Matlab functions and scripts to facilitate raw data extraction and subsequent visualizations and computations on data from Summit RC+S device. Initial processing includes extraction of .json raw data, transformation to .mat format, and combining multiple data streams and meta-data sources. This repo also contains plotting functionality which relies on this combined data structure, and additional processing modules (e.g. calculate power domain data from time domain). See published paper for more information about this repository: Please cite this paper when using code from this repository.
Background: UCSF teams are working with Summit RC+S (RCS) devices for adaptive neurostimulation and need a validated data analysis framework to further the research.
Aim: To consolidate a set of matlab functions and scripts for accessing RCS data from .json files, transform it to a data format that enables further data analyses, and provide plotting and visualization tools.
Collaborators: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (open for more colleagues to join...)
Policy: Master will contain functions that have been tested in branch and pushed after pull request reviewers have approved. The collaborator doing the initial development and testing of a function in a testing branch (e.g. in 'importRawData') will make a pull request and assign 1-2 reviewers of the group who will review the code structure and the output of each function.
Note: If you have reached this repository from the Nature Biotechnology paper, please be advised that this repository has been greatly enhanced since the paper was submitted in December 2020 and represents a “second-generation” code base that is actively maintained. For the “first-generation” code used to process data in the paper see this repository. Note that this first-generation repository is no longer maintained. New users that wish to process Summit RC+S data should use the current “second-generation” repository. A citable publication describing this new(er) work is forthcoming.
- Installation Instructions
- Structure of Repository
- Overview of tools provided in this repo
- Usage
- What is the RC+S native data format?
- RC+S raw data structures
- Data parsing overview
- Data tables contained in AllDatatables.mat output file
- Creating combined data table
- How to get a time value for each sample of data
- How to calculate
- Harmonization of
across data streams - Factors Impacting Packet Loss
- Overview of Adaptive Stimulation
- Compatibility - Mac or PC (Linux test pending). We rely on a toolbox ( to open .json files - many thanks to Jim Hokanson for additional development, now permitting functionality with all versions of Matlab. Note that this toolbox relies on compiled Mex files and is not compatible with the new M1 chip macs for now. We include the turtle_json toolbox in our repository, so do not clone separately.
- Clone tehe Analysis-rcs-data repository and add to Matlab path.
- code
- functions: code for specific needs
- toolboxes: turtle_json, etc...
- documentationFigures
- testDataSets: benchtop generated test data sets for validation of code; often generated signals are simultaneously recorded with DAQ to allow for verification of timing across data streams.
- Part 1 - ProcessRCS: Function for importing raw .JSON files from RC+S, parsing into Matlab table format, and handling missing packets / harmonizing timestamps across data streams
- Part 2 - DEMO_LoadRCS: Demo script for loading
(saved output fromProcessRCS
) and creatingcombinedDataTable
DEMO_LoadDebugTable: Demo script for loadingAllDataTables.mat
(saved output fromProcessRCS
), converting sparse matrics into tables, and creatingdebugTable
- Part 3 - rcsPlotter
- Part 4 - Analysis functions which rely on the data structure output from (Part 1) and (Part 2)
- e.g.
- e.g.
The goal of Parts 1 and 2 are to provide (a) a table (combinedDataTable
) with timeseries data from all data streams with a calculated DerivedTime
value for each sample, and (b) tables with relevant metadata and settings which can be applied to select periods of interest in combinedDataTable
. DerivedTime
is created from the beginning of the first data stream to the end of the last data stream, in steps of 1/Fs of the time domain data stream (Fs = 250, 500, or 1000Hz). CombinedDataTable
is filled with data from all datastreams; if there is not a sample for a given time step, the entry is filled with a NaN. Thus, this neuroscience-analysis-ready table can be quite large to store on disk (leading to prohibitively long read/write times for long recordings). Therefore, we have broken up processing into Part 1 and Part 2:
Part 1 Run ProcessRCS.m
, which produces many outputs – a separate sparse matrix contains the numerical data for each data stream, a cell array with the column labels for each sparse matrix, a table for each data stream with the remaining non-numerical data that cannot be included in the sparse matrix, and tables with meta data and settings. By creating these sparse matrices, we drastically reduce file size for writing and subsequent reading from disk. If saving is indicated when running ProcessRCS.m
(the default option), AllDataTables.mat
is written to disk with all the output arguments. However, we recommend users execute Part 2 prior to interacting with these data.
