadlock is detected, system rollbacks operation on one of the ridbags and will repeat it later. Such log detector is implemented on 80% in
The detector has O(N) complexity and as result time which is needed to detect deadlock matters of hundreds of nanoseconds at max. So we may execute deadlock detection every 0.1 usec without risk of performance loss in case of presence of deadlock.

Low-level design

Some parts of the design have already implemented and described here for clarity.

Let's look at data structures are used in current transaction protocol.

Log records

Log records contain following fields:

  1. LSN of the record. This value grows continuously and presents the logical address of the log record inside of WAL.
  2. Transaction id. It has not to be UUID, usage of the simple counter will be enough.
  3. PrevLSN. LSN of the previous record written by the same transaction.
  4. PageID. The id of the changed page.
  5. FileID. The id of a file which contains changed record.
  6. UndoNextLSN. Exists only in CLR records. Pointer to the next log record which should be rolled back.
  7. Data. Undo and redo data. Either one or both of them may be empty.


Each page contains the pageLSN and CRC32 fields. Each page update looks like following:

  1. Page lock is acquired.
  2. The page is changed.
  3. Page changes are logged into WAL.
  4. LSN of WAL record is set to pageLSN field.
  5. Page lock is released.

When buffer flushes page to the disk, it checks that all records of WAL are flushed at least till the LSN stored in pageLSN.
If that is not the true flush of WAL content is performed. During page flush, CRC32 code for page content including pageLSN is calculated and assigned to the CRC32 field. CRC32 field is used to detect whether a page is partially flushed to the disk because of the process crash.

Transaction table

This table is used to track the state of the active transactions during normal processing of the transaction and restore of a database after a crash. In our project, it will be implemented as a mix of two classes atomic operations manager and the atomic operation itself.

Transaction table contains following fields:

  1. Transaction id.
  2. Last LSN. LSN of last log record written by a transaction.
  3. UndoNextLSN. LSN of next record processed during rollback. If the most recent log record written or seen for this transaction is an
    undoable non-CLR log record, then this field’s value will be set to last LSN. If that most recent log record is a CLR, then this field’s value is set to the UndoNxtLSN value from that CLR.

Dirty pages table

This table contains all pages which are not written to the disk yet. Table consists of three fields (pageID, fileID, dirtyLSN). Dirty LSN value is calculated using the following approach. If a page is acquired from the disk cache for an update, then a value of latest LSN operation which is written to the log becomes a value of dirtyLSN. This table shows LSN of operations which are probably are not stored on the disk yet. Once a page is written to the disk its entry is removed from dirty pages table.


The protocol supports partial rollbacks till provided LSN. This feature is used for example to rollback ridbag operations after deadlock is detected. It is possible because of usage of CLRs which allow rewinding transaction until the desired point.

Pseudo code for rollback looks like following:

rollback(saveLSN, transID) {
 undoNext = transTable.get(transID).undoNextLSN; // LSN of first record to undo
 while(saveLSN < undoNext) //loop through all records
  logRecord =;
  if(logRecord is update record) {
   if( is not empty) {
    page = diskCache.acquire();
    undoPage(page, logRecord);//the real undo operation depends on undo information it may be logical rollback
    // or may be rollback of content of single page
    clrLSN = wal.log(new CLR(logRecord.transID, transTable.get(transID).lastLSN /*prevLSN*/, logRecord.fileID, logRecord.pageID, logRecord.prevLSN/*undoNextLSN*/,; //write CLR
    page.pageLSN = clrLSN; 
    diskCache.releasePage(page); //in case of logical undo the only CLR record is written because changes of content of the page 
    //are logged in other records

    transTable.get(transID).lastLSN = clrLSN;

   undoNext = logRecord.prevLSN;
  } else if(logRecord is CLR) {
   undoNext = logRecord.undoNextLSN; 
  } else {
   undoNext = logRecord.prevLSN; //service record just skip it

  transTable.get(transID).undoNextLSN = undoNext;


Obviously, it is impossible to write log forever. Also, it is very time consuming to restore the database from the first operation ever performed on the database. To solve those problems we periodically make checkpoints of database content.

