Shareable commitlint
config enforcing Conventional Commits thru extension of @commitlint/config-conventional. Use with @commitlint/cli.
npm install @commitlint/cli
Best used with husky as a commit-msg
Create a commitlint.config.js
file on the root directory and extend with this package:
module.exports = {
extends: ['@onify'],
In the package.json
of your project
"commitlint": {
"extends": ["@onify"],
Type | Description |
build | Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm) |
chore | Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation |
ci | Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (example scopes: Travis, Circle, BrowserStack, SauceLabs) |
ui | Changes that only affects the UI |
docs | Documentation only changes |
dx | Any changes or addition that improves developer experience |
feat | A new feature |
fix | A bug fix |
infra | Changes to any infrastructure configuration files and/or scripts (example scopes: aws, heroku, azure, nginx) |
perf | A code change that improves performance |
refactor | A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature |
revert | Read here |
style | Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc) |
test | Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests |
wip | Work in progress. For partial progress that you want to sync on the remote repo. |
Note: Descriptions taken directly from Angular's Commit Message Type Guidelines except for types that are in bold characters as they are new types added by this config.