This program is used to identify dynamixels on your network and configure dynamixel parameters
- NETWORK SEARCH - Search through the selected baudrates and IDs, identifying the connected servos parameters and models.
- FACTORY RESET -Resets an specified servo to the factory config
- PARAMETERS CONFIG -Configures the following parameters:
- ID
- Baudrate
- Torque Max
- Mode (Wheel/Joint/Multi Turn)
- CW angle limit / CCW angle limit
- P/I/D Gains
- Drive mode (Reverse/Slave)
If you have already installed in your system the dynamixel sdk.
Clone the repository
$ git clone
$ cd ~/foo/mixcell/QTCode
$ python
It's necessary to install the linux64 C library of Dynamixel SDK.
You can find the complete installation guide here
Clone the dynamixel sdk
$ git clone
$ cd ~/foo/DynamixelSDK/c/build/linux64
- Build the library
$ make
Case there is an error
$ make clean
$ make
- Install the library
$ sudo make install
Case there is an error
$ sudo make reinstall
Your user has to have permissions to access the USB port, so:
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
And restart your computer
You can find the complete code documentation at
- Wing - The python IDE
- QT Designer - QT IDE
- Sphinx - Used to generate the documentation
- Cleber Couto Filho - Initial work - clebercoutof
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
- Dynamixel SDK Code examples
- Python Programming QT tutorials.
Thanks to Pedro Xavier for full time support and Henrique Poleselo for the documentation support.