During checkpoint following actions are performed:

  1. Log record which indicates that check point is started is written to the WAL. LSN of this record is written to the WAL master
    record once log record which indicates end checkpoint is flushed to the disk. Master record is a special place in WAL, writes to which always forced to the disk. Also, its content is protected by CRC32 code and by usage of Twin Blocks pattern.
  2. Background flush of dirty pages is stoped. We can not write dirty pages table without force sync because of presence internal caches inside of disk drives and OS.
  3. All the files are force synced to the disk (only files not a content of the disk cache).
  4. Dirty pages table is written to the disk.
  5. Background flush of dirty pages is started.
  6. Transaction table is written to the disk.
  7. Log record which indicates that check point is stopped is written to the WAL.
  8. WAL content is flushed to the disk.
  9. At this point, we can cut WAL till the first log record which is smaller than minimum LSN in dirty pages table.

The checkpoint is treated to be valid only when "end checkpoint" record is stored to the disk.
During a checkpoint, transactions can be processed, and data can be written, the correct state of dirty pages and transaction tables will be restored during analysis pass of data restore process.

Restore data after crash

Data restore process consist of three passes:

  1. Analysis pass. This pass accepts LSN of the checkpoint as input data and returns: dirty pages table, transaction table and redo LSN (LSN of record from which redo pass will restore data).
  2. Redo pass. During this pass state of all transactions is restored.
  3. Undo pass. During this pass, all unfinished operations are reverted.
  4. At the end of the restore process, a checkpoint is made. It is not needed to flush buffer at this point.
  5. Transaction id counter is set to the maximum value of transaction id in a transaction table.

Please note that WAL operations are mostly sequential (with exception of Undo pass), and several subsequent passes of WAL will not provide noticeable performance overhead. The main target of analysis pass is to minimize amount of random IO operations caused by
page loads.

Analysis Pass

The only records which are written at this pass are the transaction end records which indicates that transaction is finished.

During this pass, if a log record is encountered for a page whose identity does not already appear in the dirty pages table, then an entry is made in the table with the current log record’s LSN as the page’s recLSN. The transaction table is modified to track the state changes of transactions and also to note the LSN of the most recent log record that would need to be
undone if it were determined that the transaction had to be rolled back.

Returned redo LSN is minimum LSN of the dirty pages table.

Pseudo code for analysis pass looks like following:

restartAnalysis(checkpointLSN, transTable, dirtyPages) {
  logRec =;
  logRec = wal.readNext(logRec.lsn);//skip checkpoint record
  while(logRec != null) { // loop till the end of the log
   if(logRec is transaction related record && !transTable.contains(logRec.transID)) { //we put in the log service records too
     transTable.put(logRec.transID, logRec.lsn/*last LSN*/, logRec.prevLSN/*undoNextLSN*/); //insert entry in transaction table

   if((logRec is update) || (logRec is CLR)) {
    transTable.get(logRec.transID).lastLSN = logRec.lsn;

    if(logRec is update) {
     if( != null) {
      transTable.get(logRec.transID).undoNextLSN = logRec.lsn;
    } else {
     transTable.get(logRec.transID).undoNextLSN = logRec.undoNextLSN;

    if( != null && !dirtyPages.contains(logRec.pageID)) {
     dirtyPages.put(logRec.pageID, logRec.lsn); 
   } else if(logRec is end checkpoint record) {
    for(entry : logRec.transTable) {
     if(!transTable.contains(entry.transID)) {
      transTable.put(entry.transID, entry);

    for(entry : logRec.dirtyPages) {
     if(!dirtyPages.contains(entry.pageID)) {
      dirtyPages.put(entry.pageID, entry.recLSN);
     } else {
      dertyPages.get(entry.pageID).recLSN = entry.recLSN;

