telegram-ez-bot-template is a Telegram bot application designed for merchants who value their privacy. The bot interacts with users through Telegram, providing functionalities such as:
- Viewing account information
- Redeeming licenses
- Purchasing new licenses in cryptocurrency
- Changing the bot's language
The application supports 66 languages, and we welcome contributions for editing or adding new languages.
Ensure you have the following installed:
- Node.js (v18 or later)
- npm (comes with Node.js)
- SQLite
git clone
cd telegram-ez-bot-template
npm install
Create the configuration file from the example config file and edit it:
cp config.example.ts config.ts
Edit the following in config.ts:
- Telegram Bot Token (telegramToken): Your Telegram bot API token.
- Admin IDs (adminIds): List of Telegram user IDs with admin privileges.
- Hostname (hostname): Your domain or localhost for development.
- OxaPay Merchant Key (oxapayMerchantKey): Use the sandbox for testing or your production key.
- Prices: Update pricing details as needed.
Ensure SQLite is set up. The bot will automatically create database.db and the necessary tables if they don’t exist when you run the bot.
To start the bot, run:
npm start
- Start Command: /start - Initializes the bot and displays the main menu.
- Account Info: Select "Account Info" from the menu to view your account details.
- Redeem License: Select "Redeem" to enter a license code.
- Purchase License: Select "Purchase" to buy a new license.
- Select Language: Choose "Select Language" to change the bot's language.
telegram-ez-bot-template supports 66 languages, and contributions are welcome! To contribute:
- Edit or add new language files.
- Submit a pull request with your changes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.