PGX includes a wide selection of optimized graph algorithms that can be invoked through the Analyst. The following list provides the links to the detail pages of the available algorithms, grouped by category.
- Classic graph algorithms
- Community detection
- Connected components
- Link prediction
- Matrix factorization
- Path finding
- All Vertices and Edges on Filtered Path
- Enumerate Simple Paths
- Compute High-Degree Vertices
- Compute Distance Index
- Fast Path Finding
- Filtered Fast Path Finding
- Classic Dijkstra Algorithm
- Classic Dijkstra Algorithm (ignoring edge directions)
- Filtered Dijkstra Algorithm
- Filtered Dijkstra Algorithm (ignoring edge directions)
- Dijkstra Multi-Destination Algorithm
- Bidirectional Dijkstra Algorithm
- Bidirectional Filtered Dijkstra Algorithm
- Bidirectional Filtered Dijkstra Algorithm
- Bidirectional Dijkstra Algorithm (ignoring edge directions)
- Classic Bellman-Ford
- (Backwards) Bellman-Ford Algorithm
- Bellman-Ford (Ignoring edge directions)
- Hop Distance
- Hop Distance (Backwards)
- Hop Distance (undirected)
- Fattest Path
- Fattest Path (ignoring edge directions)
- Ranking and walking
- Classic PageRank
- Approximate PageRank
- Weighted PageRank
- Personalized PageRank
- Personalized PageRank (for a set of vertices)
- Personalized Weighted PageRank
- Personalized Weighted PageRank (for a set of vertices)
- Vertex Betweenness Centrality
- Approximate Vertex Betweenness Centrality with Random Seeds
- Approximate Vertex Betweenness Centrality From seeds
- Closeness Centrality (Unit Length)
- Closeness Centrality (with weights)
- Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search (HITS)
- Eigenvector Centrality
- Out-Degree Centrality
- In-Degree Centrality
- Degree Centrality
- Random Walk with Restart
- Harmonic Centrality
- Article Rank
- Classic SALSA
- Personalized SALSA
- Personalized SALSA (for a set of vertices)
- Structure evaluation
- Bipartite Check
- Diameter / Radius
- Periphery / Center
- Local Clustering Coefficient (LCC)
- Local Clustering Coefficient for Directed Graphs (LCC)
- Local Clustering Coefficient for ignoring edge directions (LCC)
- Find Cycle
- Find Cycle from Node
- Reachability
- Reachability (undirected)
- Topological Sort
- Topological Schedule
- Triangle Counting
- Triangle Counting (undirected)
- Adamic-Adar index
- Adamic-Adar index (Ignoring edge direction)
- Conductance
- Modularity
- Partition Conductance
- Out-Degree Distribution
- In-Degree Distribution
- K-Core
- Other