   } else if(logRec is transaction end record) {

   logRec = wal.readNext(logRec.lsn); 

  for(entry : transTable) {
   if(entry.undoNextLSN == null) { // end of transaction
    wal.log(new TxEND(entry.transID, entry.lastLSN /*prevLSN*/));

  return min(dirtyPages.recLSN);

Redo pass

The redo pass starts scanning the log records from the RedoLSN point. When a redoable log record is encountered, a check is made to see if the referenced page appears in the dirty pages table. If a page is not present in dirty pages table then it is already flushed on disk and result of an operation is not lost and not needed to be restored. If the log record’s LSN is greater than or equal to the recLSN for the page on the table, then it is suspected that the page state might be such that the log record’s update might have to be redone. To resolve this suspicion, the page is accessed. Then CRC32 code of page content is calculated. If CRC32 codes calculated and stored inside of page are not equal then the content of the page was written only at the half since the last flush and change on the page has to be redone. If CRC32 codes are equal, we compare LSNs of the page and log record. If the page’s LSN is found to be less than the log record’s LSN, then the update is redone. Thus, the RecLSN information serves to limit the number of pages which have to be examined. This routine reestablishes the database state as of the time of system failure.

Pseudo code for redo pass looks like following:

restartRedo(redoLSN, dirtyPages) {
 logRecord =;
 while(logRecord != null) {
  if((logRecord is update || logRecord is CLR) && != null && 
  dirtyPages.contains(logRecord.pageID) && logRecord.lsn >= dirtyPages.get(logRecord.pageID).recLSN) {
   page = diskCache.acquire();
   crc32 = calculateCRC32(page);

   if(crc32 != page.crc32) {    //record content is broken we update it anyway 
    redoUpdate(page, logRecord);
    page.lsn = logRecord.lsn;
   } else {
    if(page.lsn < logRecord.lsn) {
     redoUpdate(page, logRecord);
     page.lsn = logRecord.lsn;
    } else {
     dirtyPages.get(logRecord.pageID).recLSN =  page.lsn + 1; //dirty pages contain out of dated information, we update it to prevent //loading of allready stored operations


  logRecord = wal.readNext(logRecord.lsn);

Undo pass

The input to this routine is the restart transaction table. The dirty pages table is not consulted during this undo pass.
Also, since history is repeated before the undo pass is initiated, the LSN on the page is not consulted to determine whether an undo operation should be performed or not. The restart undo routine rolls back transactions, in reverse chronological
order, in a single sweep of the log. This is done by continually taking the maximum of the LSNs of the next log record to be processed for each of the yet-to-be-completely-undone transactions until no transaction remains to be undone. The next record to process for each transaction to be rolled back is determined by an entry in the transaction table for each of those transactions.
In the process of rolling back the transactions, this routine writes CLRs.

Pseudo code for the undo pass looks like following:

restartUndo(transTable) {
 while(!transTable.isEmpty()) {
  undoNextLSN = max(transTable.undoNextLSN);
  logRecord =;

  if(logRecord is update) {
   if( != null) {
    page = diskCache.acquire(logRecord.pageID);
    undoPage(page, logRecord);

    clrLSN = wal.log(new CLR(logRecord.transID, transTable.get(transID).lastLSN /*prevLSN*/, logRecord.fileID, logRecord.pageID, logRecord.prevLSN/*undoNextLSN*/,; //write CLR

    page.pageLSN = clrLSN;

    transTable.get(transID).lastLSN = clrLSN;


   transTable.get(transID).undoNextLSN = logRecord.prevLSN;

   if(logRecord.prevLSN == null) {
    wal.log(new EndTX(logRecord.transID, transTable.get(logRecord.transIS).lastLSN));
  } else if(logRecord is CLR) {
   transTable.get(logRecord.transID).undoNextLSN = logRecord.undoNextLSN;

Parallelisation of data restore after crash

Time of data restore is critical for applications which rely on database high availability.
There are two approaches how time of data restore can be decreased:

  1. Minimize amount of pages which can be accessed during data restore.
  2. Restore transaction in parallel threads.

In "redo pass" the only limitation is that all changes applied to the pages have to be ordered.
So during redo pass, we may read all log records in a single thread and partition redo operations between different threads.

