Releases: ondratu/formiko
Releases · ondratu/formiko
- fix local url with href anchor
- M2R convertor support for another MarkDown parsing way
- check_version command for version check in all files
in repository - bad parser in config fix
- desktop icon fix
- period check/save fix
- quit dialog fix
- dialogs use
word - tab width fix
- search error fix (issue #7)
- searching refactoring
- don't crash application when vim window failed or formiko icon not found
- right working with formatting and extensions by mime type
- right margin settings (issue #36)
- dark theme renderer support (issue #18)
- tab_width from ini config file fix (issue #28)
- upgrade SourceView to version 4
Formiko 1.4.3
cz.zeropage.Formiko application ID fix
Version 1.4.0
- man pages
- words and characters count live info
- Recommonmark (MarkDown) support with colored code
- change preview - set paned position fix
- GTK Warning fix (debian bug #933622)
- SearchBar and searching text in editor
- searching text in preview
- creating backup file before write changes to new one
- refresh preview action / button
- opening links in system from preview, known file types open in new formiko
window - preview auto scroll
- fixing positing in preview only mode
- preview/editor/both with shortcuts and store in cache
- edited file change time check