Move to using openfaas SDK vs incubator repo
Changelog for 0.3.2:
- PR #44 Move to using templates-sdk repo for http function by @alexellis
- PR #41 Update to of-watchdog 0.7.7 and the docs by @LucasRoesler
- PR #39 Propagate Context to the handler.Request by @alexellis
158d288 Move to using templates-sdk repo for http function by @alexellis
aeae736 Create by @alexellis
689ef46 Update to of-watchdog 0.7.7 and the docs by @LucasRoesler
a762b29 Update vendor folder by @alexellis
4d1d1a3 Apply Context to armhf template by @alexellis
3411110 Propagate Context to the handler.Request by @alexellis
Generated by Derek