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Fattest Path (ignoring edge directions)

The Fattest path algorithm can be regarded as a variant of Dijkstra's algorithm, it tries to find the fattest path between the given source and all the reachable vertices in the graph. The fatness of a path is equal to the minimum value of the capacity from the edges that take part in the path, thus a fattest path is conformed by the edges with the largest possible capacity.


Input Argument Type Comment
G graph the graph.
capacity edgeProp edge property holding the capacity of each edge in the graph.
root node the source vertex from the graph for the path.
Output Argument Type Comment
parent_node vertexProp vertex property holding the parent vertex of the each vertex in the fattest path.
parent_edge vertexProp vertex property holding the edge ID linking the current vertex in the path with the previous vertex in the path.
fat vertexProp vertex property holding the capacity value of the fattest path up to the current vertex. The fatness value for the source vertex will be INF, while it will be 0 for all the vertices that are not reachable from the source.
Return Value Type Comment
void None


 * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2025 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
package oracle.pgx.algorithms;

import oracle.pgx.algorithm.EdgeProperty;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.PgxEdge;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.PgxGraph;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.PgxMap;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.PgxVertex;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.VertexProperty;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.annotations.GraphAlgorithm;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.annotations.Out;

import static java.lang.Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.ControlFlow;

public class FattestPathUndirected {
  public void fattestPathUndirected(PgxGraph g, EdgeProperty<Double> capacity, PgxVertex root,
      @Out VertexProperty<PgxVertex> parentNode, @Out VertexProperty<PgxEdge> parentEdge,
      @Out VertexProperty<Double> fat) {
    if (g.getNumVertices() == 0) {

    long updatingLoop = g.getNumVertices();

    // sequentially initialize, otherwise compiler flags this algorithm as parallel in nature
    g.getVertices().forSequential(n -> {
      parentNode.set(n, PgxVertex.NONE);
      parentEdge.set(n, PgxEdge.NONE);
      fat.set(n, (double) 0);

    fat.set(root, POSITIVE_INFINITY);

    // create 'queue'
    PgxMap<PgxVertex, Double> q = PgxMap.create();
    q.set(root, POSITIVE_INFINITY);

    // Updating loop
    while (q.size() > 0) {
      PgxVertex u = q.getKeyForMaxValue();

      u.getOutEdges().forEach(e -> {
        PgxVertex v = e.destinationVertex();
        double minCap = (fat.get(u) < capacity.get(e)) ? fat.get(u) : capacity.get(e);
        if (fat.get(v) < minCap) {
          fat.set(v, minCap);
          q.set(v, fat.get(v));
          parentNode.set(v, u);
          parentEdge.set(v, e);

      u.getInEdges().forEach(e -> {
        PgxVertex v = e.sourceVertex();
        double minCap = (fat.get(u) < capacity.get(e)) ? fat.get(u) : capacity.get(e);
        if (fat.get(v) < minCap) {
          fat.set(v, minCap);
          q.set(v, fat.get(v));
          parentNode.set(v, u);
          parentEdge.set(v, e);