Google Feud for iOS is an open-source Swift application for Apple's iOS. You can download the app on the AppStore. Please use the code to learn from and not to copy from. Commit useful code to help shape this project.
To compile this project install CocoaPods and install the Pods.
NOTE: If you don't have cocoapods, install them with
sudo gem install cocoapods
$ git clone
$ pod install
Next you need to open the GoogleFeud.xcworkspace NOT the GoogleFeud.xcodeproj Your ready to go! Take a look at the code and try it out on your iDevice!
Unlike other Google Feud apps, Guess My Search has categories, which are UIButtons that access different arrays containing the questions from Justin Hook's site Google Feud.
To get the data from Google, I use Alamofire along with SwiftyJSON for parsing
Google Feud was originally created by Justin Hook. Take a look at his site. Google Feud for iOS was developed by Carson Katri and published by Ryan Katri.