Nodejs and Npm should be installed.
Clone this github repo on local and run below command to install the dependencies.
$ npm install
Set environment variables for ADMINUSERNAME and ADMINUSERPASSWORD. This will be used to create admin user
$ export ADMINUSERNAME=<username>
$ export ADMINUSERPASSWORD=<password>
Set environment variable TOKENTIMEOUT to set token expiry time in seconds.
$ export TOKENTIMEOUT=<expiry time in seconds>
Default is 121 seconds. If you want to disable refresh of token, set this value to 0.
Run the application with below command
$ node server.js
Open browser for http://localhost:3000/api
url, if browser shows below content in window, applications started successfully.
$ {"message":"You are running inventory application!"}
Make POST api call to http://localhost:3000/api/users/create-admin-user
(You can use postman). It will create admin user with username/password from step 3.
Create application by making POST call to http://localhost:3000/api/applications
with post body. This keys will be used for oauth from onshape.
Make sure you have Node.js and the Heroku Toolbelt installed. You will also need a Heroku account signup is free.
Execute the following commands to create a duplicate of a repository; you need to perform both a bare-clone and a mirror-push to a newly-created bare repo (please note that you may want to use SSH instead of HTTPS, depending on your Github settings):
$ git clone --bare
# make a bare clone of the repository
$ cd inventory-oauth2-app.git
$ git push --mirror
# mirror-push to new respository
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf inventory-oauth2-app.git
# remove temporary local repository
$ git clone
$ cd new-repository
$ heroku create
$ heroku config:set ADMINUSERNAME=<username>
$ heroku config:set ADMINUSERPASSWORD=<password>
$ heroku config:set ENVIRONMENT=production
$ git push heroku master
# Ensure that the build pack for the application in the heroku should be `heroku/nodejs`
# Make sure heroku application has `mLab MongoDB` add-on installed.
Open browser for http://<heroku-application-url>/api
url, if browser shows below content in window, applications started successfully.
$ {"message":"You are running inventory application!"}
Create admin user by making POST request to http://<heroku-application-url>/api/users/create-admin-user
from postman.
Create user with following POST request https://<heroku-application-url>/api/users
with following body and basic authorization with admin creds created in step
$ { "username": "<user-name>", "password": "<user-password>" }
Create application by making POST call to http://<heroku-application-url>/api/applications
with post body. This keys will be used for oauth from onshape.
$ { "name": "<application-name>", "clientId": "<client-id>", "clientSecret": "<client-secret>" }
You can add these clientId and clientSecret in OAuth tab for the application.
- All the api endpoints are in server.js
- Respective controllers are having the logic to get list/individual models
- MongoDB collections get created from the model objects in the
For more information about using Node.js on Heroku, see these Dev Center articles:
Onshape uses standard OAuth2.