Chunklate checks png images for file format corruption and fix them .
Chunklate's aim is to be able to provide those features:
- Get all informations it could find from a png file
- Repair Magic Header and Footer
- Repair wrong chunk length
- Repair wrong chunk name
- Repair wrong chunk crc
- Repair wrong image size
- Repair line feed conversion
- Smart crc fixer based on errors found
- Save each modifications in a different file
- Provide a summary of all modifications
- User friendly human readability
- Bruteforce corrupted data chunk
- Repair missplaced chunks (Just IHDR for now)
- Replace critical missing chunk
usage: [-h] [-f FILE] [-c] [-p] [-d] [-dp] [-ep] [-sp] [-stfu] [-a]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE File path.
-c, --clear Clear screen at each saves.
-p, --pause Pause at each saves.
-d, --debug Debug stuffs.
-dp, --pause-debug Pause at Debug stuffs.
-ep, --pause-error Pause at errors.
-sp, --pause-dialogue Pause at dialogues.
-stfu, --shut-the-fuck-up Show minimal output.
-a, --auto Auto Choose action.