accounts-module 1.0.0-dev.19
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @fastybird/accounts-module@1.0.0-dev.19
Install via package.json:
"@fastybird/accounts-module": "1.0.0-dev.19"
About this version
Accounts module is a FastyBird IoT extension for managing application accounts, sessions and access management.
FastyBird IoT accounts module is an Apache2 licensed distributed extension, developed in PHP on top of the Nette framework and Symfony framework and in Typescript on top of the Vue framework.
- Accounts and their details management
- Support for data exchange bus
- {JSON:API} schemas for full api access
- User access check & validation
- Multilingual
- User interface integration via Vue 3 components
PHP part of FastyBird accounts module is tested against PHP 8.1.
JavaScript part of FastyBird accounts module is tested against ECMAScript 6
The best way to install fastybird/accounts-module is using Composer:
composer require fastybird/accounts-module
And for user interface is the best way to install @fastybird/accounts-module with Yarn:
yarn add @fastybird/accounts-module
or if you prefer npm:
npm install @fastybird/accounts-module
Learn how to manage application accounts and manage access in documentation.
Use the issue tracker for bugs or mail or Tweet us for any idea that can improve the project.
Thank you for testing, reporting and contributing.
For release info check release page.
The sources of this package are contained in the FastyBird monorepo. We welcome contributions for this package on FastyBird/fastybird.
Adam Kadlec |
Homepage and repository
- accounts-module
- FastyBird
- about 1 year ago
- Apache-2.0
- 75 dependencies
- accounts-module-1.0.0-dev.19.tgz
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- Total downloads 0
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