Releases: opentibia/server
0.6.4 Release
OTServ 0.6.4
Client version: 8.60
Git version number 5195
Changes can be found here
This is the server which every other is based on ie.(TFS,Evolutions,Naxed) basicly all of them ! and is also maintained by the OTServ leaders ie.SimOne ,Remere
List of lua functions :
You can see the functions and their parameters in these files :
functions.lua and luascript.cpp and npc functions in /npc/scripts/lib/
Source code:
unpack 7zip and go into src
How to write bug reports :
OTServ Bug reports :
If you want to compile the server by yourself on windows/linux please take a look at this tutorial:
From what I can say the server is most stablest distro over all and have all 8.6 features working as they should .