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Attempt to improve performance of ReplaceDuplicateStringLiterals so t…
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sambsnyd committed May 10, 2024
1 parent e15d17b commit a7ed18f
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Showing 2 changed files with 97 additions and 124 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.*;

import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import static org.openrewrite.Tree.randomId;

Expand All @@ -51,12 +51,16 @@ public String getDisplayName() {

public String getDescription() {
return "Replaces `String` literals with a length of 5 or greater repeated a minimum of 3 times. Qualified `String` literals include final Strings, method invocations, and new class invocations. Adds a new `private static final String` or uses an existing equivalent class field. A new variable name will be generated based on the literal value if an existing field does not exist. The generated name will append a numeric value to the variable name if a name already exists in the compilation unit.";
return "Replaces `String` literals with a length of 5 or greater repeated a minimum of 3 times. " +
"Qualified `String` literals include final Strings, method invocations, and new class invocations. " +
"Adds a new `private static final String` or uses an existing equivalent class field. " +
"A new variable name will be generated based on the literal value if an existing field does not exist. " +
"The generated name will append a numeric value to the variable name if a name already exists in the compilation unit.";

public Set<String> getTags() {
return Collections.singleton("RSPEC-S1192");
return new LinkedHashSet<>(asList("RSPEC-1192", "RSPEC-1889"));

Expand All @@ -70,12 +74,11 @@ public TreeVisitor<?, ExecutionContext> getVisitor() {
public J visit(@Nullable Tree tree, ExecutionContext ctx) {
if (tree instanceof JavaSourceFile) {
JavaSourceFile cu = (JavaSourceFile) requireNonNull(tree);
JavaSourceFile cu = (JavaSourceFile) tree;
Optional<JavaSourceSet> sourceSet = cu.getMarkers().findFirst(JavaSourceSet.class);
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(includeTestSources) || (sourceSet.isPresent() && "main".equals(sourceSet.get().getName()))) {
return super.visit(cu, ctx);
if(!Boolean.TRUE.equals(includeTestSources) && !(sourceSet.isPresent() && "main".equals(sourceSet.get().getName()))) {
return cu;
return cu;
return super.visit(tree, ctx);
Expand All @@ -86,14 +89,13 @@ public J visitClassDeclaration(J.ClassDeclaration classDecl, ExecutionContext ct
return classDecl;

Map<String, Set<J.Literal>> duplicateLiteralsMap = FindDuplicateStringLiterals.find(classDecl);
DuplicateLiteralInfo duplicateLiteralInfo = DuplicateLiteralInfo.find(classDecl);
Map<String, Set<J.Literal>> duplicateLiteralsMap = duplicateLiteralInfo.getDuplicateLiterals();
if (duplicateLiteralsMap.isEmpty()) {
return classDecl;

Set<String> variableNames = FindVariableNames.find(classDecl);
Map<String, String> fieldValueToFieldName = FindExistingPrivateStaticFinalFields.find(classDecl);

Set<String> variableNames = duplicateLiteralInfo.getVariableNames();
Map<String, String> fieldValueToFieldName = duplicateLiteralInfo.getFieldValueToFieldName();
String classFqn = classDecl.getType().getFullyQualifiedName();
for (String valueOfLiteral : duplicateLiteralsMap.keySet()) {
String variableName;
Expand All @@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ public J visitClassDeclaration(J.ClassDeclaration classDecl, ExecutionContext ct
if (StringUtils.isBlank(variableName)) {
J.Literal replaceLiteral = ((J.Literal) duplicateLiteralsMap.get(valueOfLiteral).toArray()[0]).withId(Tree.randomId());
J.Literal replaceLiteral = ((J.Literal) duplicateLiteralsMap.get(valueOfLiteral).toArray()[0]).withId(randomId());
String insertStatement = "private static final String " + variableName + " = #{any(String)};";
if (classDecl.getKind() == J.ClassDeclaration.Kind.Type.Enum) {
J.EnumValueSet enumValueSet = classDecl.getBody().getStatements().stream()
Expand All @@ -121,7 +123,7 @@ public J visitClassDeclaration(J.ClassDeclaration classDecl, ExecutionContext ct

if (enumValueSet != null) {
// Temporary work around due to an issue in the JavaTemplate related to BlockStatementTemplateGenerator#enumClassDeclaration.
// "Temporary" work around due to an issue in the JavaTemplate related to BlockStatementTemplateGenerator#enumClassDeclaration.
Space singleSpace =" ", emptyList());
Expression literal = duplicateLiteralsMap.get(valueOfLiteral).toArray(new J.Literal[0])[0].withId(randomId());
J.Modifier privateModifier = new J.Modifier(randomId(),"\n", emptyList()), Markers.EMPTY, null, J.Modifier.Type.Private, emptyList());
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,7 +176,7 @@ public J visitClassDeclaration(J.ClassDeclaration classDecl, ExecutionContext ct
} else {
classDecl = classDecl.withBody(
.apply(new Cursor(getCursor(), classDecl.getBody()), classDecl.getBody().getCoordinates().firstStatement(), replaceLiteral));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -230,18 +232,20 @@ private String transformToVariableName(String valueOfLiteral) {

