WARNING - This is a public repo used to host a custom action for GitHub workflows. Do not include proprietary or sensitive data.
Provide information about the named workflow.
Required The name of the workflow of interest.
Required The name of the branch for the workflow runs, use "*" for all branches
Required The name of the repository (owner/repo).
Required The GitHub API access token.
The run number of the last build of the selected workflow runs. This includes completed runs.
The commit SHA of the last build of the selected workflow runs.
The number of selected workflow runs that are running. This includes completed runs.
The number of jobs that are running (status != completed) on the selected workflow runs, filtered by job-name. 0 if job-name not specified.
The numeric id of the named workflow.
uses: onshape/actions-workflow-info@v1
name: ${{ env.WORKFLOW_NAME }}
branch: ${{ matrix.branch }}
repository: ${{ github.repository }}
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
To test:
You can put these lines like these in a script to easily test your changes. Put
the GitHub PAT in a file named .pat
. Do not commit either file.
docker build -t actions-workflow-info .
docker run --rm actions-workflow-info "--job-name" "build-and-publish" "--name" "build-test-deploy" "--branch" "master" "--repository" "onshape/newton" "--token" $(cat .pat)