[unifiedDerivedTimes, timeDomainData, timeDomainData_onlyTimeVariables, timeDomain_timeVariableNames, AccelData, AccelData_onlyTimeVariables, Accel_timeVariableNames, PowerData, PowerData_onlyTimeVariables, Power_timeVariableNames, FFTData, FFTData_onlyTimeVariables, FFT_timeVariableNames, AdaptiveData, AdaptiveData_onlyTimeVariables, Adaptive_timeVariableNames, timeDomainSettings, powerSettings, fftSettings, eventLogTable, metaData, stimSettingsOut, stimMetaData, stimLogSettings, DetectorSettings, AdaptiveStimSettings, AdaptiveEmbeddedRuns_StimSettings] = ProcessRCS(pathName, processFlag, shortGaps_systemTick)
Optional input argument(s):
[If no pathName
is selected, a folder selection dialog box will open at the start of processing]
: Full path to RC+S Device folder, containing raw JSON filesprocessFlag
: Flag indicating if data should be saved (or read if already created):- 1: Process and save (overwrite if processed file already exist) -- DEFAULT
- 2: Process and do not save
- 3: If processed file already exists, then load. If it does not exist, process and save
- 4: If processed file already exists, then load. If it does not
exist, process but do not save
: For advanced users: Flag, default is '0', indicating thatPacketGenTime
should be used to align the start of all chunks regardless of preceeding gap length; setting to '1' indicates thatsystemTick
should be used for time alignment of chunks if preceeding gap is < 6 seconds
If applicable, data are saved in the same 'Device' directory where raw JSON were selected
Part 2
With the output of ProcessRCS still loaded into the workspace (or after loading AllDataTables.mat, the output of ProcessRCS) - can create combinedDataTable with the selected data streams:
dataStreams = {timeDomainData, AccelData, PowerData, FFTData, AdaptiveData};
[combinedDataTable] = createCombinedTable(dataStreams,unifiedDerivedTimes,metaData);
Currently, time domain data are REQUIRED for processing to work. Other time series data streams are optional.
See example scripts DEMO_LoadRCS.m and DEMO_LoadDebugTable.m
and localTime
in combinedDataTable
are our best estimate to be compatible with HostUnixTime
found in other tables (e.g. stimLogSettings
, stimSettingsOut
, eventLogTable
, DetectorSettings
, Adaptive_StimSettings
, AdaptiveEmbeddedRuns_StimSettings
), and can be used for subsequent analysis to extract data segments of interest.
Part 3
Plotting helper for RC+S files
This class is built as as a utility function to make plotting RC+S data easier. It wraps other functions in this repo and handles loading multiple folders and plotting specific data streams such as time domain, acitgraphy, power bands, adaptive etc. Note that the signal processing toolbox
is needed for some functions to work properly.
There are 2 main "type" of methods in this function:
- 1: "plotXX" methods: will help plot specific streams
- 2: "reportXX" methods: report some aspect of the data
Usage / Philosophy:
This function creats an object of type "rcsPlotter" with several associated methods. Each type of data stream can be plotted without arguments in a new figure. However, the main utilty of the function is in stringing together several folders of RC+S data (for example recorded throughout a day) and easily plotting requested data streams (such as time domain, power and adaptive) in subplots. This is acheived by passing the subplot hanlde to the function.
To get a list of 'rcsPlotter' methods type the command:
The primary reason for writing a class rather than a set of functions is to streamline intreracting with the data and common plotting functions. The basic usage consists of 3 steps:
- 1: Initiate object:
rc = rcsPlotter()
- 2: Add session folder (or folders) with RC+S .json data:
- 3: Load data (or folders):
All other plotting functions will then mostly consists of simple one-liner functions to plot common aspects of the data.
To print a full list of all available methods (plotting and reporting methods) associated with this class:
And for usage on any specific method (in example below, how to plot a time domain channel):
Some usage examples:
- 1: Plot time domain data:
rc = rcsPlotter()
rc.addFolder('path to rc+s folder');
- 2: Plot 2 time domain channels, 1 actigraphy channel
rc = rcsPlotter()
% create figure
hfig = figure('Color','w');
hsb = gobjects();
nplots = 3;
for i = 1:nplots; hsb(i,1) = subplot(nplots,1,i); end;
% link axes since time domain and others streams have diff sample rates
Using the rc.addFolder
method multiple folders can be added and plotted.
We have also added a convenience GUI that wraps rcsPlotter
and allows for dynamic plotting.
Part 4
Analysis functions which rely on the data structure output from (Part 1) and (Part 2). The phylosophy here is to create functions that can be used for data analysis independent of the specific protocol / use case. A first example is presented with a subset of functions that can be used to calculate power from time domain neural data, by using using an equivalent (~same) fft process as the device (RC+S).
Part 4.1 Examples of calculation of Power from time domain signals using an equivalent (similar) fft process as the device (RC+S).
