The Surgeon Scorecard calculates readmission complication rates for surgeons based on a configurable period. This is an attempt to reproduce the Surgeon Scorecard work done by Pro Publica to publically identify the performance of surgeons. Though they have extensive documentation on their methods they did not release source code.
It uses the following code libraries included in this github repository: - The command line Cohort tool can take a OMOP dataset that is too large to fit into a relational database and pull a subset of the data that can fit. It is meant to be a command line replacement for the existing OMOP tool CIRCE when the datasize is too large to fit into a relational database. It provides the ability to filter the data and write it out into CSV files that can be loaded into a relational database. - The Readmission library takes a Cohort and finds readmissions after an inpatient stay.
git clone
- Scala 2.x
- Python 2.7 with Pandas
- File system for holding CSV files
- More than 8GB of RAM (Smaller ram sizes can handle the development dataset such as data1k but 40G is needed to hold the full Medicare SynPuf data in memory without using any disk. Run time can increase 3 to 5x when the data is not able to fit into memory)
Edit the file to point to the correct location of the spark binary
$ cd code
$ ./
The program is driven by a and file.
spark properties:
driver_memory - amount of memory for the driver to use. Larger values allow more data to be cached in memory
shuffle_partition - Amount of partitions to be used in a dataframe. Larger data sizes need more partitions
data properties
datadir- directory for omop source data
icd_conversion- not currently implemented.
date_input_format- data format used such as %Y%m%d or %Y-%m-%d
cohort properties:
year_of_birth_min- minimum year of birth for patients in the cohort
year_of_birth_max- maximum year of birth for patients in the cohort. no setting means no limit
events_start_date- filter events that occur before this date
events_end_date- filter events that occur after this date
filter-dead- filter out dead patients
filter-alive- filter out alive patients
filter-male- filter out male patients
filter-female- filter out female patients
filter_care_sites- filter out patients from particular care sites.
This is a comma seperated list of care site id's
include_care_sites- include patients from only specific care sites
This is a comma seperated list of care site id's
This cannot be used if you are filtering on care sites
csv_output_codec - choices of bzip2, deflate, uncompressed, lz4, gzip, snappy, none
readmission properties:
readmission_days- number of days to check for readmission complication
readmission_code_file- file that contains the procedure and readmission codes
diagnostic_code_file- file that contains the procudure and diagnostic codes
comorbidies_code_file- file that contains the comorbity codes
icd_diagnosis- property to show whether the diagnostic icd codes are icd9 or icd10
icd_readmission- property to show whether the diagnostic icd codes are icd9 or icd10
inpatient_condition_primary_diagnosis- OMOP codes for condition principal diagnosis
inpatient_procedure_primary_diagnosis- OMOP codes for procedure principal diagnosis
These are the options for input dataset
- a 1000 patient subset of the Medicare synpuf database is included in the data1k folder. It is compressed and the program can read it this way.
- Scripts in the dscripts can be used to download the full Medicare Synpuf dataset that has been converted to an OMOP framework from the OHDSI ftp site. This data is compressed and the program can read it this way.
- Use the real Medicare CMS data and run the etl-cms project to covert it to an OMOP format
The Surgeon Scorecard is a test application for the Cohort and Readmission classes.
There are no unit tests
- Other Complimentary python libraries such as one that convert between medical codes. For example, icd9 to icd10.
- Suppport for mixed icd9 (pre 2015) and icd10 codes (2015+) CMS Medicare data.
- Publish python classes as a library in Pypi
The reference paper is included in the git repository here