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Terminology in Oppia

jainv4156 edited this page Feb 6, 2025 · 3 revisions

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Overview of entities

This diagram outlines the various entities in Oppia and how they relate to each other:

flowchart TD
T("Topic") --> S1("Story-1")
T --> S2("Story-2")
S1 --> C1("Chapter-1/Exploration")
C1 --> c1("Card-1")
C1 --> c2("card-2")
S1 --> C2("chapter-2")
C2 --> c3("Card-3")
c3 --> co("Content")
c3 ----> in("Interaction")
in --> mc("Multiple-choice")
in --> is("Image Selection")
in --> fi("Fraction-input")
in --> oqt("other question types")
S2 --> C3("Chapter-3")
S2 --> C4("Chapter-4")
C3 --> c4("Card-4")
C4 --> c5("Card-5")
C4 --> c6("Card-6")

Key terms

  1. Topic: A topic is a broad term that refers to the subject content being taught (e.g. Addition/Subtraction). A list of available topics appears on the Home screen of app.
  2. Story: Stories are situations/scenarios that are meant to help users understand the topic. For example, if the topic is addition, then one of the stories could be about a kid going to a shop and to buy 3 pens and 4 pencils. A list of stories is shown in the "Lessons" tab when you open a topic from the home screen.
  3. Promoted Story: Promoted Story is mainly the recent Story/Chapter you played. It is shown on the "home screen" with heading text "Stories For You".
  4. Skill: This is a concrete learning outcome that describes something that a learner should be able to do. It is usually stated in the form “Given X, compute/calculate/draw/etc. Y.” For example: “Given a fraction, identify its numerator.”
  5. Exploration/Chapter: This is a structured learning experience that is part of a story, and provides the learner with an active way to learn new concepts, as well as targeted feedback. It is the core unit of learning in Oppia. The flow/screen that appears when any story is started is known as the Exploration/Chapter.
  6. Concept Card: This is a non-story-based explanation of how to perform a particular skill. It serves as a reference/reminder for students who may have encountered the skill before but forgotten how to carry it out. These can be accessed from the "Study" tab or are linked within the chapter you are playing.
  7. Question/QuestionPlayer: This is a standalone question that may be used by students as part of a practice session.
  8. Study Guide/Revision Card: A Study Guide summarizes key topics and concepts, helping users quickly review and reinforce what they have learned. Note that the UI displays "Study Guide" instead of "Revision Card", though the codebase still uses the term "revision card" for consistency.

How to visit?

Concept Card

Home --> Choose Topic --> Study Tab --> Select Study Guide --> Goto hyperlink present in description text

Visit Concept Card

Hints & Solution

Home --> Choose Topic --> Start any lesson --> Wait for sometime to blue Hints bar popup

After all hints are opened, Solution will show up.

Hints and Solution

Completed Stories

Hints and Solution

Ongoing Topics

Hints and Solution
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