This project serves as the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) 🚀 for a larger vision aimed at developing a robotic metaverse. Utilizing a combination of modern web technologies, this platform allows users to interact with robots through a web browser, fostering a unique and interactive environment.
- Simulation: Developed using the Mujoco physics engine
- Clone the repo:
git clone
- Run container:
cd mvp_mujoco_simulation
docker compose up -d
Open a console in the container:
docker exec -it mvp_simulation bash
Start the simulation:
cd src
Open a console in the container:
docker exec -it mvp_simulation bash
Start a test client to see if the simulation websocket is working:
cd src
You should be able to see the datastream printed out in the console, in which you executed the After a short time the script stops, now you should see the message "Connection closed - OK" in the console of the simulation.
Check out the webapp, which is the other part of our mvp. To see the simulation running in your browser, follow the instructions and start the frontend (there is currently no need to run the backend).
Kinematic calculations are taken from Kevin Zakka and the robot models are taken from MuJoCo Menagerie.