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quilt-bulma 0.0.3

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @quiltmc/quilt-bulma@0.0.3
Install via package.json:
"@quiltmc/quilt-bulma": "0.0.3"

About this version

Quilt Bulma

This repository exists to package Quilt's modifications to the Bulma CSS framework. This allows us to share it between all of our sites, without relying on hacky approaches such as using the main domain as a pseudo-CDN.



  1. Install NodeJS v18 or later
  2. Install npm and pnpm
  3. Run pnpm i --dev and pnpm run build
  4. The built files will be placed in the dist/ directory

Creating a distribution

  1. Follow the Building steps above
  2. Run pnpm pack and a file will be generated


  1. Update the version provided in the package.json
  2. Commit your changes, and add a tag named vVERSION - for example, v0.0.3
  3. Push your changes along with the tag
  4. GitHub Actions will build and release automatically

Package Structure

  • css/: Plain CSS which is needed to tie the light and dark themes together
  • sass/: SCSS files representing our Bulma customisations
  • When built, /dist: Contains built CSS files, as well as their minified versions


  • Create a Personal Access Token with at least the packages:read scope

  • Create a .npmrc file in your home folder (if it doesn't exist), and add the following line, replacing TOKEN_HERE with the Personal Access Token you just generated:

  • Create a .npmrc file in your project directory (if it doesn't exist), and add the following line:

  • Install @quiltmc/quilt-bulma with your favourite npm-alike

  • Make use of the files you'll now find in node_modules/@quiltmc/quilt-bulma

Project Credit

This project combines and modifies the following projects:



  • quilt-bulma-0.0.3.tgz

Download activity

  • Total downloads 3
  • Last 30 days 0
  • Last week 0
  • Today 0

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