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cnf-tests: dynamically created KubeletConfig
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Make NUMA/SR-IOV integration tests creating their own
KubeletConfig that sets single-numa-node policy
and reserve an enitre NUMA node to system.

Add functions to manipulate `` labels
on node to apply the performacen profile to arbitrary nodes.

Signed-off-by: Andrea Panattoni <[email protected]>
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zeeke committed Sep 1, 2023
1 parent de1dc3b commit 72f670f
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Showing 3 changed files with 242 additions and 13 deletions.
54 changes: 45 additions & 9 deletions cnf-tests/testsuites/e2esuite/dpdk/numa_node_sriov.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package dpdk

import (
Expand All @@ -14,17 +15,24 @@ import (

. ""
. ""

utilNodes ""
utilnodes ""

corev1 ""
metav1 ""

mcv1 ""
kubeletconfigv1beta1 ""

var _ = Describe("[sriov] NUMA node alignment", Ordered, func() {
Expand All @@ -39,18 +47,12 @@ var _ = Describe("[sriov] NUMA node alignment", Ordered, func() {
Skip("Discovery mode not supported")

isSNO, err := utilNodes.IsSingleNodeCluster()
isSNO, err := utilnodes.IsSingleNodeCluster()
if isSNO {
Skip("Single Node openshift not yet supported")

perfProfile, err := performanceprofile.FindDefaultPerformanceProfile(performanceProfileName)
if !performanceprofile.IsSingleNUMANode(perfProfile) {
Skip("SR-IOV NUMA test suite expects a performance profile with 'single-numa-node' to be present")

err = namespaces.Create(sriovnamespaces.Test, client.Client)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,6 +120,13 @@ var _ = Describe("[sriov] NUMA node alignment", Ordered, func() {

By("Waiting for SRIOV devices to get configured")

cleanupFn, err := machineconfigpool.ApplyKubeletConfigToNode(
testingNode, "test-sriov-numa", makeKubeletConfigWithReservedNUMA0(testingNode))

By("KubeletConfig test-sriov-numa applied to " + testingNode.Name)

BeforeEach(func() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -401,3 +410,30 @@ func expectPodCPUsAreOnNUMANode(pod *corev1.Pod, expectedCPUsNUMA int) {

ExpectWithOffset(1, numaNode).To(Equal(expectedCPUsNUMA))

// makeKubeletConfigWithReservedNUMA0 creates a KubeletConfig.Spec that sets all NUMA0 CPUs as systemReservedCPUs
// and topology manager to "single-numa-node".
func makeKubeletConfigWithReservedNUMA0(node *corev1.Node) *mcv1.KubeletConfigSpec {
numaToCpu, err := nodes.GetNumaNodes(node)
ExpectWithOffset(1, err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
ExpectWithOffset(1, len(numaToCpu)).
To(BeNumerically(">=", 2),
fmt.Sprintf("Node %s has only one NUMA node[%v]. At least two expected", node.Name, numaToCpu))

kubeletConfig := &kubeletconfigv1beta1.KubeletConfiguration{}
kubeletConfig.CPUManagerPolicy = "static"
kubeletConfig.CPUManagerReconcilePeriod = metav1.Duration{Duration: 5 * time.Second}
kubeletConfig.TopologyManagerPolicy = kubeletconfigv1beta1.SingleNumaNodeTopologyManagerPolicy
kubeletConfig.ReservedSystemCPUs = components.ListToString(numaToCpu[0])

raw, err := json.Marshal(kubeletConfig)
ExpectWithOffset(1, err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())

ret := &mcv1.KubeletConfigSpec{
KubeletConfig: &runtime.RawExtension{
Raw: raw,

return ret
144 changes: 140 additions & 4 deletions cnf-tests/testsuites/pkg/machineconfigpool/machineconfigpool.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,12 +6,15 @@ import (

testclient ""
mcov1 ""
mcoScheme ""

corev1 ""
metav1 ""

// WaitForCondition waits until the machine config pool will have specified condition type with the expected status
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,7 +100,9 @@ func FindMCPByMCLabel(mcLabel string) (mcov1.MachineConfigPool, error) {
return mcov1.MachineConfigPool{}, fmt.Errorf("cannot find MCP that targets MC with label: %s", mcLabel)

// WaitForMCPStable waits until the mcp is stable
// WaitForMCPStable waits until the mcp is updating and then waits
// for mcp to be stable again. Former wait is useful to avoid returning
// from this function before the operator is working.
func WaitForMCPStable(mcp mcov1.MachineConfigPool) error {
err := WaitForCondition(
Expand All @@ -110,15 +115,18 @@ func WaitForMCPStable(mcp mcov1.MachineConfigPool) error {
return err

return WaitForMCPUpdated(mcp)

// WaitForMCPUpdated waits for the MCP to be in the updated state.
func WaitForMCPUpdated(mcp mcov1.MachineConfigPool) error {
// We need to wait a long time here for the nodes to reboot
err = WaitForCondition(
return WaitForCondition(

return err

// DecodeMCYaml decodes a MachineConfig YAML to a MachineConfig struct
Expand All @@ -135,3 +143,131 @@ func DecodeMCYaml(mcyaml string) (*mcov1.MachineConfig, error) {

return mc, err

// ApplyKubeletConfigToNode creates a KubeletConfig, a MachineConfigPool and a
// `<name>` label in order to target a single node in the cluster.
// The role label is applied to the target node after removing any provious `` label,
// as MachineConfigOperator doesn't support multiple roles.
// Return value is a function that can be used to revert the node labeling.
func ApplyKubeletConfigToNode(node *corev1.Node, name string, spec *mcov1.KubeletConfigSpec) (func(), error) {
nilFn := func() {}

newNodeRole := name
newNodeRoleSelector := map[string]string{
"" + newNodeRole: "",

mcp := mcov1.MachineConfigPool{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: name,
Labels: map[string]string{
"": name,