private static class FindDuplicateStringLiterals extends JavaIsoVisitor<Map<String, Set<J.Literal>>> {
private static boolean isPrivateStaticFinalVariable(J.VariableDeclarations declaration) {
return declaration.hasModifier(J.Modifier.Type.Private) &&
declaration.hasModifier(J.Modifier.Type.Static) &&

private static class DuplicateLiteralInfo {
Set<String> variableNames;
Map<String, String> fieldValueToFieldName;
Map<String, Set<J.Literal>> literalsMap = new HashMap<>();

* Find duplicate `String` literals repeated 3 or more times and with a length of at least 3.
* @param inClass subtree to search in.
* @return `Map` of `String` literal values to the `J.Literal` AST elements.
public static Map<String, Set<J.Literal>> find(J.ClassDeclaration inClass) {
Map<String, Set<J.Literal>> literalsMap = new HashMap<>();
public Map<String, Set<J.Literal>> getDuplicateLiterals() {
Map<String, Set<J.Literal>> filteredMap = new TreeMap<>(Comparator.reverseOrder());
new FindDuplicateStringLiterals().visit(inClass, literalsMap);
for (String valueOfLiteral : literalsMap.keySet()) {
if (literalsMap.get(valueOfLiteral).size() >= 3) {
filteredMap.put(valueOfLiteral, literalsMap.get(valueOfLiteral));
Expand All @@ -250,120 +254,89 @@ public static Map<String, Set<J.Literal>> find(J.ClassDeclaration inClass) {
return filteredMap;

public J.Literal visitLiteral(J.Literal literal, Map<String, Set<J.Literal>> literalsMap) {
if (JavaType.Primitive.String.equals(literal.getType()) &&
literal.getValue() instanceof String &&
((String) literal.getValue()).length() >= 5) {
public static DuplicateLiteralInfo find(J.ClassDeclaration inClass) {
DuplicateLiteralInfo result = new DuplicateLiteralInfo(new LinkedHashSet<>(), new LinkedHashMap<>());
new JavaIsoVisitor<Integer>() {

Cursor parent = getCursor().dropParentUntil(is -> is instanceof J.ClassDeclaration ||
is instanceof J.Annotation ||
is instanceof J.VariableDeclarations ||
is instanceof J.NewClass ||
is instanceof J.MethodInvocation);
// EnumValue can accept constructor arguments, including string literals
// But the static field can't be placed before them, so these literals are ineligible for replacement
if (parent.getValue() instanceof J.NewClass && parent.firstEnclosing(J.EnumValueSet.class) != null) {
return literal;
public J.Annotation visitAnnotation(J.Annotation annotation, Integer integer) {
// Literals in annotations cannot be replaced with variables and should be ignored
return annotation;

if ((parent.getValue() instanceof J.VariableDeclarations &&
((J.VariableDeclarations) parent.getValue()).hasModifier(J.Modifier.Type.Final) &&
!(((J.VariableDeclarations) parent.getValue()).hasModifier(J.Modifier.Type.Private) && ((J.VariableDeclarations) parent.getValue()).hasModifier(J.Modifier.Type.Static))) ||
parent.getValue() instanceof J.NewClass ||
parent.getValue() instanceof J.MethodInvocation) {

literalsMap.computeIfAbsent(((String) literal.getValue()), k -> new HashSet<>());
literalsMap.get((String) literal.getValue()).add(literal);
public J.VariableDeclarations.NamedVariable visitVariable(J.VariableDeclarations.NamedVariable variable, Integer integer) {
J.VariableDeclarations.NamedVariable v = super.visitVariable(variable, integer);
Cursor parentScope = getCursor().dropParentUntil(is -> is instanceof J.ClassDeclaration || is instanceof J.MethodDeclaration);
J.VariableDeclarations declaration = getCursor().firstEnclosing(J.VariableDeclarations.class);
if (parentScope.getValue() instanceof J.MethodDeclaration ||
(parentScope.getValue() instanceof J.ClassDeclaration && declaration != null &&
// `private static final String`(s) are handled separately by `FindExistingPrivateStaticFinalFields`.
!(isPrivateStaticFinalVariable(declaration) && v.getInitializer() instanceof J.Literal &&
((J.Literal) v.getInitializer()).getValue() instanceof String))) {
if (parentScope.getValue() instanceof J.ClassDeclaration &&
declaration != null && isPrivateStaticFinalVariable(declaration) &&
v.getInitializer() instanceof J.Literal &&
((J.Literal) v.getInitializer()).getValue() instanceof String) {
String value = (String) (((J.Literal) v.getInitializer()).getValue());
result.fieldValueToFieldName.putIfAbsent(value, v.getSimpleName());
return v;
return literal;

