Cookiecutter template for an Open Teleko Cloud project. See
- Free software: Apache license
- pbr: Set up to use Python Build Reasonableness
- hacking: Enforces the OpenStack Hacking Guidelines
- stestr: Runs tests using stestr
- OpenTelekomCloud-Infra: Ready for OpenTelekomCloud Continuous Integration testing
- Tox testing: Setup to easily test for Python 3.7
- Sphinx docs: Documentation ready for generation and publication
Install cookiecutter:
pip install cookiecutter
Generate a Python package project:
OpenTelekomCloud projects require a working git repo for pbr to work, on newer versions of cookiecutter (>= 0.7.0 released 2013-11-09) this initial commit will be done automatically. Otherwise you will need to init a repo and commit to it before doing anything else:
cd $repo_name git init git add . git commit -a
- Add the project to the OpenTelekomCloud Infrastructure