Data for the alpha local-authority-eng register, a list of local government organisations in England:
for the alpha local-authority-sct register, a list of local government organisations in Scotland, run by the Scottish Government:
and the alpha principal local authorities in Wales, run by the Welsh Government:
This repository also includes data to populate a list of local authorities in Northern Ireland, which is in discovery awaiting a custodian:
The local-authority identifiers have been constructed from the ISO-3166-2;GB three character identifier.
Separate local authority boundary registers will contain the boundary for each local-authority, indexed by the ONS/GSS geographical code, which changes when the boundary changes.
This repository also includes a number of maps intended to help migrate references to local authorities found in existing data and documents to the identifiers used by the register:
- gss.tsv — Office of National Statistics GSS coding system codes
- snac.tsv — ONS former hierarchical Standard Names and Codes (SNAC)
- local-custodian.tsv — AddressBase™ / Geoplace LLP address custodian names and codes
- edubase.tsv — Edubase local authority codes
- food-standards.tsv — local authority codes from the Food Standards Agency ratings data
- os.tsv — Ordnance Survey county and other codes found in os-open-names data
- gaz50k.tsv — Ordnance Survey county codes found in the 50k gazetteer
- discovery.tsv — discovery register codes
The software in this project is covered by LICENSE file.
The register data is © Crown copyright and available under the terms of the Open Government 3.0 licence.