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Architecture: Fleet

Shannon Weyrick edited this page Nov 4, 2021 · 56 revisions

Fleet Service (orb-fleet)

This microservice is responsible for:

  • Agent communications (RPC list here)
    • process client RPC requests (e.g. request for policies)
    • send control plane RPC requests (e.g. list of groups an agent belongs to)
    • process heartbeats and capabilities from agents, maintain information about their state such as which policies are active and whether any are in an error state
    • consume system events from policy service to send agents policy updates in real time according to their group membership
  • Agent management
    • /agents User facing CRUD management of Agents
    • especially bootstrapping a new agent to receive connection information (id, channel, key)
    • interact with mainflux things service (1:1 between agent and thing, and between agent and channel), maintaining things, channels, and their connection
  • Agent Backend capabilities management
    • GET /agents/backends endpoint for getting a list of agent backends (initially just pktvisor)
  {"backend": "pktvisor",
   "description": "pktvisor observability agent from"
  {"name": "anycast_dns",
   "input_type": "pcap",
   "config_predefined": [ "iface" ],
   "agents": {
     "total": 12

Agent Data Model

DB Field JSON Field Public ReadOnly Description
mf_thing_id id X X UUIDv4 (known as mf_thing_id in the internal models because it comes from the mainflux thing id)
mf_owner_id UUIDv4 tenant owner ID
name name X A name label field
mf_channel_id channel_id X Communication channel ID (UUIDv4), unique to this agent and created at agent creation
agent_tags agent_tags X X Orb tags field: sent in by the agent when it connects
orb_tags orb_tags X Orb tags field: defined through the API or UI
ts_created ts_created X X A timestamp of creation
agent_metadata agent_metadata X X JSON object sent in by the agent representing its Capabilities
state state X X Current connection status of the agent, one of: 'new', 'online', 'offline', 'stale', 'removed'
error_state error_state X X Boolean which indicates whether the agent is in an error state or not. Heartbeat data contains error information.
last_hb_data last_hb_data X X JSON object sent in by the agent as its last heartbeat
ts_last_hb ts_last_hb X X A time stamp of the last heartbeat that was received

Agent Group Data Model

DB Field JSON Field Public ReadOnly Description
id id X X UUIDv4
mf_owner_id UUIDv4 tenant owner ID
name name X A name label field
description description X Description
mf_channel_id channel_id X Communication channel ID (UUIDv4), unique to this group and created at group creation
tags tags X Orb tags field: defined through the API or UI
ts_created ts_created X X A timestamp of creation

Agent Capabilities

            "agent_metadata": {
                "backends": {
                    "pktvisor": {
                        "data": {
                            "taps": {
                                "mydefault": {
                                    "config": {
                                        "iface": "en0"
                                    "input_type": "pcap",
                                    "interface": "visor.module.input/1.0"
                        "version": "3.3.0-develop"
                "orb_agent": {
                    "version": "1.0.0-develop"

Core to Agent communication paths for synchronized state

These actions are provided by the fleet AgentCommsService. The agents and control plane can never assume to know the exact state of each other - messages may have been dropped or received out of order, or race conditions may have occurred. Therefore both systems must carefully handle all RPC calls making no assumptions about the state of the sender, except that which is contained within the call itself.

These RPCs are sent from Core to Agent and happen when control plane actions occur.

Control Plane Action RPC Service Sent To Agent Action
Agent Group created GroupMembershipRPCPayload NotifyAgentNewGroupMembership Agent Channel (for each agent in group) Agent subscribes to group channel specified in RPC
Agent Group removed GroupRemovedRPCPayload NotifyGroupRemoval Group Channel Agent unsubscribes from the group channel specified in RPC
Dataset created AgentPolicyRPCPayload NotifyGroupNewDataset Group Channel Agent associates Dataset with Policies it is managing, attempts to apply Policy to backend if it is not already managing it from a different Dataset
Dataset removed DatasetRemovedRPCPayload NotifyGroupDatasetRemoval Group Channel Agent disassociates Dataset from Policies it is managing. If there are no more Datasets associated with a Policy, the Policy is removed
Policy updated AgentPolicyRPCPayload NotifyGroupPolicyUpdate Group Channel Agent applies new version of Policy to backend
Policy removed AgentPolicyRPCPayload NotifyGroupPolicyRemoval Group Channel Agent removes Policy from backend, disassociates all Datasets from it

These RPCs are sent from Core to Agent and happen when an Agent bootstraps (i.e. comes online or is reset)

Agent Action RPC Service Sent To Agent Action
Bootstrap GroupMembershipRPCPayload NotifyAgentGroupMemberships Agent Channel Agent subscribes to all groups listed in RPC
Bootstrap AgentPolicyRPCPayload NotifyAgentAllDatasets Agent Channel Agent applies all Policies and associates all Datasets listed in RPC