Note: this project is no longer actively maintained. For more information about IFC, please contact BuildingSMART International.
Five OWL ontologies are maintained in this location for the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) schema in EXPRESS. For each ontology, an RDF serialisation (OWL, RDF) and a Turtle (TTL) serialisation is made available. These ontology files are identical to the ontology files maintained at and
More information about ifcOWL can be found in: Pieter Pauwels and Walter Terkaj (2016). EXPRESS to OWL for construction industry: towards a recommendable and usable ifcOWL ontology. Automation in Construction 63 (March 2016) pp. 100–133. DOI:10.1016/j.autcon.2015.12.003.
Contact: [email protected]
- namespace URI:
- ontology files: RDF OWL TTL (these three are identical serialisations)
- HTML documentation: index.html
- namespace URI:
- ontology files: RDF OWL TTL (these three are identical serialisations)
- HTML documentation: index.html
- namespace URI:
- ontology files: RDF OWL TTL (these three are identical serialisations)
- HTML documentation: index.html
- namespace URI:
- ontology files: RDF OWL TTL (these three are identical serialisations)
- HTML documentation: index.html
- namespace URI:
- ontology files: RDF OWL TTL (these three are identical serialisations)
- HTML documentation: index.html