Django FlatContent is intended as a flatpages-like app but for smaller chunks of content that can be edited in the Django admin.
- Simple FlatContent model
- Template tag for pulling FlatContent into templates
- Template rendering of flatcontent items
- Caching of FlatContent for performance
pip install flatcontent
.- Add
. - Run the command migrate
to install the models.
Once content is available in the FlatContent model, it can be accessed via the templates using the provided template tags:
{% load flatcontent_tags %} <div id="footer"> {% flatcontent footer %} </div>
The above will perform a slug lookup on the text "footer" and return the content associated with that slug.
You can also put the content into a template variable for passing to other template tags or filters. For example, getting the footer and processing the text through the textile filter:
{% load flatcontent_tags markup %} <div id="footer"> {% flatcontent footer as content %} {{ content|textile }} </div>
Add context for flatcontent rendering using the with keyword. For example, if you have a flatcontent item with the content Homer {{ last_name }}, you could use the following in your django template to achieve Homer Simpson as the output:
{% load flatcontent_tags %} {% flatcontent homer-simpson with last_name='Simpson' %}