The getPowerfromTimeDomain()
calculates the 'off-device' power using exactly the same fft and power settings as in the recording. It creates power outputs for all time domain channels and power bands using the harmonized times from combinedDataTable. In case there were changes on settings during recording session it gives user the option to also create a separate output that accounts for that information (first column 'recNum').
The calculateNewPower()
calculates 1 power output from 1 time domain channel given, either same fft settings as in the recording session or a new set of fft settings (fft interval, fft size, hann window), and passing the new frequency band limits [Lower Bound, Upper Bound].
The DEMO_CalculatePowerRCS.m
serves as an example of usability of these two functions (find example benchtop dataset on testDataset.
The Medtronic API saves data into a session directory. There are 11 .json files which are created for each session, which contain both meta-data and numerical data. Out of the box, the size/duration of these files is limited by the battery powering the CTM. Unmodified, this battery lasts for 4-5 hours. The CTM can be modified to be powered with an external battery, leading to recording duration being limited by the INS (implanted neurostimulator) battery. The INS battery can stream for up to ~30 hours.
There are multiple challenges associated with these .json files and analyzing them: Interpreting metadata within and across the files, handling invalid / missing / misordered packets, creating a timestamp value for each sample, aligning timestamps (and samples) across data streams, and parsing the data streams when there was a change in recording or stimulation parameters. See below for the current approach for how to tackle these challenges.
Each of the .json files has packets which were streamed from the RC+S using a UDP protocol. This means that some packets may have been lost in transmission (e.g. if patient walks out of range) and/or they may be received out of order. Each of the packets contains a variable number of samples. There are metadata associated with the last sample of the packet. Below is a non-comprehensive guide regarding the main datatypes that exists within each .json file and their organization when imported into Matlab table format. In the Matlab tables, samples are in rows and data features are in columns. Note: much of the original metadata contained in the .json files is not human readable -- sample rates are stored in binary format or coded values that must be converted to Hz. Where applicable, we have completed such conversions and the human-readable values are reflected in Matlab tables.
- RawDataTD.json: Contains continuous raw time domain data in packet form. Each packet has timing information (and packet sizes are not consistent). Data can be streamed from up to 4 time domain channels (2 on each bore; bore = connector in INS for one physical depth/strip, which has multiple contacts) at 250Hz and 500Hz or up to 2 time domain channels at 1000Hz. Bridging can be used to record all 4 time domain channels from one bore (this version of acquisition is untested in this code repo). A
are only available for the last element of each data packet and timing information for each sample must be deduced. See section below on timestamp and systemTick - RawDataAccel.json: Contains continuous raw onboard 3-axis accelerometry data as well as timing information. The structure and timing information is similar to the time domain files.
- DeviceSettings.json: Contains information about which datastreams were enabled, start and stop times of streaming, stimulation settings, adaptive settings, and device parameters (e.g. sampling rate, montage configuration [which electrodes are being recorded from], power bands limits, etc). Many of these settings can be changed within a given recording; each time such a change is made, another record is written to DeviceSettings.json file.
- RawDataFFT.json - Contains continuous information streamed from the onboard (on-chip) FFT engine. The structure and timing information is similar to the time domain files.
- RawDataPower.json - Contains continuous information streamed from the on board FFT engine in select power bands. The data rate is set by the FFT engine, and can be very fast (50ms) and very slow (upper limit is in the hours or days range). This is the raw input in the onboard embedded adaptive detector. The raw power is much less data intensive than the FFT data. You can stream up to 8 power domain channels (2/each TD channel) simultaneously. Note that the actual bandpass limits are not contained in RawDataPower.json but rather in DeviceSettings.json. If these values are changed during a recording, mapping will be required from the times in DeviceSettings to the data in RawDataPower.
- AdaptiveLog.json - Contains any information from the embedded adaptive detector. The structure and timing information is similar to the time domain files.
- StimLog.json - Contains information about the stimulation setup (e.g. which group, program, rate and amplitude the device is currently using for stimulation). The structure and timing information is similar to the time domain files. Much of this information is duplicated in DeviceSettings.json and it is preferable to extract this information from DeviceSettings.json, as it tends to be more complete.
- ErrorLog.json- Contains information about errors. Not currently used.
- EventLog.json - Contains discrete annotations of user Events that can be segregated as 'EventType' and 'EventSubtype'. These can be experimental timings or patient report if streaming at home. Note that this information only contains timing information in computer time, whereas all other .json files have timing relative to (on-board) INS time. When used in its entirety, the processing pipeline transforms the times to a common time so they are comparable See section below on timestamp and systemTick
- DiagnosticsLog.json - Contains discrete information that can be used for error checking.
