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@signedav signedav released this 02 Dec 10:09
· 8 commits to master since this release

Fixes and Improvements

UsabILIty Hub / Topping Naming

  • The word topping is only used for the QGIS related files: project topping (YAML), additional topping files (files used by the project topping like QML etc)
  • Use metaconfiguration, reference data, extra meta attribute file etc. no matter if they come from local system, repositories or something like UsabILIty Hub...
  • No mention of UsabILIty Hub anymore (it's not a hub!) but to have kind of a title of the whole systematic it's called now "UsabILIty Toppings"


Using ili2db version 5.2.0


Using modelbaker library 1.9.4