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Jerome Flesch edited this page Feb 23, 2018 · 12 revisions

Paperwork needs you !

As any other open-source project, Paperwork needs all the help it can get. Of course code contributions are welcome, but there are many other ways to help.

If you want to help, feel free to come chat with us.

Code contributor

Main contributor: Jflesch

The most obvious way to contribute, but not the easiest one.

Paperwork has no clear road map: Paperwork has and will evolve based on features for which people are willing to contribute time. Each developer is free to have its own road map.

If you choose to contribute code, beware there are a few rules to follow.

If you're looking for a place to start, the bug tracker is full of bugs to fix and crazy ideas to implement :-). Beware that tickets with the label 'to study' must be discussed further first before starting writing code.

If you need help for anything, don't hesitate to ask either on the mailing-list or IRC. We will gladly do our best to help you.

UX and UI designer

Main contributor: Mjourdan

A long time ago, Mjourdan has opened a ticket full of suggestions to improve the user interface of Paperwork. This ticket was full of good ideas. It has also shown that making mock-ups before implementing anything is a really good idea ;-)

Paperwork tries to follow Gnome HIG Guidelines as much as possible. I (Jflesch) also try to keep configuration and settings to a strict minimum to keep things dead simple.


Main testers:

  • Linux/Flatpak/Gnome tester: Jflesch
  • Linux/Debian/Gnome tester: Jflesch
  • Linux/Ubuntu/Unity tester: ?
  • Windows tester: ?

Before every important release of Paperwork, there is a testing phase (release candidate). This phase lasts about 1 month. While there are some automated tests, most of the tests are unfortunately manual tests. In a perfect world, Paperwork tests should be run on all possible platforms and distributions.

Testing phases are announce on the mailing-list.


Main contributors:

Paperwork is much nicer to look at in your native language, and it can always use more translations. Unfortunately, at the moment, translating Paperwork requires Linux, some basic knowledge of the shell and Git.

The best time to translate Paperwork is when it enters testing phase: Before each important release, there is a test phase of about one month. This phase is announced on the mailing-list.

Note that the UI will keep changing after your first translations, and they will need to be updated. Since it's better to have no UI translations at all than incomplete UI translations, unmaintained translations will be removed.

Documentation can be translated too (example: intro.lyx -> intro_fr.lyx). can be translated too.

Documentation writer

Paperwork has a documentation embedded. It is written with Lyx.

While the introduction won't probably change often, the user manual is far from complete. There are empty sections, and probably a lot of sections we haven't thought of yet.

Distribution package maintainer


Paperwork intends to be as simple to use as possible. To make its installation as simple as possible, Paperwork must be packaged in GNU/Linux distributions (Flatpak is still to hard to use for my grandmother).

The following libraries and program should be packaged:

New releases of Paperwork or any of its dependencies are announced on the mailing-list. If you decide to package Paperwork, please keep an eye on the mailing-list.

Sysadmin is hosted on a dedicated server. This server also updates each night the Flatpak repository. Here are some of the piece of software currently used on the server:

  • GNU/Linux Debian (stable)
  • LXC containers
  • Iptables
  • Apache2
  • Python 3 + Django
  • Flatpak-builder
  • Cron
  • Postfix

There are many evolutions that would benefit Paperwork development.

At some point in the future, it is my hope that Paperwork will be hosted on and maybe even become part of Gnome. But joining Gnome will also imply migrating to Gnome's infrastructure (Gitlab, Damn Lies, etc) as much as possible.


This list is non-exhaustive. If you have other ideas to help improve Paperwork, please feel free to do it :-)

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