Toggles fullscreen mode when either the f or F11 key is pressed in a Bespoke.js presentation. Delegates to the native fullscreen mechanism of the browser.
If you have form elements in your slides, use the bespoke-forms plugin to prevent the fullscreen toggle from being triggered when typing f inside a form input or editable region. |
View the demo online.
This repository includes a demo folder that shows this plugin in action. To view it locally, you first need to clone this repository:
$ git clone && cd bespoke-fullscreen
Next, install the dependencies inside the project folder using npm:
$ npm install
Finally, visit the file demo/index.html in your browser to see the plugin in action.
Download the production mode version or the development mode version, or use a package manager.
This plugin is shipped in a UMD format, meaning it is available as a CommonJS/AMD module or as a browser global.
For example, when using CommonJS modules:
var bespoke = require('bespoke'),
fullscreen = require('bespoke-fullscreen');
bespoke.from('.deck', [
When using a browser global:
bespoke.from('.deck', [