The IRISnet JavaScript SDK allows browsers and Node.js clients to interact with IRISnet. Core functionality and examples
are in the test
- client - client that implements IRISnet transactions types, such as for transfers and staking,etc.
- crypto - core cryptographic functions.
- accounts - management of accounts and wallets, including seed and encrypted mnemonic generation, recover account by mnemonic or keystore, etc.
Install the package via npm.
npm install
interface ClientConfig {
node: string,//address of a rpc node on IRISnet
network: number, //[Number] 0: Mainnet, 1: Testnet
chainId: string,
gas?: string,
fee?: {
denom: string;
amount: string;
},//default fee for transactions
keyDAO: KeyDAO,//key manager for wallet, which must be implemented
bech32Prefix?: {
AccAddr: string,
AccPub: string,
ValAddr: string,
ValPub: string,
ConsAddr: string,
ConsPub: string,
rpcConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig// axios request config
First you should implement your KeyDAO like follows:
class KeyDAO {
* save private key to client
* @param name for account you generated, which will be use to query private key and other account info
* @param wallet: {address: string,privateKey: string,publicKey: string,mnemonic: string}
* @throws error if save failed
write(name, wallet):void {
localStorage.setItem(name, JSON.stringify(wallet));
* save walet in client
* @param name
* @throws error if read failed
const wallet = localStorage.getItem(name);
if(wallet) {
return JSON.parse(wallet);
throw new Error(`no wallet was found`)
* encrypt your private key before save to client
* @param private key
* @param password for encrypt private key
encrypt?(privateKey, password): string {
return CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(msg, password).toString();
* decrypto your private key with password
* @param encrypted private key
* @param password that can decrypto private key ecrypted
decrypt?(encryptedPrivateKey, password): string {
const bytes = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(encryptedPrivateKey, password);
const privateKey = bytes.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
if (privateKey) {
return privateKey
} else {
throw new Error('can not decrypto the private key');
import {newClient as irisSdkClient} from 'irishub-sdk-js';
const client = irisSdkClient(ClientConfig)
.withKeyDAO(new KeyDAO())
.withRpcConfig({timeout: 15000});
The following selected examples demonstrate basic client usage.
- create account
const account: { address: string, mnemonic: string } = client.keys.add(`iris_wallet`, 'S8js8Ka82lqAc');
- recover account by mnemonic
const account: string = client.keys.recover(`iris_wallet`, 'S8js8Ka82lqAc', `fatigue panther innocent dress person fluid animal raven material embark target spread kiss smile cycle begin rocket pull couple mass story analyst guilt network`);
- recover account by keystore
const account: string = client.keys.recover(`iris_wallet`, 'S8js8Ka82lqAc', `{"version":"1","id":"1d295464-aaa8-418e-b374-3052a91dc26a","address":"faa1eqvkfthtrr93g4p9qspp54w6dtjtrn279vcmpn","crypto":{"ciphertext":"a6ee40e3b38a7b24a373ec006bcc039ccbae45dc3b1f314405ab51ee975d6b1f","cipherparams":{"iv":"453b83b1331d334b70d160616fe43ace"},"cipher":"aes-128-ctr","kdf":"pbkdf2","kdfparams":{"dklen":32,"salt":"e702e41edf7277a39f7f5cc641c19e1b492cc29bf737aec9b53b496c9f217b37","c":10000,"prf":"hmac-sha256"},"mac":"6e8ed2619f0b30f00c20f9f01858368efbd0feae5811792d8b41a60c2d71d310"}}`);
- transfer example
const res = await{
- send
- multiSend
- queryBalance
- queryAllBalances
- queryTotalSupply
- querySupplyOf
- queryParams
- newStdTx
- queryAccount
- queryParams
- setWithdrawAddr
- withdrawRewards
- withdrawValidatorCommission
- fundCommunityPool
- queryParams
- queryValidatorOutstandingRewards
- queryValidatorCommission
- queryValidatorSlashes
- queryDelegationRewards
- queryDelegationTotalRewards
- queryDelegatorValidators
- queryDelegatorWithdrawAddress
- queryCommunityPool
- queryProposal
- queryProposals
- queryVote
- queryVotes
- queryDeposit
- queryDeposits
- queryTally
- submitParameterChangeProposal
- submitPlainTextProposal
- submitCommunityTaxUsageProposal
- deposit
- vote
- add
- recover
- import
- importPrivateKey
- export
- delete
- show
- issueDenom
- mintNft
- editNft
- transferNft
- burnNft
- querySupply
- queryOwner
- queryCollection
- queryDenom
- queryDenoms
- queryNFT
- queryParams
- querySigningInfo
- unjail
- delegate
- undelegate
- redelegate
- queryDelegation
- queryDelegations
- queryUnbondingDelegation
- queryDelegatorUnbondingDelegations
- queryRedelegation
- queryDelegatorValidators
- queryDelegatorValidator
- queryHistoricalInfo
- queryValidatorDelegations
- queryValidatorUnbondingDelegations
- queryValidator
- queryValidators
- queryPool
- queryParams
- appendZero
- createValidator
- queryBlock
- queryBlockResult
- queryTx
- queryValidators
- searchTxs
- queryNetInfo
- issueToken
- editToken
- mintToken
- transferTokenOwner
- queryTokens
- queryToken
- queryFees
- queryParameters
- buildTx
- newStdTxFromProtoTxModel
- buildAndSend
- broadcast
- sign
- sign_signDoc
- broadcastTxAsync
- broadcastTxSync
- broadcastTxCommit
- broadcastTx
- newTxResult
- createMsg
- deserializeTx
- unpackMsg
- deserializeSignDoc
- deserializeTxRaw
- deserializeSigningInfo
- deserializePubkey