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Merge pull request #114 from openedx/jenkins/zshkoor/setup-py-updated…
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fix: update using script
  • Loading branch information
zubairshakoorarbisoft authored Sep 15, 2023
2 parents 5ae84bb + 0028027 commit 99f5f93
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Showing 30 changed files with 13,420 additions and 6 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions build/lib/sql_grader/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
A SQL database graded component
Implemented in SQLite
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions build/lib/sql_grader/datasets/rating.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@

/* Delete the tables if they already exist */
drop table if exists Movie;
drop table if exists Reviewer;
drop table if exists Rating;

/* Create the schema for our tables */
create table Movie(mID int, title text, year int, director text);
create table Reviewer(rID int, name text);
create table Rating(rID int, mID int, stars int, ratingDate date);

/* Populate the tables with our data */
insert into Movie values(101, 'Gone with the Wind', 1939, 'Victor Fleming');
insert into Movie values(102, 'Star Wars', 1977, 'George Lucas');
insert into Movie values(103, 'The Sound of Music', 1965, 'Robert Wise');
insert into Movie values(104, 'E.T.', 1982, 'Steven Spielberg');
insert into Movie values(105, 'Titanic', 1997, 'James Cameron');
insert into Movie values(106, 'Snow White', 1937, null);
insert into Movie values(107, 'Avatar', 2009, 'James Cameron');
insert into Movie values(108, 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', 1981, 'Steven Spielberg');

insert into Reviewer values(201, 'Sarah Martinez');
insert into Reviewer values(202, 'Daniel Lewis');
insert into Reviewer values(203, 'Brittany Harris');
insert into Reviewer values(204, 'Mike Anderson');
insert into Reviewer values(205, 'Chris Jackson');
insert into Reviewer values(206, 'Elizabeth Thomas');
insert into Reviewer values(207, 'James Cameron');
insert into Reviewer values(208, 'Ashley White');

insert into Rating values(201, 101, 2, '2011-01-22');
insert into Rating values(201, 101, 4, '2011-01-27');
insert into Rating values(202, 106, 4, null);
insert into Rating values(203, 103, 2, '2011-01-20');
insert into Rating values(203, 108, 4, '2011-01-12');
insert into Rating values(203, 108, 2, '2011-01-30');
insert into Rating values(204, 101, 3, '2011-01-09');
insert into Rating values(205, 103, 3, '2011-01-27');
insert into Rating values(205, 104, 2, '2011-01-22');
insert into Rating values(205, 108, 4, null);
insert into Rating values(206, 107, 3, '2011-01-15');
insert into Rating values(206, 106, 5, '2011-01-19');
insert into Rating values(207, 107, 5, '2011-01-20');
insert into Rating values(208, 104, 3, '2011-01-02');

/* Create the views */
create view LateRating as
select distinct R.mID, title, stars, ratingDate
from Rating R, Movie M
where R.mID = M.mID
and ratingDate > '2011-01-20';

create view HighlyRated as
select mID, title
from Movie
where mID in (select mID from Rating where stars > 3);

create view NoRating as
select mID, title
from Movie
where mID not in (select mID from Rating);
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions build/lib/sql_grader/datasets/social.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@

/* Delete the tables if they already exist */
drop table if exists Highschooler;
drop table if exists Friend;
drop table if exists Likes;

/* Create the schema for our tables */
create table Highschooler(ID int, name text, grade int);
create table Friend(ID1 int, ID2 int);
create table Likes(ID1 int, ID2 int);

