Register Screen | Login Screen | Activity Screen |
History Screen | Leaderboard Screen |
git clone
npm install or yarn install for installing all the dependencies
start your emulator or connect your physical device then start npm run android/ios(depending on your device)
- React Native
- React Navigation Page hierarchy
- Firebase Authebtication User authentication
- Firebase Realtime Database User's activity database for historical data and leaderboard
- React Native Maps Activity tracking, realtime location.
- React Native Community Geolocation Activity tracking, realtime location.
- Axios Data fetch
- Formik User registery
- Yup User registery validation
- React Native Chart Kit Bar graph visualization of activity
- React Native View Shot Taking picture of a "View" to share
- Open Weather Map API
- React Native Share
- React Native Element Timer
- React Native Splash Screen
- React Native Vector Icons