- TimeSync.json: Not currently used
Note that in each recording session, all .json files will be created and saved. If a particular datastream (e.g. FFT) is not enabled to stream, that .json file will be mostly empty, containing only minimal metadata.
To facilitate most standard analyses of time-series data, we would optimally like the data formatted in a matrix with samples in rows, data features in columns, and a timestamp assigned to each row. The difference in time between the rows is either 1/Fs or 1/Fs*x, where x is any whole number multiple. (In the latter case, missing values could be filled with NaNs, if desired). There are many challenges in transforming RC+S data into such a matrix. Here, we provide an overview of the overall approach. More detailed information on specific steps can be found below.
ProcessRCS creates output files AllDataTables.mat
. The following data tables are saved in this output file. Users may first choose to run createCombinedTable.m
in order to create the combinedDataTable, which produces a table with DerivedTimes with steps of 1/Fs (time domain Fs), and NaNs filling entries where there are not new data samples.
: DerivedTime shown in human-readable format, accounting for UTC offsetDerivedTime
: Computed time for each sample. See How to Calculate DerivedTime for more informationsamplerate
: Sampling rate in Hz; only written in rows corresponding to last sample of each packet.key0
: Channel 0; contains numerical data in millivoltskey1
: Channel 1; contains numerical data in millivoltskey2
: Channel 2; contains numerical data in millivoltskey3
: Channel 3; contains numerical data in millivolts
: newDerivedTime shown in human-readable format, accounting for UTC offsetnewDerivedTime
: DerivedTime calculated for AccelData shifted to nearest DerivedTime from timeDomainDatasamplerate
: Same as aboveXSamples
: X-axisYSamples
: Y-axisZSamples
: Z-axis
: newDerivedTime shown in human-readable format, accounting for UTC offsetnewDerivedTime
: DerivedTime calculated for PowerData shifted to nearest DerivedTime from timeDomainDatasamplerate
: Same as aboveTDsamplerate
: Sampling rate (in Hz) of time domain dataIsPowerChannelOverrange
: BooleanFftSize
: Number of points in FFT calculationValidDataMask
: Binary string representing if data valid for each power channel (e.g. 00000011 indicates that Band1 and Band2 are valid)ExternalValuesMask
: Binary string representing if external test values are being used instead of internal power data for each power channel (e.g. 00000000 indicates that all Bands are providing internal power data)Band1
: Power valuesBand2
: Power valuesBand3
: Power valuesBand4
: Power valuesBand5
: Power valuesBand6
: Power valuesBand7
: Power valuesBand8
: Power values
: newDerivedTime shown in human-readable format, accounting for UTC offsetnewDerivedTime
: DerivedTime calculated for FFTData shifted to nearest DerivedTime from timeDomainDatasamplerate
: Same as aboveChannel
: Byte indicating which FFT channel is being streamed, 0-3FftOutput
: The FFT output bins from the INSUnits
: Units of the bins data pointsFftSize
: Number of points in FFT calculationTDsamplerate
: Sampling rate (in Hz) of time domain data
: newDerivedTime shown in human-readable format, accounting for UTC offsetnewDerivedTime
: DerivedTime calculated for AdaptiveData shifted to nearest DerivedTime from timeDomainDatasamplerate
: Same as aboveCurrentAdaptiveState
: Indicates the current adaptive state (0-8), or no stateCurrentProgramAmplitudesInMilliamps
: The amplitude(s) of stimulation (in mA) for the current programIsInHoldOffOnStartup
: BooleanLd0DetectionStatus
: Detection status relative to the two possible thresholds- 0000 0000: None
- 0000 0001: Low boundary in immediate detect
- 0000 0010: High boundary in immediate Detect
- 0000 0100: Low boundary in detect
- 0000 1000: High boundary in detect
- 0001 0000: The LD output is over range and the LD output is held at last valid computed value
- 0010 0000: LD is being blanked currently due to just having entered a new state
- 0100 0000: Power channel input to the LD is over range and the LD output is held at the last valid computed value
- 1000 0000: LD in a hold off state to allow for it to stabilize (LD detect output not valid)
: Detection status relative to the two possible thresholds, same coding asLd0DetectionStatus
: Indicates the previous adaptive state (0-8), or no stateSensingStatus