In undo pass all CLR records from single transaction has to be chained so we may process undo operations in parallel too but all processing will be partitioned using entries of transaction table.


There are several proposed alternatives, the main differences between current proposal and the rest are following:

  1. Lock based proposals are page based, not key/record based. Page based locks are too expensive for indexes because single non-leaf
    page locks may block a lot of underlying pages.
  2. Some of the lock based proposals do not take issue with ridbag and possible deadlocks into account.
  3. CAS based approaches may lead to performance degradation in case of a high load.

Risks and assumptions:

There is a risk of data corruption in case of incorrect implementation of data rollback or data restore.

Impact matrix:

  • Storage engine
  • SQL
  • Protocols
  • Indexes
  • Console
  • Java API
  • Geospatial
  • Lucene
  • Security
  • Hooks
  • EE
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SDIPro commented Sep 17, 2016

Hi Andrey. Here's my question (as we discussed privately): Will it be possible for a user to get RIDs from a ridbag and then see different RIDs from the same ridbag a few seconds later if a deadlock is detected in the dependency graph and then rolled back?

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Hi Collin,
Thank you very much for your time which you spent on a weekend to read the proposal and put the comment.
About your question. I think the best approach will be following.
During an iteration of ridbag we lock the page and try to lock key (which is presented as rid) if a call to the lock .tryLock is failed we release page lock and try to acquire rid and once it is acquired we double check presence of rid and continue iteration. I will add this to the text of the proposal. Thank you very much that you find time to read the proposal in all details and found a logical hole in it.

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@SDIPro updated description

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lvca commented Sep 19, 2016

Hey @Laa, thanks for the detailed description. My questions:

  1. the new redo part, I guess is needed because the new engine could write the changes to the WAL in a synchronous way, and the apply changes to the data files in asynchronous mode. Is it correct?
  2. The point (1) means transactions will be slower in the case of rollbacks (like concurrent modification exception) because there is an additional writing to the DISK we don't have now, correct?
  3. The main goal of this proposal is to avoid OOM for large transactions, but this wasn't a high priority like a more efficient locking we absolutely need. That was more a nice to have. Why? Thanks to the huge amount of RAM we can have today for a quite cheap price, all the databases (especially the NoSQLs) are more in-memory based than disk. I don't like OOM, so we could, in general, put some limits in terms of the number of elements in transactions, etc.
  4. The locking by RID is nice, but this proposal doesn't afford the problem of this operation update V set a = a + 20. In the case of 100M of records, 100M of locks are taken generating an OOM. I see you want to put a limit on the number of locks, but this means massive update/deletion are not possible anymore. We could transform X record locking in pages or component locking, but this makes thing complicated in case of deadlocks
  5. A simpler way to avoid deadlocks in case of insert could be like it's managed in the HA module: lock the record #<clusterId>:-1
  6. In the proposal, it's not clear which activities/modules are already ok and which have to be implemented
  7. What's the ETA in terms of the number of days to achieve this with enough test cases and a good code coverage?
  8. Why you say this is more scalable? For the more granular locks? In this case we should split the proposal in 2: improve locks and disk-based transactions

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andrii0lomakin commented Sep 20, 2016

Why you say this is more scalable? For the more granular locks?

Let me quote myself from the text: "...In the current implementation, those transactions will be serialized but in the new implementation, transactions will go in parallel once one of them completes changes in component A."

As for me, it means that many serialized transactions will be converted to parallel transactions.
Which already provides much better transaction scalability.

The current implementation already works in this way: TX doesn't acquire an exclusive lock on the storage, but they acquire locks on indexes, clusters, etc. So it's the same: as soon as one of the locked components is unlocked, the transaction could start before the other one has completely unlocked all the components. Or in this case, you mean that operations on components will be ordered, so as soon as you finish to change a component is unlocked?

