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umbraco-forms 1.2.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @limbo-works/umbraco-forms@1.2.0
Install via package.json:
"@limbo-works/umbraco-forms": "1.2.0"

About this version


A nuxt3 layer for building a form based on the schema coming from umbraco forms API version.


copy folder to frontend folder.

in nuxt.config.js

extends: ['./umbracoforms'],
runtimeConfig: {
	formApiKey: '',
	public: {
		apiDomain: '', // is most likely already present

Get formApiKey from backend, should be set via .env as NUXT_FORM_API_KEY

Basic usage

The layer exposes the component. Minimum values needed to run the umbraco form.


Available configuration


Prop Description
postEndpoint A string relative url where the form entry will be sent. (required)
definitionsEndpoint A string relative url where the form definitions object can be found. (required)

General slots

Slot name Description
formIsLoading Can be used to insert a loading animation or similar. Is shown on post and before the definitions are loaded. Props: none.
formHeader Header area. Overwrites title Slot. Props: previousLabel, nextLabel, submitLabel, changePage(next, previous, int), currentPage, pageCount, name, formErrors
title Title area. Props: name
pageHeader Header area for the individual page. Props: caption
legend Overwrites the default form group legend Props: caption
errorBox Shown if form has showValidationSummary setting. Props: formErrors
formFooter Footer area. Overwrites default next, previous and submit buttons. Props: previousLabel, nextLabel, submitLabel, changePage(next, previous, int), currentPage, pageCount, name, formErrors

Field slots

All field slots have the following props available:

Prop name Description
id required on field
modelValue model value of field
required if field is required
indicator The text used to indicate a required/optional field
fieldName name of field. Usage :name="fieldName"
field full field information
setModelValue(event) sets value correctly internally. Input needs to have the included id set correctly. setModelValue assumes that the set id is the supplied field id prefixed by  uf-, for example  uf-582207f9-81c6-4aca-a210-a0fbde9c20c5. The prefix is because element ids are not allowed to start with a number.
setModelValueForId(id, value) sets value correctly internally for the id of your choice. Here the id is just the field-id directly.
errors field specific errors
showIndicator if required indicator should be shown
showLabel Boolean
pattern validation pattern
placeholder String
onInvalid(event) sets browser error message to be the error message set in field.

The follow field slots are available.

Slot name Description
text normal text input, if set it overwrites other default values if their slots are not used. eg. If email slot is not specified but text is, the default email input will be overwritten by text slot input. This is done so you do not have to specify every single slot in most use cases.
week week input, if not specified it will overwritten in this order: date, text, default input
date Date input. Shows browsers datepicker if not specified
datetimeLocal datetimeLocal input. if not specified it will overwritten in this order: date, default input
email Email input. Overwritten in this order: text, default input
tel tel input. Overwritten in this order: text, default input
number number input. Overwritten in this order: text, default input
time time input. Overwritten in this order: text, default input
url url input. Overwritten in this order: text, default input
textArea Textarea
password password input. Overwritten in this order: text, default input
checkbox Single checkbox
radioList single choice radio list
checkboxList multiple choice checkbox list
dataConsent data consent
select select dropdown.
file file input, set files to hidden file input if a different handling than default is wanted
richText richText html from backend
titleDescription title and description from backend for section

All slots overwrite error area, so that will need to be handled in custom slots.



  • umbraco-forms-1.2.0.tgz

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