: Binary string indicating which sense states are enabled:- 0000 0000: None
- 0000 0001: LFP Sensing
- 0000 0010: FFT
- 0000 0100: Power
- 0000 1000: Unused
- 0001 0000: Detection - Ld0
- 0010 0000: Detection - Ld1
- 0100 0000: Loop Recording
- 1000 0000: Adaptive Stim
: Number of times current state has been entered since last LD diagnostic mirror resetStateTime
: Time spent in this state since the last time the state times were cleared (in seconds)StimFlags
: Indicates status flags for adaptive therapy operation (if any amplitude is currently ramping)- 0000 0000: None
- 0000 0001: Program 0 amp ramping
- 0000 0010: Program 1 amp ramping
- 0000 0100: Program 2 amp ramping
- 0000 1000: Program 3 amp ramping
: Stimulation rate in HzLd0_featureInputs
: The average power feature inputsLd0_fixedDecimalPoint
: The fixed decimal point used in calculationsLd0_highThreshold
: The high threshold valueLd0_lowThreshold
: The low threshold valueLd0_output
: The linear discriminant outputLd1_featureInputs
: The average power feature inputsLd1_fixedDecimalPoint
: The fixed decimal point used in calculationsLd1_highThreshold
: The high threshold valueLd1_lowThreshold
: The low threshold valueLd1_output
: The linear discriminant output
, `chanFullStr
: In HzfftParameters
: Contains settings for stimulation group A (RateInHz
: Contains settings for stimulation group B (RateInHz
: Contains settings for stimulation group C (RateInHz
: Contains settings for stimulation group D (RateInHz
: String with settings for program 1 of the currently active GroupstimParams_prog2
: String with settings for program 2 of the currently active GroupstimParams_prog3
: String with settings for program 3 of the currently active GroupstimParams_prog4
: String with settings for program 4 of the currently active GroupupdatedParameters
: Which variable(s) were updated from the prior entry in stimLogSettings
- `UnixOffsetTime'
: in secondsblankingDurationUponStateChange
: in secondsonsetDuration
: in secondsholdoffTime
: in secondsterminationDuration
: in secondsdetectionInputs_BinaryCode
: Binary string indicating which power channel(s) were used as input for the linear discriminant- 0000 0000: No inputs chosen
- 0000 0001: Power channel 0, band 0
- 0000 0010: Power channel 0, band 1
- 0000 0100: Power channel 1, band 0
- 0000 1000: Power channel 1, band 1
- 0001 0000: Power channel 2, band 0
- 0010 0000: Power channel 2, band 1
- 0100 0000: Power channel 3, band 0
- 1000 0000: Power channel 3, band 1
: Binary string indicating setting for linear discriminant detector- 0000 0000: Single threshold detect mode
- 0000 0001: Enable dual threshold detection (possible outcomes are high, in-range, and low). If not set, single threshold detection is used (possible outcomes are low and in-range)
- 0000 0010: Blank both LDs based on a state change from this LD. The blank duration specified for each LD is used (if 0 duration is set, then no blanking will occur). If this setting is not present, only this LD is blanked
: same fields as Ld0updatedParameters
: contains fields for rise and fall rates, in mA/sec, for each of the four possible bandsstates
: contains fields for state0-state8 indicating if that state is valid and ampInMilliamps; NaN indicates stimulation is not defined; -1 indicates hold for that statestimRate
: In HzadaptiveMode
: Disabled; Operative; EmbeddedcurrentState
: Current adaptive statedeltaLimitsValid
: BooleandeltasValid
: BooleanupdatedParameters
: Table with only changes to adaptive settings when adaptive was embedded, or transitioning from embedded to offHostUnixTime
: contains fields for rise and fall rates, in mA/sec, for each of the four possible bandsstates
: contains fields for state0-state8 indicating if that state is valid and ampInMilliamps; NaN indicates stimulation is not defined; -1 indicates hold for that statestimRate
: In HzadaptiveMode
: Disabled; Operative; EmbeddedcurrentState
: Current adaptive statedeltaLimitsValid
: BooleandeltasValid
: Boolean
Each time series data stream has the following original timing information. These variables are saved to AllDataTables.mat
, along with the calculated DerivedTimes, as sparse matrics (with accompanying cell arrays containing the column names). See DEMO_LoadRCS.m
for example code of how to reconstruct the full table containing all this information, useful for validation of timing.