The second point is following, the current transactional model allows only component locking model, current proposal allows page based model inside of component operations and much higher level of granularity on transaction level (if we compare an amount of records on cluster locked by component locks or amount of keys in index locked by lock index we may even say that current proposal makes transaction scalable at magnitude order).

Do you agree that it provides much higher level of scalability ?

True in theory, but the new impl. would write more data on disk during the commit operation, right? So transactions could be slower than now.

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andrii0lomakin commented Sep 20, 2016

@lvca according to your next question:

The locking by RID is nice, but this proposal doesn't afford the problem of this operation update V set a >= a + 20. In the case of 100M of records, 100M of locks are taken generating an OOM. I see you want to >put a limit on the number of locks, but this means massive update/deletion are not possible anymore. >We could transform X record locking in pages or component locking, but this makes thing complicated >in case of deadlocks

That is incorrect claim as for case when this query is executed inside of transaction as for the case when
this query is executed outside of a transaction.

At first in your concrete example query update V set a >= a + 20 process each record in the separate transaction. So there will be no 1 000 000 of locks or something and as result, there will be no OOM.

About the second case when the query is executed inside of a transaction. What does it mean? It means that in current implementation million of pages will be affected and all of them will be accumulated inside of RAM which will cause OOM on much earlier stage than in new proposal when only locks are stored inside of RAM.

But even this will not happen in the new proposal. Once again from the text:
"The same limit may be applied to the amount of locks which may be acquired by the transaction to avoid any risk of OOM." Such approach means that when we reach a limit of locks, we will rollback transaction and OOM will be correctly handled.

So to sum up all written above. Execution of queries like update V set a >= a + 20 will be more stable in new implementation than in current one and actually will not experience OOM as it will be now in the case of transactional case.

Do you agree with such argumentation?

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lvca commented Sep 20, 2016

(Sorry, I've updated your first comment instead of writing a new one).

Why you say this is more scalable? For the more granular locks?

Let me quote myself from the text: "...In the current implementation, those transactions will be serialized but in the new implementation, transactions will go in parallel once one of them completes changes in component A."

As for me, it means that many serialized transactions will be converted to parallel transactions.
Which already provides much better transaction scalability.

The current implementation already works in this way: TX doesn't acquire an exclusive lock on the storage, but they acquire locks on indexes, clusters, etc. So it's the same: as soon as one of the locked components is unlocked, the transaction could start before the other one has completely unlocked all the components. Or in this case, you mean that operations on components will be ordered, so as soon as you finish to change a component is unlocked?

The second point is following, the current transactional model allows only component locking model, current proposal allows page based model inside of component operations and much higher level of granularity on transaction level (if we compare an amount of records on cluster locked by component locks or amount of keys in index locked by lock index we may even say that current proposal makes transaction scalable at magnitude order).

Do you agree that it provides much higher level of scalability ?

True in theory, but the new impl. would write more data on disk during the commit operation, right? So transactions could be slower than now.

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The current implementation already works in this way

That is not true. If the same component locked by both transactions, they are serial
because locks on elements are held to the end of the transaction.

So now do you agree that :
"What is interesting that even if we implement only new transaction processing protocol but will not change
lock model of already existing components we still will increase system speed and scalability.
Let's suppose we have two ongoing transactions on the system, and component lock model is used.
First transaction changes components A and B and second transaction changes components A and C.
In the current implementation, those transactions will be serialized but in the new implementation, transactions will go in parallel once one of them completes changes in component A."


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andrii0lomakin commented Sep 20, 2016

"True in theory, but the new impl. would write more data on disk during the commit operation, right? So transactions could be slower than now."

Again do not agree with that because of:

  1. "Applying of changes to the pages at every read operation decreases the speed of read of affected pages at ten times as result even read a single page which is changed inside of transaction will affect the speed of the whole transaction." That is from a text. And this case will be fixed so in reality, single transaction will be faster not slower.
  2. During normal execution of write the same amount of data and on updates we write even less data because of deferred clean up of the used space.
  3. We write more information only during rollbacks.

