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feature. add goyave filter library (MIT license)
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ktkfree committed Jan 23, 2024
1 parent dc33d02 commit e0f60df
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Showing 9 changed files with 1,524 additions and 2 deletions.
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions internal/filter/filter.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
package filter

import (


// Filter structured representation of a filter query.
type Filter struct {
Field string
Operator *Operator
Args []string
Or bool

// Scope returns the GORM scope to use in order to apply this filter.
func (f *Filter) Scope(settings *Settings, sch *schema.Schema) (func(*gorm.DB) *gorm.DB, func(*gorm.DB) *gorm.DB) {
field, s, joinName := getField(f.Field, sch, &settings.Blacklist)
if field == nil {
return nil, nil

dataType := getDataType(field)

joinScope := func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
if dataType == DataTypeUnsupported {
return tx
if joinName != "" {
if err := tx.Statement.Parse(tx.Statement.Model); err != nil {
return tx
tx = join(tx, joinName, sch)

return tx

computed := field.StructField.Tag.Get("computed")

conditionScope := func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
if dataType == DataTypeUnsupported {
return tx

table := tx.Statement.Quote(tableFromJoinName(s.Table, joinName))
var fieldExpr string
if computed != "" {
fieldExpr = fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", strings.ReplaceAll(computed, clause.CurrentTable, table))
} else {
fieldExpr = table + "." + tx.Statement.Quote(field.DBName)

return f.Operator.Function(tx, f, fieldExpr, dataType)

return joinScope, conditionScope

// Where applies a condition to given transaction, automatically taking the "Or"
// filter value into account.
func (f *Filter) Where(tx *gorm.DB, query string, args ...interface{}) *gorm.DB {
if f.Or {
return tx.Or(query, args...)
return tx.Where(query, args...)
256 changes: 256 additions & 0 deletions internal/filter/join.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
package filter

import (


var (
joinRegex = regexp.MustCompile("(?i)((LEFT|RIGHT|FULL)\\s+)?((OUTER|INNER)\\s+)?JOIN\\s+[\"'`]?(?P<TableName>\\w+)[\"'`]?\\s+((AS\\s+)?[\"'`]?(?P<Alias>\\w+)[\"'`]?)?\\s*ON")

// Join structured representation of a join query.
type Join struct {
selectCache map[string][]string
Relation string
Fields []string

// Scopes returns the GORM scopes to use in order to apply this joint.
func (j *Join) Scopes(settings *Settings, schema *schema.Schema) []func(*gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
scopes := j.applyRelation(schema, &settings.Blacklist, j.Relation, 0, make([]func(*gorm.DB) *gorm.DB, 0, strings.Count(j.Relation, ".")+1))
if scopes != nil {
return scopes
return nil

func (j *Join) applyRelation(schema *schema.Schema, blacklist *Blacklist, relationName string, startIndex int, scopes []func(*gorm.DB) *gorm.DB) []func(*gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
if blacklist != nil && blacklist.IsFinal {
return nil
trimmedRelationName := relationName[startIndex:]
i := strings.Index(trimmedRelationName, ".")
if i == -1 {
if blacklist != nil {
if sliceutil.ContainsStr(blacklist.RelationsBlacklist, trimmedRelationName) {
return nil
blacklist = blacklist.Relations[trimmedRelationName]

r, ok := schema.Relationships.Relations[trimmedRelationName]
if !ok {
return nil

j.selectCache[relationName] = j.Fields
return append(scopes, joinScope(relationName, r, j.Fields, blacklist))

if startIndex+i+1 >= len(relationName) {
return nil

name := trimmedRelationName[:i]
var b *Blacklist
if blacklist != nil {
if sliceutil.ContainsStr(blacklist.RelationsBlacklist, name) {
return nil
b = blacklist.Relations[name]
r, ok := schema.Relationships.Relations[name]
if !ok {
return nil
n := relationName[:startIndex+i]
fields := []string{}
if f, ok := j.selectCache[n]; ok {
fields = f
scopes = append(scopes, joinScope(n, r, fields, b))

return j.applyRelation(r.FieldSchema, b, relationName, startIndex+i+1, scopes)

func joinScope(relationName string, rel *schema.Relationship, fields []string, blacklist *Blacklist) func(*gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
var columns []*schema.Field
if fields == nil {
columns = getSelectableFields(blacklist, rel.FieldSchema)
} else {
var b []string
if blacklist != nil {
b = blacklist.FieldsBlacklist
columns = cleanColumns(rel.FieldSchema, fields, b)

return func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
if rel.FieldSchema.Table == "" {
tx.AddError(fmt.Errorf("Relation %q is anonymous, could not get table name", relationName))
return tx
if columns != nil {
for _, primaryField := range rel.FieldSchema.PrimaryFields {
if !columnsContain(columns, primaryField) && (blacklist == nil || !sliceutil.ContainsStr(blacklist.FieldsBlacklist, primaryField.DBName)) {
columns = append(columns, primaryField)
for _, backwardsRelation := range rel.FieldSchema.Relationships.Relations {
if backwardsRelation.FieldSchema == rel.Schema && backwardsRelation.Type == schema.BelongsTo {
for _, ref := range backwardsRelation.References {
if !columnsContain(columns, ref.ForeignKey) && (blacklist == nil || !sliceutil.ContainsStr(blacklist.FieldsBlacklist, ref.ForeignKey.DBName)) {
columns = append(columns, ref.ForeignKey)