: INS clock driven timer that does not roll over. Highest resolution is 1 second. Total elaped time since March 1, 2000 at midnight. One value per packet, corresponding to last sample in the packet. See section below on timestamp and systemTicksystemTick
: 16-bit INS clock timer that rolls over every 2^16 values. Highest resolution is 100 microseconds. One value per packet, corresponding to last sample in the packet. See section below on timestamp and systemTickPacketGenTime
: API estimate of when the packet was created on the INS within the PC clock domain. Unix time with resolution to milliseconds. Estimate created by using results of latest latency check (one is done at system initialization, but can re-perform whenever you want) and time sync streaming. Only accurate within ~50ms.PacketRxUnixTime
: PC clock-driven time when the packet was received. Highly inaccurate after packet drops.dataTypeSequence
: 8-bit packet number counter that rolls over, ranging from 0 to 255; can be used to help identify if packets are in order or are missing. Should run continuously, but instances of resetting have been observed.
can be used to put multiple data streams into one table, with harmonized DerivedTimes
: Contains the following fields, if data present in this recordinglocalTime
: Human-readable local timeDerivedTime
: Unix timeTD_key0
: Channel 0; contains numerical data in millivoltsTD_key1
: Channel 1; contains numerical data in millivoltsTD_key2
: Channel 2; contains numerical data in millivoltsTD_key3
: Channel 3; contains numerical data in millivoltsTD_samplerate
: Sampling rate in Hz; only written in rows corresponding to last sample of each packetAccel_XSamples
: X-axisAccel_YSamples
: Y-axisAccel_ZSamples
: Z-axisAccel_samplerate
: Sampling rate in Hz; only written in rows corresponding to last sample of each packetPower_ExternalValuesMask
: Binary string representing if external test values are being used instead of internal power data for each power channel (e.g. 00000000 indicates that all Bands are providing internal power data)Power_FftSize
: Number of points in FFT calculationPower_IsPowerChannelOverrange
: BooleanPower_ValidDataMask
: Binary string representing if data valid for each power channel (e.g. 00000011 indicates that Band1 and Band2 are valid)Power_Band1
: Power valuesPower_Band2
: Power valuesPower_Band3
: Power valuesPower_Band4
: Power valuesPower_Band5
: Power valuesPower_Band6
: Power valuesPower_Band7
: Power valuesPower_Band8
: Power valuesFFT_Channel
: Byte indicating which FFT channel is being streamed, 0-3FFT_FftSize
: Number of points in FFT calculationFFT_FftOutput
: The FFT output bins from the INSFFT_Units
: Units of the bins data pointsAdaptive_CurrentAdaptiveState
: Indicates the current adaptive state (0-8), or no stateAdaptive_CurrentProgramAmplitudesInMilliamps
: The amplitude(s) of stimulation (in mA) for the current programAdaptive_IsInHoldOffOnStartup
: BooleanAdaptive_Ld0DetectionStatus
: Detection status relative to the two possible thresholds- 0000 0000: None
- 0000 0001: Low boundary in immediate detect
- 0000 0010: High boundary in immediate Detect
- 0000 0100: Low boundary in detect
- 0000 1000: High boundary in detect
- 0001 0000: The LD output is over range and the LD output is held at last valid computed value
- 0010 0000: LD is being blanked currently due to just having entered a new state
- 0100 0000: Power channel input to the LD is over range and the LD output is held at the last valid computed value
- 1000 0000: LD in a hold off state to allow for it to stabilize (LD detect output not valid)
: Detection status relative to the two possible thresholds, same coding asLd0DetectionStatus
: Indicates the previous adaptive state (0-8), or no stateAdaptive_SensingStatus
: Binary string indicating which sense states are enabled:- 0000 0000: None
- 0000 0001: LFP Sensing
- 0000 0010: FFT
- 0000 0100: Power
- 0000 1000: Unused
- 0001 0000: Detection - Ld0
- 0010 0000: Detection - Ld1
- 0100 0000: Loop Recording
- 1000 0000: Adaptive Stim
: Number of times current state has been entered since last LD diagnostic mirror resetAdaptive_StateTime
: Time spent in this state since the last time the state times were cleared (in seconds)Adaptive_StimFlags
: Indicates status flags for adaptive therapy operation (if any amplitude is currently ramping)- 0000 0000: None
- 0000 0001: Program 0 amp ramping
- 0000 0010: Program 1 amp ramping
- 0000 0100: Program 2 amp ramping
- 0000 1000: Program 3 amp ramping
: Stimulation rate in HzAdaptive_Ld0_featureInputs
: The average power feature inputsAdaptive_Ld0_fixedDecimalPoint
: The fixed decimal point used in calculationsAdaptive_Ld0_highThreshold
: The high threshold valueAdaptive_Ld0_lowThreshold
: The low threshold valueAdaptive_Ld0_output
: The linear discriminant outputAdaptive_Ld1_featureInputs
: The average power feature inputsAdaptive_Ld1_fixedDecimalPoint
: The fixed decimal point used in calculationsAdaptive_Ld1_highThreshold
: The high threshold valueAdaptive_Ld1_lowThreshold
: The low threshold valueAdaptive_Ld1_output
: The linear discriminant output
The raw data comtain the following timing-related data:
: INS clock driven timer that does not roll over. Highest resolution is 1 second. Total elaped time since March 1, 2000 at midnight. One value per packet, corresponding to last sample in the packet.systemTick
: 16-bit INS clock timer that rolls over every 2^16 values. Highest resolution is 100 microseconds. One value per packet, corresponding to last sample in the packet.PacketGenTime
: API estimate of when the packet was created on the INS within the PC clock domain. Unix time with resolution to milliseconds. Estimate created by using results of latest latency check (one is done at system initialization, but can re-perform whenever you want) and time sync streaming. Only accurate within ~50ms. One value per packet, corresponding to last sample in the packet.PacketRxUnixTime
: PC clock-driven time when the packet was received. Highly inaccurate after packet drops. One value per packet, corresponding to last sample in the packet.