Taking into account that normal transaction will be faster because of items 1 and 2. Taking into account that amount of rollbacks much less than an amount of committed transactions we can conclude that new transactions will be faster especially if we take in account scalability effect.

Do you agree with that?

P.S. In reality even rollbacks in case of normal execution will be not slower I will write separate comment about that.

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lvca commented Sep 20, 2016

What about my first question:

  1. the new redo part, I guess is needed because the new engine could write the changes to the WAL in a synchronous way, and the apply changes to the data files in asynchronous mode. Is it correct?

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lvca commented Sep 20, 2016

Ok, let's talk about that in private first.

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andrii0lomakin commented Sep 20, 2016

@lvca sorry my last comment was incorrect. We can not use deferred updates with logical rollbacks. A bit tired of the conversation and different variants in mind. But I still think that we should not keep deferred updates approach for the sake of speed of rollbacks. As for me better to have slow rollbacks but an absence of OOM. So I do not think that disk-based nature of the transaction is a disadvantage, from my point of view that is an advantage . If you do not mind I remove comment above because it is not correct.

Also about your questions 1, 2 and 8.
We perform logical rollbacks not because of we need to have disk based transactions but because we will have record/key locks on transaction level and may have page level locks instead of component locks inside of components itself. So disk-based transactions are a side effect of this approach but not the main target and because it is a side effect it can not be implemented separately.

Still, the point is not entirely clear for me. As we discussed above rollbacks will be slower, but normally in a system, very few rollbacks are performed. Also, normal execution of transactions will be faster and transactions will be much more scalable. If as side effect we get disk-based transactions and will avoid OOM what is harm in this ?

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smolinari commented Sep 20, 2016

From a user perspective, rollbacks shouldn't really ever happen. So if they are slow, it is basically irrelevant.

I do have one question though. How can a user avoid the OOM saving rollback from actually happening? I understand the mass update example from Luca happening within a transaction could cause problems. What would be the solution to getting it done, without a failure? Is there some sort of batching of a transaction's actions possible?


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@smolinari query in an example provided by Luca cause OOM in the current implementation of the transaction. The same query in new transaction model will not cause OOM because of a limit of locks which can be acquired in the transaction. Once we rich this limit we issue transaction rollback by simple exception and will ask a user to limit a scope of a transaction. So instead of OOM, we will have clear rollback with a reason why it happened.

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Thanks. I understood what you explained. I guess what I am looking for is how to limit the scope of transaction. Sorry for my incompetence on this, but how would it be done? For instance, how would a user get Luca's update example to work?


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Sorry Scott,
But I still don't get it .
What do you mean by limitation of scope ?

вт, 20 сент. 2016 г., 12:17 Scott [email protected]:

Thanks. I understood what you explained. I guess what I am looking for is
how to limit the scope of transaction. Sorry for my incompetence on this,
but how would it be done? For instance, how would a user get Luca's update
example to work?


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You said above, that the rollback warning would "ask a user to limit a scope of a transaction".

How would the user limit the scope of a transaction?


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@lvca following the rest of your questions.

A simpler way to avoid deadlocks in case of insert could be like it's managed in the HA module: lock the >record #:-1

Yes, the way is simpler but unfortunately not scalable and does no solve deadlocks related to ridbags.
Because of this approach effectively the same as a cluster-wide lock or component wide lock it is not really scalable.

Also because of ridbags may be updated independently from clusters (that is real issue which we fixed severl weeks ago) locking of clusters does not take effect on ridbags.

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@lvca last questions.

In the proposal, it's not clear which activities/modules are already ok and which have to be >implemented
What's the ETA in terms of the number of days to achieve this with enough test cases and a good >code coverage?

Agree there is no enough of information.
I think once we will complete discussion of design itself I will with @taburet provide detailed information about ETA and components which needs to be changed.

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@smolinari Sorry for the later reply , or more precisely no reply. This is off topic for this issue if you like you may ask in stackoveflow and I will answer you.

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@Laa - although I believe my question would be on-topic depending on the answer, I will oblige.


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