return tx.Preload(relationName, selectScope(rel.FieldSchema.Table, columns, true))

func join(tx *gorm.DB, joinName string, sch *schema.Schema) *gorm.DB {

var lastTable string
var relation *schema.Relationship
joins := make([]clause.Join, 0, strings.Count(joinName, ".")+1)
for _, rel := range strings.Split(joinName, ".") {
lastTable = sch.Table
if relation != nil {
lastTable = relation.Name
relation = sch.Relationships.Relations[rel]
sch = relation.FieldSchema
exprs := make([]clause.Expression, len(relation.References))
for idx, ref := range relation.References {
if ref.OwnPrimaryKey {
exprs[idx] = clause.Eq{
Column: clause.Column{Table: lastTable, Name: ref.PrimaryKey.DBName},
Value: clause.Column{Table: relation.Name, Name: ref.ForeignKey.DBName},
} else {
if ref.PrimaryValue == "" {
exprs[idx] = clause.Eq{
Column: clause.Column{Table: lastTable, Name: ref.ForeignKey.DBName},
Value: clause.Column{Table: relation.Name, Name: ref.PrimaryKey.DBName},
} else {
exprs[idx] = clause.Eq{
Column: clause.Column{Table: relation.Name, Name: ref.ForeignKey.DBName},
Value: ref.PrimaryValue,
j := clause.Join{
Type: clause.LeftJoin,
Table: clause.Table{Name: sch.Table, Alias: relation.Name},
ON: clause.Where{Exprs: exprs},
if !joinExists(tx.Statement, j) && !findStatementJoin(tx.Statement, &j) {
joins = append(joins, j)
if c, ok := tx.Statement.Clauses["FROM"]; ok {
from := c.Expression.(clause.From)
from.Joins = append(from.Joins, joins...)
c.Expression = from
tx.Statement.Clauses["FROM"] = c
return tx
return tx.Clauses(clause.From{Joins: joins})

func joinExists(stmt *gorm.Statement, join clause.Join) bool {
if c, ok := stmt.Clauses["FROM"]; ok {
from := c.Expression.(clause.From)
c.Expression = from
for _, j := range from.Joins {
if j.Table == join.Table {
return true
for _, j := range stmt.Joins {
groups := joinRegex.FindStringSubmatch(j.Name)
if groups != nil {
tableName := groups[joinRegex.SubexpIndex("TableName")]
aliasName := groups[joinRegex.SubexpIndex("Alias")]
tableMatch := tableName == join.Table.Name
aliasMatch := aliasName == "" || aliasName == join.Table.Alias
if tableMatch && aliasMatch {
return true
return false

// findStatementJoin finds a matching join in the given statement.
// Then processes join's Selects and Omit by adding them to the statement selects.
// Removes this information from the join afterwards to avoid Gorm reprocessing it.
// This is used to avoid duplicate joins that produce ambiguous column names and to
// support computed columns.
func findStatementJoin(stmt *gorm.Statement, join *clause.Join) bool {
for _, j := range stmt.Joins {
if j.Name == join.Table.Alias {
return true

return false

func quoteString(stmt *gorm.Statement, str string) string {
writer := bytes.NewBufferString("")
stmt.DB.Dialector.QuoteTo(writer, str)
return writer.String()

// processJoinsComputedColumns processes joins' Selects and Omit by adding them to the statement selects.
// Removes this information from the join afterwards to avoid Gorm reprocessing it.
// This is used to support computed columns with manual joins.
func processJoinsComputedColumns(stmt *gorm.Statement, sch *schema.Schema) {
for i, j := range stmt.Joins {
rel, ok := sch.Relationships.Relations[j.Name]
if !ok {

columnStmt := gorm.Statement{
Table: j.Name,
Schema: rel.FieldSchema,
Selects: j.Selects,
Omits: j.Omits,
if len(columnStmt.Selects) == 0 {
columnStmt.Selects = []string{"*"}

selectColumns, restricted := columnStmt.SelectAndOmitColumns(false, false)
j.Selects = nil
j.Omits = []string{"*"}
for _, s := range rel.FieldSchema.DBNames {
if v, ok := selectColumns[s]; (ok && v) || (!ok && !restricted) {
field := rel.FieldSchema.FieldsByDBName[s]
computed := field.StructField.Tag.Get("computed")
if computed != "" {
stmt.Selects = append(stmt.Selects, fmt.Sprintf("(%s) %s", strings.ReplaceAll(computed, clause.CurrentTable, quoteString(stmt, j.Name)), quoteString(stmt, j.Name+"__"+s)))
stmt.Selects = append(stmt.Selects, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s %s", quoteString(stmt, j.Name), quoteString(stmt, s), quoteString(stmt, j.Name+"__"+s)))
stmt.Joins[i] = j

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