private static boolean isPrivateStaticFinalVariable(J.VariableDeclarations declaration) {
return declaration.hasModifier(J.Modifier.Type.Private) &&
declaration.hasModifier(J.Modifier.Type.Static) &&

private static class FindVariableNames extends JavaIsoVisitor<Set<String>> {

* Find all the variable names that exist in the provided subtree.
* @param inClass subtree to search in.
* @return variable names that exist in the subtree.
public static Set<String> find(J.ClassDeclaration inClass) {
Set<String> variableNames = new HashSet<>();
new FindVariableNames().visit(inClass, variableNames);
return variableNames;

public J.VariableDeclarations.NamedVariable visitVariable(J.VariableDeclarations.NamedVariable variable, Set<String> variableNames) {
Cursor parentScope = getCursor().dropParentUntil(is -> is instanceof J.ClassDeclaration || is instanceof J.MethodDeclaration);
J.VariableDeclarations declaration = getCursor().firstEnclosing(J.VariableDeclarations.class);
if (parentScope.getValue() instanceof J.MethodDeclaration ||
(parentScope.getValue() instanceof J.ClassDeclaration && declaration != null &&
// `private static final String`(s) are handled separately by `FindExistingPrivateStaticFinalFields`.
!(isPrivateStaticFinalVariable(declaration) && variable.getInitializer() instanceof J.Literal &&
((J.Literal) variable.getInitializer()).getValue() instanceof String))) {
return variable;
public J.Literal visitLiteral(J.Literal literal, Integer integer) {
if (JavaType.Primitive.String.equals(literal.getType()) &&
literal.getValue() instanceof String &&
((String) literal.getValue()).length() >= 5) {

Cursor parent = getCursor().dropParentUntil(is -> is instanceof J.ClassDeclaration ||
is instanceof J.Annotation ||
is instanceof J.VariableDeclarations ||
is instanceof J.NewClass ||
is instanceof J.MethodInvocation);
// EnumValue can accept constructor arguments, including string literals
// But the static field can't be placed before them, so these literals are ineligible for replacement
if (parent.getValue() instanceof J.NewClass && parent.firstEnclosing(J.EnumValueSet.class) != null) {
return literal;

private static class FindExistingPrivateStaticFinalFields extends JavaIsoVisitor<Map<String, String>> {
if ((parent.getValue() instanceof J.VariableDeclarations &&
((J.VariableDeclarations) parent.getValue()).hasModifier(J.Modifier.Type.Final) &&
!(((J.VariableDeclarations) parent.getValue()).hasModifier(J.Modifier.Type.Private) && ((J.VariableDeclarations) parent.getValue()).hasModifier(J.Modifier.Type.Static))) ||
parent.getValue() instanceof J.NewClass ||
parent.getValue() instanceof J.MethodInvocation) {

* Find existing `private static final String`(s) in a class.
public static Map<String, String> find(J j) {
Map<String, String> fieldValueToFieldName = new LinkedHashMap<>();
new FindExistingPrivateStaticFinalFields().visit(j, fieldValueToFieldName);
return fieldValueToFieldName;
result.literalsMap.computeIfAbsent(((String) literal.getValue()), k -> new HashSet<>());
result.literalsMap.get((String) literal.getValue()).add(literal);
return literal;

public J.VariableDeclarations.NamedVariable visitVariable(J.VariableDeclarations.NamedVariable variable, Map<String, String> valueToVariable) {
Cursor parentScope = getCursor().dropParentUntil(is -> is instanceof J.ClassDeclaration ||
// Prevent checks on most of the literals.
is instanceof J.MethodDeclaration);
J.VariableDeclarations declaration = getCursor().firstEnclosing(J.VariableDeclarations.class);
if (parentScope.getValue() instanceof J.ClassDeclaration &&
declaration != null && isPrivateStaticFinalVariable(declaration) &&
variable.getInitializer() instanceof J.Literal &&
((J.Literal) variable.getInitializer()).getValue() instanceof String) {
String value = (String) (((J.Literal) variable.getInitializer()).getValue());
valueToVariable.putIfAbsent(value, variable.getSimpleName());
return variable;
}.visit(inClass, 0);
return result;

* ReplaceStringLiterals in a class with a reference to a `private static final String` with the provided variable name.
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
private static class ReplaceStringLiterals extends JavaVisitor<ExecutionContext> {
private final J.ClassDeclaration isClass;
private final String variableName;
private final Set<J.Literal> literals;

private ReplaceStringLiterals(J.ClassDeclaration isClass, String variableName, Set<J.Literal> literals) {
this.isClass = isClass;
this.variableName = variableName;
this.literals = literals;
J.ClassDeclaration isClass;
String variableName;
Set<J.Literal> literals;

public J visitLiteral(J.Literal literal, ExecutionContext ctx) {
if (literals.contains(literal)) {
assert isClass.getType() != null;
return new J.Identifier(
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