🏎️ Deployment repo for demo PiTCRU web application, deployed here
🏎️ Simply clone, add API key and NeonDB connection string to environment variables, and run index.js to seed db
🏎️ Refer to models folder for seed script and SQL query examples
🏎️ PiTCRU was originally designed as a Django/Python web application, deployed here and managed here
🏎️ The purpose of this minimally styled refactored application is to showcase handwritten SQL statements.
🏎️ The backend design is vulnerable to SQL Injection and does not follow quality standards of web apps.
🏎️ The application is minimally styled compared to its parent
🏎️ PiTCRU is a node.js/express app with PostgreSQL backend.
🏎️ This app implements node's postgres library
🏎️ Vehicle data is seeded from API Ninjas' Cars API.
🏎️ The seed script can be found in 'models/seed.js' and can be run as node models/index.js
from root of project after NEONDB connection string and API-Ninjas API Key have been provided in .env
Seed Script Pseudocode
cars = list of car makes known to be available from API Ninjas years = list of years known to be available from API Ninjas for car,year of cars,years: search_api(car, year) THEN looping over returned car data as car: sql_constructor: `INSERT INTO cars ( city_mpg, class, combination_mpg, cylinders, drive, fuel_type, highway_mpg, make, model, transmission, year ) VALUES ( ${car.city_mpg}, ${car.class}, ${car.combination_mpg}, ${car.cylinders}, ${car.drive}, ${car.fuel_type}, ${car.highway_mpg}, ${car.make}, ${car.model}, ${car.transmission}, ${car.year} );`
// SEED SCRIPTS seedPaginatorType: async function (db) { await db ` CREATE TYPE result AS (page_year integer, page_make text, page_model text); `.then(query => console.log(query)) }, seedPaginator: async function (db) { await db ` CREATE FUNCTION get_cars(page_offset integer) RETURNS result LANGUAGE SQL AS $$ SELECT year, make, model FROM cars LIMIT 1 OFFSET page_offset; $$; `.then(async query => console.log(query)) }
// FUNCTION CALL getCars: async function (db, offset=0) { const start = 12 * offset let cars = [] for start to start+12 { await db `SELECT get_cars(${i});` .then(car => cars.push(car)) } return cars }
// ROUTE router.get('/', (req, res) => { let offset = req.query.page ? req.query.page : 1 db.car.getCars(db.sql, offset-1) .then(cars => db.car.getCarCount(db.sql) .then(count => res.render('car-index', {cars: cars, count: count, offset: offset}) )) })