arena-server 0.1.24
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @openforis/arena-server@0.1.24
Install via package.json:
"@openforis/arena-server": "0.1.24"
About this version
Arena node/express/Postgres service implementation
You must use a personal access token with the appropriate scopes to install the package from GitHub Packages.
You can authenticate to GitHub Packages with npm by either editing your per-user ~/.npmrc file to include your personal access token or by logging in to npm on the command line using your username and personal access token.
To authenticate by adding your personal access token to your ~/.npmrc file, edit the ~/.npmrc file for your project to include the following line, replacing TOKEN with your personal access token. Create a new ~/.npmrc file if one doesn't exist.
To authenticate by logging in to npm, use the npm login command, replacing USERNAME with your GitHub username, TOKEN with your personal access token, and PUBLIC-EMAIL-ADDRESS with your email address.
If GitHub Packages is not your default package registry for using npm and you want to use the npm audit command, we recommend you use the --scope flag with the owner of the package when you authenticate to GitHub Packages.
$ npm login --scope=@OWNER --registry=
> Username: USERNAME
> Password: TOKEN
For more information see Authenticating to GitHub Packages
Create a new .npmrc file if one doesn't exist and add:
always-auth = true
Create a new .yarnrc file if one doesn't exist and add:
"@openforis:registry" ""
yarn add @openforis/arena-server
npm install @openforis/arena-server
To install local database:
sudo docker run -d --name arena-db -p 5444:5432 -e POSTGRES_DB=arena -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=arena -e POSTGRES_USER=arena postgis/postgis:12-3.0
To restart local database:
docker container restart arena-db
The .env file is needed for development and locally running the stack.
It must be added to the root directory of the project and must match the template .env.template
Migrations are run automatically on server startup.
When you need execute DDL or other update update logic (e.g. to add a new table to the database, dbtable
), create a migration template with:
yarn dbmigrate:create --name=add-table-dbtable
Now you'll see new sql files in src/db/dbMigrator/migration/<schema>/migrations/sql/<timestamp>-add-table-dbtable-<up/down>.sql
You should edit the <timestamp>-add-table-dbtable-up.sql
to contain your DDL statements.
You could also add the corresponding drop table
to <timestamp>-add-table-dbtable-down.sql
if you ever want to undo migrations.
By default, migrations are applied to the public
schema; if you need to update the survey
schema, pass --schema=survey
as parameter. E.g.
yarn dbmigrate:create --name=add-table-to-survey-schema-db-table --schema=survey