/* Populate the tables with our data */
insert into Highschooler values (1510, 'Jordan', 9);
insert into Highschooler values (1689, 'Gabriel', 9);
insert into Highschooler values (1381, 'Tiffany', 9);
insert into Highschooler values (1709, 'Cassandra', 9);
insert into Highschooler values (1101, 'Haley', 10);
insert into Highschooler values (1782, 'Andrew', 10);
insert into Highschooler values (1468, 'Kris', 10);
insert into Highschooler values (1641, 'Brittany', 10);
insert into Highschooler values (1247, 'Alexis', 11);
insert into Highschooler values (1316, 'Austin', 11);
insert into Highschooler values (1911, 'Gabriel', 11);
insert into Highschooler values (1501, 'Jessica', 11);
insert into Highschooler values (1304, 'Jordan', 12);
insert into Highschooler values (1025, 'John', 12);
insert into Highschooler values (1934, 'Kyle', 12);
insert into Highschooler values (1661, 'Logan', 12);

insert into Friend values (1510, 1381);
insert into Friend values (1510, 1689);
insert into Friend values (1689, 1709);
insert into Friend values (1381, 1247);
insert into Friend values (1709, 1247);
insert into Friend values (1689, 1782);
insert into Friend values (1782, 1468);
insert into Friend values (1782, 1316);
insert into Friend values (1782, 1304);
insert into Friend values (1468, 1101);
insert into Friend values (1468, 1641);
insert into Friend values (1101, 1641);
insert into Friend values (1247, 1911);
insert into Friend values (1247, 1501);
insert into Friend values (1911, 1501);
insert into Friend values (1501, 1934);
insert into Friend values (1316, 1934);
insert into Friend values (1934, 1304);
insert into Friend values (1304, 1661);
insert into Friend values (1661, 1025);
insert into Friend select ID2, ID1 from Friend;

insert into Likes values(1689, 1709);
insert into Likes values(1709, 1689);
insert into Likes values(1782, 1709);
insert into Likes values(1911, 1247);
insert into Likes values(1247, 1468);
insert into Likes values(1641, 1468);
insert into Likes values(1316, 1304);
insert into Likes values(1501, 1934);
insert into Likes values(1934, 1501);
insert into Likes values(1025, 1101);
Empty file.
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions build/lib/sql_grader/mixins/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
Mixin date-related functionality
import datetime

class EnforceDueDates:
xBlock Mixin to allow xblocks to check the due date
(taking the graceperiod into account) of the
subsection in which they are placed

def is_past_due(self):
Determine if component is past-due
# These values are pulled from platform.
# They are defaulted to None for tests.
due = getattr(self, 'due', None)
graceperiod = getattr(self, 'graceperiod', None)
# Calculate the current DateTime so we can compare the due date to it.
# datetime.utcnow() returns timezone naive date object.
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
if due is not None:
# Remove timezone information from platform provided due date.
# Dates are stored as UTC timezone aware objects on platform.
due = due.replace(tzinfo=None)
if graceperiod is not None:
# Compare the datetime objects (both have to be timezone naive)
due = due + graceperiod
return now > due
return False
91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions build/lib/sql_grader/mixins/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
Mixin fragment/html behavior into XBlocks
Note: We should resume test coverage for all lines in this file once
split into its own library.
from xblock.core import XBlock
from web_fragments.fragment import Fragment

class XBlockFragmentBuilderMixin:
Create a default XBlock fragment builder
static_css = [
static_js = [
static_js_init = None
template = 'view.html'

def provide_context(self, context): # pragma: no cover
Build a context dictionary to render the student view
This should generally be overriden by child classes.
context = context or {}
context = dict(context)
return context

def student_view(self, context=None):
Build the fragment for the default student view
template = self.template
context = self.provide_context(context)
static_css = self.static_css or []
static_js = self.static_js or []
js_init = self.static_js_init
fragment = self.build_fragment(
return fragment

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def build_fragment(
Creates a fragment for display.
context = context or {}
css_files = css_files or []
js_files = js_files or []
rendered_template = ''
if template: # pragma: no cover
template = 'templates/' + template
rendered_template = self.loader.render_django_template(
i18n_service=self.runtime.service(self, 'i18n'),
fragment = Fragment(rendered_template)
for item in css_files:
if item.startswith('/'):
url = item
item = 'static/' + item
url = self.runtime.local_resource_url(self, item)
for item in js_files:
item = 'static/' + item
url = self.runtime.local_resource_url(self, item)
if js_init: # pragma: no cover
return fragment
# pylint: enable=too-many-arguments

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