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CDM 2020 06

SammyIsConfused edited this page Jun 5, 2020 · 7 revisions

openEQUELLA Community Dev Meeting {June / 2020}

5th June Aus / 4th June US


  • Chair: Nick Charles
  • Scribe: Samantha Fisher

List of attendees: Samantha Fisher, Nick Charles, Cath Fitzgerald, Ian Stevenson, Christian Murphy, Chris Beach


General Topics

  • Review Action Items
  • Specific Topics (Please add to below list, or email the equella dev list to have an item added)
  • Discuss code enhancements since last CDM
  • Review tech choices, code structures, direction
  • Any tech debt concerns
  • Open PRs to discuss
  • Q&A
  • Assign next Chair and Scribe

Specific Topics

  • OSSRH Repository has been created - (IS)
  • Is it time to say goodbye to Travis? (IS)
  • Any workarounds to Moodle copyright questions (CB)
  • Tika / Spring (3) / Hibernate update timeline (CB)
  • 2020.2.0 timeline (CB)
  • Bringing back the URL title field on initial contribution (CB)
  • Discuss the idea of 'in place' editing with browser-based tools such as Monaco or Tiny MCE (CB)
  • Any concerns with backporting the Bb REST MVP to 2019.1 / 2019.2 / 2020.1 ? (CB)
  • Please add more


Action items review

Research governance and committer-ship similar to unifiedJS for oEQ

  Filled out - to be sent to the advisory board
  NOTE on ACTION ITEM: Send over to the advisory board

Setup issue to flag move to upgrade to current Java LTS in the future (tech debt)

  On Ian's to-do list - yet to move forward on it

Send out mailing list note on Bb timelines and availability to test fixes

  Bb fixes are now feature complete - just needs some testing and then merge

Decouple the front end and the Rest API from the back-end to NPM modules

  We now have a standalone NPM module for Rest API interactions - oeq-rest-ts-api folder in root
  All new Rest API interactions go in there - currently adding new search endpoint

Add Autotest License headers

  License check is part of SBT - so every commit would take a long time
  IS was looking for alternatives, but yet to uncover an elegant solution
  Custom task within build SBT for the core code - we'd have to duplicate the code to do it for the autotests which is not ideal.
  Still needs more investigation - IS will return to this at some point.

Add JS License headers

  Integrated with TSLint, has been reviewed and merged. Now working nicely.

Look into incorporating checkstyles into OEQ

  No movement - modifications are being made to checkstyles, but no work has been done into integration

Specific Topics

OSSRH Repository has been created - (IS)

Setup now underway for this, for the reporting repository containing three BIRT plugins and the BIRT engine. These are pulled down via SBT, and need to be rewritten.

Is it time to say goodbye to Travis? (IS)

We've been running with GHA for a couple of months - and it seems much more robust than Travis. Fails much less commonly.
IS recommends it gets removed from develop, and kept in old branches.
Codebuild is still being used - we plan to keep that in as it produces a commercial Edalex build. 
ACTION ITEM: IS - Remove Travis from oEQ Develop

Any workarounds to Moodle copyright questions (CB)

There's been a long term issue with Moodle- there's no workaround as yet. 
CB will move forward on this and attempt to get a definitive legal opinion on this issue.
ACTION ITEM: CB - Request Apereo give an answer to Moodle copyright questions

Tika / Spring (3) / Hibernate update timeline (CB)

Unicon have the approval to update these dependencies - scheduled for July
These particular dependencies have security implications- so whilst they are tricky to update, it is important.

2020.2.0 timeline (CB)

In relation to the previous issue, CB wishes to get a clearer picture on what this looks like.
Still an unknown to us, but in an ideal situation it would be Mid November. But since we are still early in new Search UI development, its hard to say. However, the change in scope (2020.2 being the final major release of 2020 rather than 2020.3)
CF has slides explaining how the new UI works, potentially useful for CB's presentation

Bringing back the URL title field on initial contribution (CB)

The URL title field disappeared in recent times, though Unicon has a client that used that frequently, and they requested an estimate upon reading this. 

Discuss the idea of 'in place' editing with browser-based tools such as Monaco or Tiny MCE (CB)

CB had the opportunity to talk about streamline the UI and make it more intuitive with a client. They want to use a HTML editor to edit files in place.

Any concerns with backporting the Bb REST MVP to 2019.1 / 2019.2 / 2020.1 ? (CB)

Unicon have a client with 2019.1.3 - would need this fix. Which means they'd have to have a 2019.1.4 containing the Bb Rest MVP.
Typically for backports we try to keep them small/essential as we don't have the resources to fully test it. 
Edalex needs to review the code such that we can be confident in stability.

Discuss code enhancements since last CDM

  • Purescript has been almost entirely removed! The new Search UI was all in Purescript, and that has been removed. 6 .purs files remain, regarding the drag and drop control and language bundling.

  • Ian has brought in JS debugging - source maps now working correctly.

  • We now have a new search endpoint - currently we have /search, and /search2 API has been brought in. What we are finding during construction of the new UI is that the API has been written with a "code-first" approach - which makes it difficult to construct interfaces for it as the class structure does not directly align with the data you will get back from the endpoint. So you can't be too sure based on looking at the code what will be returned. Search2 is designed so that we have a documented, clear search with a good interface that is easy to understand and explicit on what is returned.

  • Unicon looked at EBI - we don't currently have it on our roadmap - and there are Pearson copyright issues left over. Its on Unicon's radar but work is not currently scheduled.

Review tech choices, code structures, direction

  • There are a number of Renovate PRs - SBT does not support transient dependencies on boms and poms, so each dependency and subdependency needs to be explicitly specified. IS is wondering how to achieve these, as we don't want to break dependencies by changing their subdependencies.

Any tech debt concerns

  • None came up this CDM.

Open PRs to discuss

  • None came up this CDM that weren't addressed above.


ACTION ITEM: CB - Test integration with D2L on most recent hotfixes.

Next CDM:

  • Chair: Chris Beach
  • Scribe: Samantha Fisher
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