Spec: mcov1.MachineConfigPoolSpec{
MachineConfigSelector: &metav1.LabelSelector{
MatchExpressions: []metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement{{
Key: "",
Operator: metav1.LabelSelectorOpIn,
Values: []string{name, "worker"},
Paused: false,
NodeSelector: &metav1.LabelSelector{
MatchLabels: newNodeRoleSelector,

kubeletConfig := &mcov1.KubeletConfig{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: name},
Spec: *spec.DeepCopy(),

// Link the KubeletConfig to the MCP
kubeletConfig.Spec.MachineConfigPoolSelector = &metav1.LabelSelector{
MatchLabels: map[string]string{
"": name},

// Create the KubeletConfig
_, err := controllerutil.CreateOrUpdate(context.Background(), testclient.Client, kubeletConfig, func() error { return nil })
if err != nil {
return nilFn, err
klog.Infof("Created KubeletConfig %s", kubeletConfig.Name)

// Create MCP
_, err = controllerutil.CreateOrUpdate(context.Background(), testclient.Client, &mcp, func() error { return nil })
if err != nil {
return nilFn, err
klog.Infof("Created MachineConfigPool %s", mcp.Name)

// Following wait ensure the node is rebooted only once, as if we apply the MCP to
// the node before the KubeletConfig has been rendered, the node will reboot twice.
klog.Infof("Waiting for KubeletConfig to be rendered to MCP")
err = waitUntilKubeletConfigHasUpdatedTheMCP(name)
if err != nil {
return nilFn, err

// Move the node role to the new one
previousNodeRole := nodes.FindRoleLabel(node)
if previousNodeRole != "" {
err = nodes.RemoveRoleFrom(node.Name, previousNodeRole)
if err != nil {
return nilFn, err
klog.Infof("Removed role[%s] from node %s", previousNodeRole, node.Name)

err = nodes.AddRoleTo(node.Name, newNodeRole)
if err != nil {
return func() {
nodes.AddRoleTo(node.Name, previousNodeRole)
klog.Infof("Restored role[%s] on node %s", previousNodeRole, node.Name)
}, err
klog.Infof("Added role[%s] to node %s", newNodeRole, node.Name)

err = WaitForMCPStable(mcp)
if err != nil {
return func() {
nodes.RemoveRoleFrom(node.Name, newNodeRole)
nodes.AddRoleTo(node.Name, previousNodeRole)

klog.Infof("Moved back node role from [%s] to [%s] on %s", newNodeRole, previousNodeRole, node.Name)
}, err

return func() {
nodes.RemoveRoleFrom(node.Name, newNodeRole)
nodes.AddRoleTo(node.Name, previousNodeRole)
klog.Infof("Moved back node role from [%s] to [%s] on %s", newNodeRole, previousNodeRole, node.Name)

}, nil

func waitUntilKubeletConfigHasUpdatedTheMCP(name string) error {
return wait.Poll(10*time.Second, 3*time.Minute, func() (bool, error) {

mcp, err := testclient.Client.MachineConfigPools().Get(context.Background(), name, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
klog.Warningf("Error while waiting for MachineConfigPool[%s] to be updated: %v", name, err)
return false, nil

expectedSource := fmt.Sprintf("99-%s-generated-kubelet", name)

for _, source := range mcp.Spec.Configuration.Source {
if source.Name == expectedSource {
return true, nil

return false, nil
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions cnf-tests/testsuites/pkg/nodes/nodes.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package nodes

import (
Expand All @@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ import (
ptpv1 ""
corev1 ""
metav1 ""
kubeletconfigv1beta1 ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -391,3 +393,58 @@ func IsSingleNodeCluster() (bool, error) {
return len(nodes.Items) == 1, nil

// FindRoleLabel loops over node labels and return the first with key like
// "*", except "".
// Consider that a node is suppose to have only one "custom role" (role != "worker"). If a node
// has two or more custom roles, MachineConfigOperato stops managing that node.
func FindRoleLabel(node *corev1.Node) string {
for label := range node.Labels {
if !strings.HasPrefix(label, "") {

if label == "" {

return strings.TrimPrefix(label, "")

return ""

// AddRoleTo adds the "<role>" to the given node
func AddRoleTo(nodeName, role string) error {
return setLabel(nodeName, ""+role, "")

// RemoveRoleFrom removes the "<role>" from the given node
func RemoveRoleFrom(nodeName, role string) error {
return setLabel(nodeName, ""+role, nil)

func setLabel(nodeName, label string, value any) error {
patch := struct {
Metadata map[string]any `json:"metadata"`
Metadata: map[string]any{
"labels": map[string]any{
label: value,

patchData, err := json.Marshal(&patch)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't marshal patch data[%v] to label node[%s]: %w", patch, nodeName, err)

_, err = client.Client.Nodes().Patch(context.Background(), nodeName, types.MergePatchType, patchData, metav1.PatchOptions{})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't patch labels[%s] of node[%s]: %w", string(patchData), nodeName, err)

return nil

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