Ideally, there would be a value reported with each packet from which we could easily re-create unix time for each sample. Nominally, this would be PacketGenTime
. However, upon inspection we see that:
- (1) The difference between adjacent
values does not always equal the expect amount of elapsed time, where the expected amount of elapsed time is calculated by the number of samples in the packet and the sampling rate. This is a serious problem. In cases where there is missing time, we would lose the stereotyped 1/Fs duration between samples. In cases of overlap, how do we account for having more than one value sampled at the same time? - (2)
has suspect values across packets and relative to other timing variables. Together, these indicate thatPacketGenTime
is unreliable when high precision time reconstruction is required (as for some task-locked analyses, looking at ERPs, etc).
Drift between timestamp
and PacketGenTime
across a long recording (9.3 hours):
Given that PacketGenTime
does not provide a complete solution, we next looked at systemTick
and timestamp
Each packet has one value for each of the following, corresponding to the last sample in the packet: systemTick
, timestamp
, and packetGenTime
. Theoretically, systemTick
and timestamp
can be used to recreate the time of each packet, and then we can depend upon one value of PacketGenTime
in order to convert to unix time. However, we have observed from empirical data (both recorded in a patient and using a benchtop test system) that the clocks of systemTick
and timestamp
accumulate error relative to each other during long recordings (e.g. 10 hours). Using systemTick
and timestamp
to recreate time may be an acceptable solution for short recordings, but because long recordings are often conducted, we have chosen to move away from this implementation.
Stated a different way, for each unit of timestamp
(1 second), we would expect 10,000 units of systemTick
. However, this is not what we observe.
Evidence of accumulating drift between systemTick
and timestamp
In a given recording, we observed the following pairs of systemTick
and timestamp
near the beginning of the recording:
systemTick | timestamp |
19428 | 641771410 |
20417 | 641771411 |
21393 | 641771411 |
22393 | 641771411 |
23408 | 641771411 |
24408 | 641771411 |
25408 | 641771411 |
26398 | 641771411 |
27408 | 641771411 |
28411 | 641771411 |
29398 | 641771411 |
30411 | 641771412 |
And in the same recording, we observed these pairs of systemTick
and timestamp
near the end of the recording:
systemTick | timestamp |
17358 | 641805097 |
18353 | 641805098 |
19368 | 641805098 |
20371 | 641805098 |
21368 | 641805098 |
22358 | 641805098 |
23368 | 641805098 |
24371 | 641805098 |
25358 | 641805098 |
26371 | 641805098 |
27368 | 641805098 |
28361 | 641805099 |
Between these timestamps
, 33687 seconds have elapsed. That means we would expect (33687 * 10000) systemTicks
to have elapsed. Accounting for rollover every 2^16 systemTicks
, that would put us at expecting systemTicks
between 35377 and 44358 to be paired with timestamp
As you can see – this is a multiple second discrepancy – we should be in the systemTick
range of 35377 to 44358 but rather we are in the range of 18353 to 27368.
Because of this accumulated error, we instead take a different approach for how to calculate DerivedTime
Because of the above described unreliability of PacketGenTime
and the offset in the clocks creating timestamp
and systemTick
, we take a different approach for calculating DerivedTime
. DerivedTime
refers to a new time stamp, in unix time, assigned to each sample. DerivedTime
is calculated after removing packets which have faulty information (e.g. PacketGenTime
is negative). This is our best estimation of when these samples were recorded. The processing steps described below are implemented in assignTime.m
. Note -- the implementation of this approach relies on the assumption that only full packets of data are missing, but there are no individual samples missing between packets (this has been shown to be the case through elegant work at Brown University). We do depend on PacketGenTime
in order to convert to unix time, but we only use one PacketGenTime
value per chunk of data (rather than using PacketGenTime
to align each packet of data).
