Shorthand script for creation and removal of Gitlab repositories directly from terminal.
The script does check for existence of Vercel project and guides you through connecting it with repo.
gl myreponame # To generate a new project
gl rm myreponame # To remove existing project (run from parent directory)
Script uses python-gitlab
Follow the official instructions to intall it here
However, this should be enough to install it:
pip install python-gitlab
.- Create a Gitlab personal access token here: with
scopes (more here). - Create
with these contents:
default = main
ssl_verify = true
timeout = 5
url =
private_token = your_gitlab_personal_access_token_you_just_generated
More on configuring Gitlab CLI here.
Be sure that you have ~/.bin
folder from which you load your scripts:
mkdir ~/.bin
echo 'for d in ~/.bin/*/bin; do export PATH="$d:$PATH"; done' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'export PATH=~/.bin:$PATH' >> ~/.zshrc
If you do, then just run this and you are fine.
cd ~/.bin && git clone [email protected]:optimista/gl.git
I have all my scripts in ~/.bin
Simple ones are in one file (~/.bin/simplescript
Complex ones are within a folder (~/.bin/complexscript/bin/complexscript
I load them in my ~/.zshrc
(if you use bash ~/.bashrc