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Ideas for new features and examples
Sylwester Arabas edited this page Sep 15, 2023
76 revisions
Some of the ideas listed below are good candidates for individual or team projects or theses.
- mixing scenario indicator product (like the alpha parameter from Grabowski & Morrison)
- deliquescence + efflorescence
- cloud formation on adiabatic descent (Bohren 1986, JAS)
- radiative transfer (see Numba code here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2021.108198)
- cloud biology: https://acp.copernicus.org/articles/20/1777/2020/acp-20-1777-2020.html
- Ouzo (Ostwald ripening)
- ventilation coefficient in condensation
- turbulent kernels
- drop temperatures
- the initial water amount added to the system by r_wet_init - where and how to take into account/report
- diffusion kinetics as in eq. 9 G&T'21: https://acp.copernicus.org/articles/21/4059/2021/
- add checks for mass conservation in dry radius discretisation (if we are discretising number distribution, in the example (or even within initialisation logic) we should be able to impose a threshold on the acceptable level of incurred mass difference (between the one obtainable via moments of dry volume and the analytical value stemming from lognormal distribution parameters))
- Eulerian diffusion in kinematic_2d: through mu_coeff of PyMPDATA
- support for >0D (not aware of any major reason it should not work!)
- reproduce 2D setup simulations from J&P (but also Schmeller & Geresdi '19)
- @njit for all methods
- numba.prange where possible
- better than Explicit Euler in oxidation
- take Henry coefficients and other constants from chempy?
- GPU support
- transport options from Maxey & Corrsin
- sub-stepping issue described in appendix B of UWLCM paper: https://www.geosci-model-dev.net/12/2587/2019/#section9
- figures from "An elementary parcel model with explicit condensation and supersaturation" by Rogers (1975, https://doi.org/10.1080/00046973.1975.9648397)
- Fig 4a from Wang & Grabowski 2009 as parcel coalescence example (https://rmets.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/asl.210)
- comparison against Bott's algorithm solution: https://www2.meteo.uni-bonn.de/forschung/gruppen/tgwww/people/abott/fortran/fortran_english.html
- external vs. internal mixing (needs adding hygroscopicity as attribute), example e.g. from Arabas & Pawlowska 2011 (GMD)
- new Hoppel gap examples, see MoAC wiki
- the stat-phys & F-P papers - see MoAC wiki
- Unterstrasser box and column examples
- rock-paper-scissors :) https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.02386
- Jensen & Nugent example
- 2nd kinematic framework from Szumowski's paper
- 2d spectral turbulence kinematic example from Pinsky et al. 2008
- fog case
- parcel output on metpy plots (CAPE?)
- lognormal shape preservation under collisions
- CCNC instrument
- Venus clouds
- cloud seeding example
- spurious supersaturation
- sol-gel transition
- oil in water
- plankton
- human speech droplets: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ina.12737
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-89346-6
- co-condensation: https://www.nature.com/articles/ngeo1809
- two-sd ripening test case
- n=0 energy conservation test for parcel
- unit test checking precipitation from other than lowest grid cell
- 32-bit multiplicity overflows (see xfail in Berry smoke test)
- tests for collision_deficit=0 with adaptivity=True (and !=0 for adaptivity=False) (i.e.,
would not be needed ing = min(int(gamma[i]), prop)
in compute_gamma_body() with adaptivity) - depict float/double difference case with a unit test (to check if fakeThrust is able to reproduce it) (this first need a big refactor around PrecisionResolver - currently switching the precision requires modifying source code!)
- include a sample reference netCDF file in the repo and check if its contents match the data generated within CI (what about including Wall and CPU times?)
- unit test for presence of zero-filling loop in sum_pair and alike (case of odd number of sd and single-sd in adjecent cells)
- test with coal_dt_range=[dt, dt] and fixed seed -> should be same behaviour as adaptive=False
- around super().sync()/self.notify() magic in moist environments
- common base class for kinematic envs
- phase out precision resolver (precision field for Formulae?) + usage also for constants
- unify ParticlesSizeSpectrum and ParticlesVolumeSpectrum products
- combine fuse logic with dt_range in make_adapt_substeps(), i.e. set n_substeps_max = ... (fuse) instead of raising NotImplementedError()
- remove length from backend methods (len(idx) enough)
- remove all explicit types from C++ code in Thrust backend (decltype + auto should be enough)
- something cleaner than: particulator.attributes.attributes[...].mark_updated()
- create a base class for all *Methods backend.impl classes to fix self.formulae initialisation
- shouldn't Pint be a test-time dependency only?
- sort out double si units in examples (one fake, one real)
- do recalculate_cell_id & recalculate TpRH from within attributes
- employ MergeShuffle for parallel permutations (https://github.com/axel-bacher/mergeshuffle)
- lookup tables for speeding up physics
- moments, moments, moments
- use atomicAdd in Numba flag_precipitated
- introduce times_max? (one loop less on GPU)
- padding of arrays for ThrustRTC: idx size and relative storages sizes should be a multiple of 32 to ensure that all data of 1 super-droplets are in one GPU memory bank to avoid serialization
- rethink if gamma vector should not be of integer type
- gradually decrease the amount of shuffled numbers during adaptive coalescence substeps
- parallel random shuffling on CPU (np.random.rand() within numba.prange), hint: https://github.com/numba/numba/issues/2486#issuecomment-320089562
- one loop instead of two in coalescence normalize (without the need to use temporary memory for norm_factor)
- Amazon SageMaker badges?
- create pytest plugin for checking TODO annotations (currently almost the same code is in four repos: PySDM, PySDM-examples, PyMPDATA, PyMPDATA-examples); also obsolete dependency on ghapi; technical hints could be taken from https://github.com/nschloe/pytest-codeblocks
- serialization of Particles to enable simulation restarts
- logging layer (https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.html)
- PM10, PM2.5 products
- mass-doubling spectral discretisation
- new GPU backend using CuPy (https://cupy.dev/)
- kernel density estimate for spectrum (sec. 5.1.4 in Shima et al. '09)
- 16-bit floating point option?
- common logic for cell-wise "foreach"
- ThrustRTC.n_threads: https://gist.github.com/f0k/63a664160d016a491b2cbea15913d549
- enhance out-of-the box settings in Paraview (netCDF output)
- kernel plots
- droplets in space with vtk-js: https://kitware.github.io/vtk-js/examples/
- more controls in kinematic 2D GUI: spin-up, random seed, terminal velocity choice, kernel choice, backend choice, aerosol spectrum parameters, parallelisation controls, products, initialisation controls (constant multiplicity, ...)
- pypi deployment (using twine)
- Apple M1 runs
- pytest-parallel: https://pypi.org/project/pytest-parallel/
- GPU-enabled runs: https://github.com/jfpanisset/cloud_gpu_build_agent
- parallel=False run on Github Actions
- pylint & mypy within CI script
- use pytest-check-links on GA for checking links in README and notebooks: https://github.com/jupyterlab/pytest-check-links
- assertions for execution times (e.g. for testing numba version bumps)
- conda package
Extra hints for Python developers are here.