- Identify and remove packets with faulty meta-data or which indicate samples will be hard to place in continuous stream (e.g. packets with
that is more than 24 hours away from mediantimestamp
; packets with negativePacketGenTime
; packets with outlierpacketGenTimes
; packets wherepacketGenTime
goes backwards in time more than 500ms; packets where elapsedpacketGenTime
disagrees with elapsedtimestamp
by more than 2 seconds) - Chunk data -- chunks are defined as segments of data which were continuously sampled. Breaks between chunks can occur because packets were removed in the previous step, because there were dropped packets (never acquired), or because streaming was stopped but the recording was continued. Changes in time domain sampling rate will also result in a new chunk. Chunks are identified by looking at the adjacent values of
as a function of sampling rate and number of samples per packet. - We need to align each chunk to a time:
- For the first chunk in a file, we align using the
of the first packet in the chunk. - In cases where the gap between chunks of data is < 6 seconds (as determined by comparing
values), we can align by using one of two methods (selected by user using theshortGaps_systemTick
flag): the default option (shortGaps_systemTick
= 0) is to use the same approach as for data following gaps >= 6 seconds (see next bullet). Alternatively,shortGaps_systemTick
= 1 indicates that adjacentsystemTick
values should be used to calculate elapsed time (systemTick
from the last packet of the previous chunk andsystemTick
of the first packet of the next chunk). This is possible because we have stayed within one full cycle ofsystemTick
values. - In cases where the gap between chunks of data is >= 6 seconds, we look across all the packets in the chunk and calculate the average offset between each
and the amount of time that is expected to have elapsed (calculated based on sampling rate and number of samples in the packet). We then apply this offset to thepacketGenTime
corresponding to the first packet of the chunk. We can now calculate a time for each sample in the chunk, as a function of the sampling rate.
- For the first chunk in a file, we align using the
- The above process is repeated separately for each chunk.
are created separately for each data stream (e.g. TimeDomain, Accelerometer, PowerDomain), as each of these streams have systemTick
and timestamp
values reported per packet. Harmonization of derivedTime
across data streams happens next.
After creating DerivedTime
separately for each time series data stream, we must 'harmonize' these times across data streams. DerivedTime
for the time domain data are taken as the unifiedDerivedTime
, or the common time base. For each other time series (e.g. accelerometer, power, FFT, adaptive), each DerivedTime
is shifted to the nearest unifiedDerivedTime
. In some cases, non-time domain data streams may extend before or after time domain data -- in these instances, we add values to unifiedDerivedTime
in steps of 1/Fs (time domain Fs) to accomodate all times.
Lastly, all the time series data streams are combined into one table, combinedDataTable
. Whenever a data stream lacks a value for a particular unifiedDerivedTime
value (called DerivedTime
again), that entry in the table is filled with a NaN. The table does not contain any columns which are entirely filled with NaNs.
Possible sample rates (in Hz):
- Time domain: 250, 500, 1000
- Accelerometer: 4.069, 8.138, 16.276, 32.552, 65.104
- Power Domain: 0.1 - 20
- FFT: 0.1 - 20
A number of factors impact the fidelity with which the RC+S streams data to the host computer. Several RC+S streaming parameters can be configured depending on the use case:
- The RC+S CTM can operate in two different modes, Mode 3 or Mode 4
- Mode 3: Optimal for streaming data across longer distances at a slower rate
- Mode 4: Optimal for streaming data across shorter distances at a faster rate
- This is a ratio between [the number of packets sent by the INS to the host computer] vs [the number of packets sent by the host computer to the INS]
- In general, high CTM ratios should be used for high-throughput sensing applications; low CTM ratios should be used when the INS parameters must be updated rapidly (as would be the case during distributed DBS)
- Distances between the host computer, CTM, and INS
- 60/50 Hz environmental noise
- Number of channels being streamed
- Sampling frequency
The RC+S system is designed to deliver Adaptive Stimulation based on neural biomarker(s) band(s) fluctuations. The device has 2 detectors (Ld0 and Ld1) and the adaptive therapy can be set based on one or the combination of both detectors. Each detector can be configured with one up to four power bands (input features). A detector state is defined as a function of the detector output signal relative to a predefined threshold (single or dual treshold). In the case of dual theshold, the detector output may transition among 3 states, 'below' lower threshold, 'in between' lower and upper threshold, and 'above' upper threshold; in the case of a single threshold, the detector output fluctuates between 2 states ('below' and 'above' threshold). Each Therapy Status State is mapped to 1 of 9 possible states, depending on whether one or two detectors are used and whether single or dual threshold is used for each detector.