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Welcome to MetaWorm, an integrative data-driven model of C. elegans, linking brain, body and environment to faithfully replicate C. elegans locomotion behavior.
For a comprehensive introduction to MetaWorm, please refer to our paper available at bioRxiv.


eworm: The neural network model
MetaWorm: The body & environment model
neuroXcore: 3D visualization for the neural network model

Table of Contents


The behavior of an organism is profoundly influenced by the complex interplay between its brain, body, and environment. Existing data-driven models focusing on either the brain or the body-environment separately. A model that integrates these two components is yet to be developed. Here, we present MetaWorm, an integrative data-driven model of a widely studied organism, C. elegans. This model consists of two sub-models: the brain model and the body & environment model. The brain model was built by multi-compartment models with realistic morphology, connectome, and neural population dynamics based on experimental data. Simultaneously, the body & environment model employed a lifelike body and a 3D physical environment, facilitating easy behavior quantification. Through the closed-loop interaction between two sub-models, MetaWorm faithfully reproduced the realistic zigzag movement towards attractors observed in C. elegans. Notably, MetaWorm is the first model to achieve seamless integration of detailed brain, body, and environment simulations, enabling unprecedented insights into the intricate relationships between neural structures, neural activities, and behaviors. Leveraging this model, we investigated the impact of neural system structure on both neural activities and behaviors. Consequently, MetaWorm can enhance our understanding of how the brain controls the body to interact with its surrounding environment.

System Requirements

To ensure optimal performance and compatibility, we recommend installing and running MetaWorm on Ubuntu. Below are the tested specifications:

  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04
  • GPU: Nvidia 3090
  • CUDA: 11.4
  • Python 3.8.x
  • Nvidia Optix: 7.0.0

Installation Guide

Get code

sudo apt install git
git clone


Basic C++ library

sudo apt update
sudo apt install cmake libpython3-dev python3-pip libeigen3-dev libgl-dev libxrandr-dev libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev libxi-dev freeglut3-dev libglew-dev 

Build Boost from source (Boost 1.79 tested)

get Boost


build and install boost to path you want

tar -xzf boost_1_79_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_79_0
./ --with-python=python3
./b2 --with-python --with-filesystem --with-system --prefix="YOUR_BOOST_PATH" install


mkdir build
cd build 
cmake ../neuronXcore -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR="path to cuda root" -DOptiX_INCLUDE="path to optix library/include" -DBoost_DIR="path to BoostConfig.cmake"
make -j8

The folder build2 is a reference for your build folder.


change build path in

cd MetaWorm/eworm/ghost_in_mesh_sim/
# change line 3 in to add the `build` dir in your PC
sys.path.append('[directory of build]')

install Python packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

create an NMODL mechanism library

cd MetaWorm/eworm/components/mechanism
nrnivmodl modfile

If you get "Command 'nrnivmodl' not found", find it in /home/[username]/.local/bin


Experience the simulation of C. elegans movement with our demo.
Execute the open-loop simulation of C. elegans movement.

cd MetaWorm/build
./neuronXcore -data ../eworm/ghost_in_mesh_sim/data/tuned/video_offline/video_offline_neuronX

It you get "No module named xxx", try

export PYTHONPATH=~/MetaWorm/

Press space to play or pause the simulation.

Instructions for Use

Modify the Neural Network Model of MetaWorm

Modify any parameters of the model

Adjust the parameters of the neural network model by modifying the respective files.

├── components
│   ├── mechanism      # ion channel models
│   ├── model          # cell models, including morphology and locations of cells
│   ├── param
│   │   ├── cell       # biophysical parameters of cells
│   │   ├── connection # adjacency matrix
├── network
│   ├── config.json    # network config

Run the script to generate a neural network model


Fitting the neural network data

The eworm_learn file contains code to training the neural network model to fit the target data. The target data can be Preason Correlation Matrix of neurons' membrane potentials, or the Calcium signals of neurons. This training algorithm requires GPUs to run and supports multiple GPUs.

(If you add or change an ion channel model X, you need to make the correspoding X_lr.mod file in /MetaWorm/eworm_learn/components/mechanism/modfile/ for training)

Create an NMODL mechanism library

cd /MetaWorm/eworm_learn
nrnivmodl components/mechanism/modfile

Train the model


Before training, configure the parameters in

TARGET_MODE: 'corr' - fit the correlation matrix of neurons' membrane potentials; 'traces' - fit neurons' membrane potentials
PERCISE: True - more precise, but costs more memory and time; False - less precise, but save memory and time
ADAM: True - used Adam as optimizer,False - use SGD
ngpu: number of GPUs
K_nblock: Transfer impedance matrix division block number; larger values save more memory, with a maximum equal to the number of neurons.

Modify the interaction between the Neural Network Model and the Body & Environment Model

Train the neural network to control the body

cd MetaWorm/eworm/ghost_in_mesh_sim
# set parameters in

Run the simulation of C. elegans movement

To run the simulation in GUI and render the neural network model, you need to export the morphological data of your neural network model.

cd MetaWorm/eworm/ghost_in_mesh_sim
# Set parameters in

Set parameters in, like group_name and parameters in config. If you want to do perturbation experiment, replace the corresponding function in line 58 of Run the simulation of C. elegans movement.

./neuronXcore -data [directory of your neuron morphology data]

3D User Interface Interaction


in main view of worm body

rotate with right button
zoom with middle button

in main view of neuron

rotate with left button
strafe with middle button
zoom with right button


space : Play & Pause.
'r': reset worm.
't': tetrahedron mesh of worm body(FEM).
'w': worm body.
'm': worm muscles(96 muscles).
'p': path of swimming trajectory.
'a': arrow of worm swimming direction (yellow arrow)
'x': coordinate of world. x-red arrow. y-green arrow. z-blue arrow.
'c': coordinate of worm body & head. x-red arrow. y-green arrow. z-blue arrow.
'q': exit
'v': switch main view to neuron and vice versa
'1': take a screenshot
'2': hide or show subwiew

program start parameter

usage: neuronXcore -param PARAM   
-data DIR                           DIR is the folder of neuron mophology data, must contain a .swc file
-ss DIR                             DIR is the folder you want screenshots to save at, default: ./screenshots
--worm-auto-screenshot              automatically taking screenshots when playing
-win W H                            adjust start window size by W * H (int)
-spp SPP                            adjust samples per pixels in neuron rendering (int)


This project is covered under the Apache 2.0 License.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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  • Jupyter Notebook 53.6%
  • C 16.3%
  • C++ 14.1%
  • Makefile 11.3%
  • Python 2.0%
  • CMake 1.3%
  • Other 1.4%