The Fixed package allows you to store and perform math on decimal numbers with a fixed scale (fixed no. of decimal places).
All amounts are stored as BigInts to allow precision math to be performed.
The features of Fixed are:
- Fixed uses a selectable fixed scale (no. of decimal places)
- Fixed provides a builtin formatter and parser Fixed.format(pattern)
- Full set of mathematical opertors.
- Fixed includes a convenience method Fixed.formatIntl(locale) which formats the number with the provided locale or the default locale if not provided.
Fixed is sponsored by OnePub, the Dart private package repository.
You can create a Fixed instance from a number sources
var t1 = Fixed.fromNum(1); /// == 1.00
var t2 = Fixed.fromNum(1, scale: 3); /// == 1.000
var add = t1 + 10;
var multiply = t1 * t2;
var t3 = Fixed.parse("1.23356"); // == 1.23356, scale: 5
if (t1 == t2) // true
print(t1.format('0.##')); // '1.00'
print(t3.format('0.###')); // '1.123'
Full documentation can be found here.