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opensas edited this page Apr 2, 2012 · 2 revisions

Play 2.0 documentation

Play 2.0 is a high-productivity Java and Scala web application framework that integrates the components and APIs you need for modern web application development.

Play is based on a lightweight, stateless, web-friendly architecture and features predictable and minimal resource consumption (CPU, memory, threads) for highly-scalable applications thanks to its reactive model, based on Iteratee IO.


  1. Play 2.0 a Web framework for a new era

Getting started

  1. Installing Play 2.0
  2. Creating a new application
  3. Anatomy of a Play 2.0 application
  4. Using the Play 2.0 console
  5. Setting-up your preferred IDE
  6. Sample applications

Working with Play 2.0

  1. Play 2.0 for Scala developers
  2. Play 2.0 for Java developers

Detailed topics

  1. The Build system
    1. About sbt settings
    2. Manage application dependencies
    3. Working with sub-projects
  2. Working with public assets
    1. Using CoffeeScript
    2. Using LESS CSS
    3. Using Google Closure Compiler
  3. Managing database evolutions
  4. Configuration file syntax and features
    1. Configuring the JDBC connection pool
    2. Configuring the internal Akka system
    3. Configuring logging
  5. Deploying your application
    1. Creating a standalone version of your application
    2. Additional configuration
    3. Deploying to Heroku
    4. Set-up a front-end HTTP server

Additional documentations

  1. Scala
  2. Akka
  3. sbt
  4. Configuration
  5. Logback

Hacking Play 2.0

  1. Building Play 2.0 from source
  2. CI server at Cloudbees
  3. Repositories
  4. Issue tracker
  5. Pull requests
  6. Contributor guidelines

Contributing to this documentation

The documentation is freely editable on Feel free to fix mistakes directly in the pages.

However if you want to provide additional documentation, please create new pages and reference them from here. A member of the core team will take care of integrating it in the most appropriate section.

To be integrated:

  1. Missing parts
  2. Tips and tricks