Conway's Game of Life is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Conway. The game is a zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state, with no further input. One interacts with the Game of Life by creating an initial configuration and observing how it evolves.
To run the Conway's Game of Life app locally, follow these steps:
- You need to install Flutter if you haven't yet here
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd gameOfLife
Install dependencies:
flutter pub get
Install dependencies:
flutter run
- Responsive Grid: The app features a responsive grid that adapts to various screen sizes.
- Game Controls: Play, pause, reset, and advance to the next generation with built-in controls.
- Random Patterns: Generate random patterns, including famous ones like Gosper Glider Gun and Pulsar Oscillator.
Launch the app and interact with the grid by tapping cells. Use the provided controls to play, pause, reset, and generate random patterns.
For detailed instructions, refer to the in-app guide or visit How to Play for more information.
- Kudos to Elias W. BA for giving me the challenge on X great initiative by the way
- OpenAI: For providing some fragments of the code and for debugging and refactoring and helping me writting this awesome README.
- The app also acknowledges LifeWiki for valuable information and resources related to Conway's Game of Life.
- Gosper Glider Gun: Conway's Game of Life pattern.
- Pulsar Oscillator: Conway's Game of Life pattern.
- 10-Engine Cordership: Conway's Game of Life pattern.
download apk for android here Test it online Game Of Life Online still need to work on the responsiveness
Developed by Cheikh LO
GitHub Repository: Game Of Life